Maurice Ravel was born in Ciboure, Basses-PyrÉnÉes, March 7th, 1875. Shortly after his birth, his family moved to Paris. Henri Ghis was his first piano-teacher, Charles-RenÉ his first teacher of composition. He took piano-lessons of Ricardo ViÑÈs, and in 1891 was awarded a "premiÈre mÉdaille" in piano-playing at the Conservatoire. In 1897 Ravel entered the class of FaurÉ. In 1898, his "Sites auriculaires" were publicly performed. In 1901 he failed for the first time to gain the Prix de Rome. His quartet was performed in 1904. In 1903 he failed for the fourth time to gain the Prix de Rome. "Histoires naturelles" were performed in 1907, the "Rapsodie espagnole" in 1908. "L'Heure espagnole" was given at the OpÉra Comique in 1911. "Daphnis et ChloÉ" was performed by the Russian Ballet in 1912. During the war Ravel served as ambulance driver. He was wounded while serving before Verdun, and dismissed from service. He is living at present in Paris. The dates of composition of his principal works are: "Miroirs," 1905; "Sonatine," 1905; "Gaspard de la Nuit," 1908; "Valses nobles et sentimentales," 1911; "Ma MÈre l'Oye," 1908; "Histoires naturelles," 1906; "Cinq MÉlodies populaires grecques," 1907; "Trois PoÈmes de MallarmÉ," 1913; "Quatuor À cordes," 1902-03; "Introduction et AllÉgro pour harpe," 1906; "Rapsodie espagnole," 1907; "Daphnis et ChloÉ," 1906-11; "L'Heure espagnole," 1907; "Le Tombeau de Couperin," 1914-17. |