SECOND SECTION. Influences which served to hinder to a greater THIRD SECTION. Relation of the Physician to Diseases consequent INDEX OF GREEK AND LATIN WORDS EXPLAINED IN THE TEXT, AND OF THE SUBJECTS DISCUSSED IN BOTH VOLUMES Obvious typographical errors have been silently corrected. Variations in hyphenation, accents, spelling and punctuation remain unchanged. Anchors for footnotes 373, 379, 383, 391, 392, 394, 404, and 406 were missing and have been added in appropriate places. The images in Arabic are of poor quality so the transcriptions should be treated with caution. The book contains several blank pages and long and multi page footnotes hence there are gaps in, and variable spacing of, page numbers. Many index entries refer directly to multi-page footnotes, where this is clearly the case, the index link directs to the footnote. The use of parentheses, especially in the footnotes, is rather wayward and they have been paired wherever possible. |