h@38452-h-8.htm.html#Page_310" class="pginternal">310 Brompton, Richard, portrait-painter, 489 Browne, Lancelot, 132 Broxom, 79 Brussels, French enter, 212 Bubb, see Dodington, George Bubb Buchan, Lord, 39 Buckhurst, 305 Buckingham, the representation of, 133; dispute over the Assizes at, 271-5, 289 Buckingham, Duke of, see Grenville, Richard Temple, Earl Temple Burchett, Will., 28, 29 Burdett, 261, 262 Burke, Edmund, 21, 133 Burleigh, Lord, 427 Burton-Pynsent, 124, 125, 307 Bute, Earl of, 21, 87, 116, 121, 122, 125, 126, 138, 292, 296, 386, 387, 410, 441, 454, 458, 465, 483, 484 Bute, Lady, 126 Butler, 'the Reminiscent,' 359, 364, 491, 493 Byng, Admiral, 450-2, 507 'Cabinets, History of,' see Torrens, W.T. McC. Cadogan, Charles, 2nd Baron, 452 Calcraft, John, letter to Digby, 359 Camden, Earl of, see Pratt, Sir Charles Camelford, Lord, see Pitt, Thomas, 1st Baron Camelford 'Camelford MSS.' referred to, 85, 256, 412, 490 Campbell, Hume, 430, 432, 434, 435, 439, 493, 494 Canning, George, 160 Canons, Palace of, 257
@38452-h-3.htm.html#Page_133" class="pginternal">133, 254, 370; member of the Council of Regency, 367, 370; Newcastle's choice between Fox and Pitt, 388; stipulations for promotions of friends, 390; position on Provisioning Bill, 394; as leader of the House, 330, 335, 402, 410, 415, 417-20; opposes Bill for war prizes, 423; his challenge accepted, 428; vetoes an appointment, 430; defends Hume Campbell, 434; no voice in Treasury appointment, 439; questions of dictatorship, 445; parliamentary intrigues and position, 458-67; mistakes concerning—rÉsumÉ of parliamentary life, 474-84; on Ann Pitt, 50; prospects of the Young Pretender, 244; George II.'s inclination to, 318, 341; gratified with Chatham, 218; opposed to Chatham, 268, 292, 294, 349, 350, 365, 407, 416-20, 430, 436, 440, 445; visits Chatham, 326; placed over Chatham, 330; agreement with Chatham, 352; description of Chatham's outburst with Newcastle, 357; meets Chatham at Holland House, 370; sends apologies to Hardwicke, 341; hatred of Newcastle, 374, 389; and Newcastle's disgrace, 452, 453, 471, 472; rivalries referred to, 283; his enemies, 384; metaphors used by, 407; letters quoted, 343, 359, 364; Walpole on, 442 'France, Histoire de,' see Martin France, Wars of, 204, 205, 207, 209, 212, 131, 389 'Grenville Papers' referred to, 86, 131, 132, 134, 234, 277, 316, 319, 321, 327, 333, 465, 482 Grenville, George, opposed the war in Flanders, 223; the Buckingham Assizes, 272; speech on unrest with Spain, 167; offices held by:— Prime Minister, 130; Lord of the Treasury, 239, 486; Chancellor of the Exchequer, 346; Paymastership, 467; Secretaryship of State offered to, 138; congratulated by Pitt, 348; Bill re vessels captured before declaration of war, 423; position and reasons for his hatred of Pitt, 21, 131; opposition to Pitt, 268; letters from Pitt to, 141, 260, 276, 277, 455; Letters from Lyttelton to, 317, 327; visit to Bath, 328 Grenville, Henry, 133 Grenville, Lady, inherits Boconnoc, 24, 133 Grenville, Lady Hester, 410, 411; wife of Chatham, 53, 102, 352, 353, 356; letters of, and reference to, 99-102, 105, 110, 112-15, 124, 125, 311, 312; her character, 355; pension to, 124 Grenville, James, 133, 139, 311, 372, 467 Grenville, Richard Temple, afterwards Earl Temple, 81; resigned Privy Seal, 139; proposed as Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland, 331, 348; his companions in youth, 141; friendship with William Pitt, 130, 492; supports Pitt, 289; quarrel with Pitt, 407; reconciliation, 414; private secretary to Prince of Wales, 162; return to Parliament, 159; and standing army, 164; and Spanish War, 167-8; influence over Pulteney, 177; secret terms with Walpole, 177; policy concerning war in Flanders, 223-4; a Lord of the Treasury, 236, 237, 239; arranged coalition between forces of Stowe and Leicester House, 291; Cofferer, 346, 347; attempts reconciliation between Newcastle and Bedford, 412; Chancellor of the Exchequer, 412; his Budget, 440; War supplies, 446-8; Joint-Paymaster of the Forces, 455; character, 414; couplet, 158; works, 413; 'Memoirs and Correspondence of,' see Phillimore, R.J. Lyttelton, Molly, 74, 353 Lyttelton, Sir Richard, 111, 130, 327, 423, 467 473 Lyttelton, Sir Thomas, 16 Lyttelton, William, 306 Macaulay, 31, 214 Macclesfield, Lord, death of, 134 Madras, 11 Maestricht, siege of, 278 Magyars appealed to by Maria Theresa, 205 Mahon, Lady, 126 Maillebois, Marshal, 204 Mainz, Elector of, 286 'Malta, Knights of,' see Porter Mann, Sir Horace, 'Letters to Horace Walpole,' 50, 126, 138, 234, 253 Mansfield, Lord, see Murray, William, Earl of Marchmont, Earl of, Duchess of Marlborough's bequest to, 234 'Marchmont Papers' quoted, 155, 168, 180,
e_389" class="pginternal">389; councils of war, 397; and Hanoverian treaties, 409; attempted negotiations between Newcastle and French Ambassador, 399; loyalty of Commons to, 410; Pitt's suspicions of, 411; attempted reconciliation between Newcastle and Bedford, 412; his opinion of Lyttelton, 412; political unrest, 430, 441, 453-5, 458-70; re execution of Byng, 451, 452; deserted by his friends, 471-5; resignation, 485 'Newcastle MSS.,' 316, 328, 349, 351, 374, 474, 486 Newdigate, Sir Roger, 363 Newton, Bishop, 'Works' referred to, 176; metaphor of, 494 Niesse ceded to Frederick II., 206 Nivernois, M. de, 121 Noailles, 400 Norfolk, election expenses in, 143 Norfolk House, 162 North, Lord, 265 Northampton, 43, 60, 64, 65, 234 Nugent, Robert, Earl, 140, 272, 275, 363, 428 Nuthall, Thomas, 312 Okehampton, 5, 75 Oliver, Dr., 106, 113 Onslow, Rt. Hon. Arthur, Chatham's appeal to, 359 Orange, House of, returned to power, 212 Orford's 'George III.,' see Walpole, Horace Orleans, Regent of, 4 Orsini, 509 Orwell, portrait at, 353 Oswald, James, 292 Oswego, fall of, 457 Oudenarde, Battle of, George II. at, 194 Oxford, 10, 30, 31, 54, 119, 363 Pall Mall, 129 Samson of Battersea, nickname of Bolingbroke, 328 Sancho Panza, 191 Sandwich, Earl of, 279, 282 Sandys, Baron, 148 Sardinia, 203, 208; King of, 225, 258 Sarpedon, 181 Sarum, Old, 2, 4-6, 129, 270 Saunders, Sir Charles, 450 Savile, Sir George, 191 Savoy, House of, 208 Saxe, Marshal, marches against Austria, 209; successes in the Low Countries, 212 Saxons, as allies of Britain, 211 Saxony, entered by Frederick II., 210; Elector of, 206, 286, 289 Schwerin, Marshal, defeats Austrians at Molwitz, 203 Scrope, John, 187 Seaford, election of Chatham for, 270, 358 Sedgemoor, 187 Seine, River, 199 Selwyn, George, 109, 345, 390 Seward's 'Anecdotes' referred to, 55, 161, 172, 180, 501 Shelburne, Lord, thoughts on Thomas Pitt, 18; on the madness of the Pitts, 24; on Pitt's use of words, 501; on Richard Temple, 131; troop offered to, 160; on Pulteney's oratory, 176; 'Life of Shelburne,' see Fitzmaurice, Lord Shenstone, William, 306 Sheridan, R.B., 502 Shippen, William, 148 Siddons, Mrs., 500 Sidmouth, Lord, 489 Silesia, 209 Sinclair, Sir John, 7 Sion, 115, 116 'Skew,' a nickname, 58, 69 Smith, Horatio, 'Rejected Addresses' referred to, 23 Smollett, Tobias, 174 Soho, 6 Solomon, name given to Chatham, 21, 39, 43 Vale Royal, 14 ValliÈre, La, 192 Vauxhall, New, 304 Vere, Lady, 107 Vere, Lord, 107 Versailles, 109; Palace at, 192; replica of, in a Bavarian lake, 192; Treaty of, 401 Very, Count, 109 Vesey, Mr., 39 Vienna threatened by the French army, 205 Villiers, George, Duke of Buckingham, 26 Villiers, Harriot, marriage with Robert Pitt, 12, 26; mother of Lord Chatham, 12; her family, 15; returns to France, 15; correspondence with her son, 38-46; death of, 48 Villiers, Lord, 39-41 Voiture, 61 Voltaire's 'Candide' referred to, 451 Waddington, Richard, 'Louis XV. et le Renversement des Alliances' referred to, 401 Waldegrave, Lady Betty, 108, 109 Waldegrave, James, Earl, procures Pitt letters of introduction at Paris, 70; on the character of George II., 194, 195; on Sir Thomas Robinson, 345; negotiates for Fox to enter the Cabinet, 366-8; 'Correspondence' referred to, 359, 364 Waldegrave, John, Earl, 109 Waller, 224, 236; appointed Cofferer, 237 Walpole, Horace, 2nd Earl of Orford (son of Sir Robert Walpole), 283, 412 Walpole, Horace, 4th Earl of Orford (brother of Sir Robert Walpole), his kinship with Lord Hervey, 197; affection for Lord Camelford, 19; as a gossip, 352; on Thomas Pitt, 18; charge against Betty Pitt, 49; re Ann Pitt, 53, 54, 92, 116, 125-7; on Pitt's behaviour to his sisters, 50; on the Grenvilles, 133, 137, 139, 140; on George II., 193; on Pitt's speeches, 392, LONDON: STRANGEWAYS, PRINTERS.