And now we come by a process of exhaustion to the subject of this book. William Pitt, the elder statesman of that name, was born in London, in the parish of St. James's, November 15, 1708. It does not now seem possible to trace the house of his nativity, but it was probably in Pall Mall, where his father then or afterwards resided. We are limited to the information that his godfathers were 'Cousin Pitt' (probably George Pitt of Strathfieldsaye) and General Stewart, after the latter of whom he was named. General Stewart was the second husband of William's grandmother, Lady Grandison.[20] It may be well to recall here that William was the second son of Robert Pitt, the Governor's eldest son, and his wife, Harriot Villiers, fourth daughter of Catherine, Viscountess Grandison, and her husband the Hon. Edward Villiers Fitzgerald, who was descended from a brother of the first Villiers, Duke of Buckingham. Of his childhood we catch but occasional and remote glimpses. His grandfather, as we have seen, had early marked him. The shrewd old nabob had discerned the boy's possibilities, but seems also to have determined that his energies should not be relaxed by wealth. At any rate, the Governor refrained from any special sign of favour, and bequeathed the lad only an annuity of 100l. a year. This was William's sole patrimony, for he seems to have received nothing from his father. He was sent to Eton, or, as William always spells it, 'Eaton,' at an early age; the exact period does not seem to be ascertainable. Here he had notable contemporaries: Henry Fox, George Lyttelton, Charles Pratt, Hanbury Williams, and Fielding. 'Thee,' said this last, addressing Learning, 'in the favourite fields, where the limpid gently rolling Thames washes thy Etonian banks, in early youth I have worshipped. To thee, at thy birchen altar, with true Spartan devotion I have sacrificed my blood.'[21] Pitt could have echoed his schoolfellow's apostrophe if the not improbable legend be true that he underwent an unusually severe flogging for having been caught out of bounds. But even without this, his experiences were no doubt poignant enough; for, though the son of a wealthy father, he was placed on the foundation, and the Eton of those days afforded to its King's Scholars no lap of luxury. The horrors and hardships of Long Chamber, the immense dormitory of these lads, have come down to us in a whisper of awful tradition, and it is therefore no matter for surprise, though it is for regret, that William did not share the passionate devotion of most Etonians for their illustrious college. He is credited indeed with saying that he had scarcely ever observed a boy who was not cowed for life at Eton[22]: a sweeping condemnation which sounds strange in these days, but which is easily explained by the misery that he, as a sickly boy, may well have undergone in that petty LacedÆmon. For his health deprived him of all the pleasures of his age, as he was already a martyr to gout. That hereditary malady which cut him off from the sports of the school impelled him to study, and so served his career. Mr. Thackeray, who wrote his biography in quarto and who may be discriminated without difficulty from the genius of that name, deposes vaguely that 'Dr. Bland, at that time the headmaster of Eton, is said to have highly valued the attainments of his pupil.' We rest more securely on a letter of his Eton tutor, Mr. Burchett, of which the last sentence need only be quoted here, as it is all that relates to William. Mr. Burchett to Mr. Pitt. Yr younger Son has made a great Progress since his coming hither, indeed I never was concern'd with a young Gentleman of so good Abilities, & at the same time of so good a disposition, and there is no question to be made but he will answer all yr Hopes. I am, Sr, Yr most Obedient & most Humble Servant, Will. Burchett.[23] This reference under the hand of an Eton tutor is exuberant enough. But no doubt rests on Pitt's school reputation. It survived even to the time of Shelburne, who speaks of him as distinguished at Eton. Lyttelton wrote of him while still there: 'This (good-humour) to Pitt's genius adds a brighter grace;'[24] a remarkable tribute from one Eton boy to another. More striking still is the tradition preserved by an unfriendly witness, William's nephew, Camelford. 'The surprising Genius of Lord Chatham,' he writes, 'distinguished him as early as at Eaton School, where he and his friend Lord Lyttelton in different ways were looked up to as prodigies.' School prodigies rarely mellow into remarkable men; though remarkable men are often credited, when their reputation is secure, with having been school prodigies. But the contemporary letter of Burchett and the reluctant testimony of Camelford admit of no doubts. Most significant, perhaps, of all is the preservation of the flotsam of school life, a couple of school bills, the tutor's letter, another from the boy himself. This last, which took eleven days in transmission, is here given. The bills have been already published by Sir Henry Lyte in his History of Eton. William Pitt to his Father. Eaton, Septembr ye 29th. Honed Sr,—I write this to pay my duty to you, and to lett you know that I am well, I hope you and my mama have found a great benefit from the Bath, and it would be a very great satisfaction to me, to hear how you do, I was in hopes of an answer to my last letter, to have heard how you both did, and I should direct my letters, to you; for not knowing how to direct my letters, has hindered me writing to you. my time has been pretty much taken up for this three weeks, in my trying for to gett into the fiveth form, And I am now removed into it; pray my duty to my mama and service to my uncle and aunt Stuart if now att the Bath. I am with great respect, Honed Sr, Your most dutiful Son, W. Pitt.[25]
This is the whole record extant of William's Eton life; to so many lads the happiest period of their existence, but not to him. An invalid, and so disabled for games, a recluse, perhaps a victim, he had no pleasant memories of Eton. But there, in all probability, he laid the foundations of character and intellect on which his fame was to be reared. It is not usually profitable to imagine pictures of the past, but it may not be amiss to evoke, in passing, the shadow of the lean, saturnine boy as he limped by the Thames, shaping a career, or pondering on life and destiny, dreaming of greatness where so many have dreamed, while he watched, half enviously, half scornfully, the sports in which he might not join. He is not the first, and will not be the last, to find his school a salutary school of adversity. He looked back to it with no gratitude. But Eton claims him for her own; and long generations of reluctant students have whiled away the reputed hours of learning or examination by gazing at his bust in Upper School, and dreamily conjecturing why so great a glamour still hangs about his name. With these few remnants and this vague surmise ends all that is, or will probably ever be, known of William's childhood. Little enough if we compare it to the copious details furnished by modern autobiographers. But self-revelation was not the fashion of the eighteenth century, and childhood then furnished less to record. Boys were in the background, repressing their emotions, and inured to a rugged discipline which, though odious to the sympathetic delicacy of modern civilisation, produced the men who made the Empire. From Eton, Pitt proceeded to Oxford, where he was admitted a Gentleman Commoner at Trinity College on January 10th, 1726 (o.s.), guided thither, probably, by the fact that his uncle, Lord Stanhope, had been a member of that society. There are indications that at this time he was destined, like a great minister of a recent day, for the Church, but the gout attacked him with such violence as to compel him to leave the University without taking his degree. We have, however, an indirect proof of the reputation which he brought to Oxford in a letter from a Mr. Stockwell, who, although he had determined to give up tuition, consents to take William as his pupil, partly as a 'Salsbury man,' and so owing respect to the Pitt family; partly because of 'the character I hear of Mr. Pitt on all hands.' William's only public achievement at Oxford was a copy of Latin verses which he published on the death of George I. They are artificial and uncandid, as is the nature of such compositions, and have been justly ridiculed by Lord Macaulay. But the performance is at least an early mark of ambition. If this be all, and it is all, that we know of this period of William's life, it seems worth while to print the two letters written by Mr. Stockwell to Robert Pitt, the more as they throw some light on bygone Oxford, a topic of evergreen interest. Mr. I. Stockwell to Robert Pitt. Honed Sr,—I had long since determin'd, not to engage any more in a Trust of so much consequence, as the Care of a young Gentleman of Fortune is, & have in fact refus'd many offers of that sort: but the great Regard, that every Salsbury-Man must have for your Family, and the Character I hear of Mr Pitt from All Hands, put it out of my Power to decline a Proposal of so much Credit & Advantage to Myself & the College. I heartily wish your Business and Health would have allow'd you to have seen him settled here, because I flatter Myself, that you would have left Him in Our Society with some Degree of Satisfaction; as That can't be hop'd for, You will assure Yourself that everything shall be done with the exactest Care and Fidelity. I have secur'd a very good Room for Mr Pitt, which is just now left by a Gentleman of Great Fortune, who is gone to the Temple. Tis thoroughly furnish't & with All necessarys, but perhaps may require some little Additional Expence for Ornament or Change of Furniture. The method of paying for the Goods of any Room in the University is, that Every Person leaving the College receives of his Successor Two Thirds of what He has expended. On this foot the Mony to be paid by Mr Pitt to the Gentleman who possess't the Room last, is 43l, Two thirds of which, as likewise of whatever Addition He shall please to make to the Furniture, He is to receive again of the Person, who succeeds Him. Tis usual for Young Gentlemen of Figure to have a small quantity of Table-Linnen, & sometimes some particular peices of plate, for the reception of Any Friend in their Rooms, but everything of that sort for Common & Publick Uses is provided by the College. If you please to send me the Servitor's Name, I will immediately procure His admission into the College, & show Him all the Kindness in my Power, but as to His attendance on Mr Pitt it is not now usual in the University, nor, as I apprehend, can be of any Service. Tis much more Customary & Creditable to a Gentleman of Family to be attended by a Footman—But this I barely mention. The other Expences of Mr Pitt's Admission will be in the following Articles: aution Mony (to be return'd again) | 10 | 0 | 0 | Benefaction to the College | 10 | 0 | 0 | For Admission to the Fellow's Common Room | 2 | 0 | 0 | Fee for the Use of the College Plate, &c. | 2 | 0 | 0 | College Servts Fees | 1 | 15 | 0 | University Fees | 0 | 16 | 0 |
I have stated Mr Pitt's Benefaction at Ten Pounds, because that is what we require & receive of every Gentleman-Commoner, & of very many Commoners; but I know Sr that you will excuse me for mentioning, that several Young Gentlemen of Mr Pitt's Gown have besides made the College a Present of a Peice of Plate of 10, or 12l. I am thus particular only in Obedience to Your Orders. I believe Sr if You please to remit a Bill of An Hundred Pounds, it will answer the whole expence of Mr. Pitt's settlement here and I shall have the Honour to send you a particular Account of the disposal of it. As I am debarr'd the Pleasure of waiting on You by a little Office, that Confines me to the College in Termtime, I shall take it a very great Favour, if you please to let me know at what time I may hope to see Mr Pitt here. I beg my Humble Duty to Your Good Lady, & my Humble Service & Respects to Mr Pitt, and am with the highest Respect Sr Yr most Oblig'd & Obedient Servt Ios. Stockwell.[26] Mr. Stockwell to Robert Pitt, 'at Swallowfield near Reading, Berks.' Trin: Coll: Oxon: Decr 22. 1726. Honrd Sr,—Upon receiving the favour of Yours & finding that it was your Intention that Mr Pitt should keep a Servant, I have made choice of Another Room much more Convenient for that Purpose, as it supply's a Lodging for His Footman. I have employ'd some Workmen in it to make some necessary alterations; but the whole expence will not amount to the Charge of the Chamber, I had mention'd to you before. As I am not willing, Mr Pitt should be put to the distress of lying One Night in an Inn, I will take Care, it shall be fit for his Reception by New Years Day, & I am sure He will like it very well. I proposed so large a Sum, because I had not mention'd the Articles of Gown, Cap Bands, Tea-Furniture, & some other little Ornaments & Conveniences that young Gentlemen don't care to be without. You will be pleas'd to mention, in what degree of mourning[27] His Gown must be made; & I will send you an exact Account of the whole expence. There is no need of remitting any Mony, till He comes. If You are willing to recommend the Servitor You spoke of, who may live here at a very easy rate (I believe very well for 15l p. Ann) I have bespoke a place for him, & He may be admitted when you please. I beg My Humble Duty to Your Good Lady, & my Humble Service & Respects to Your Good Family, & am Sr Yr most Obliged & Obedient Servt Ios. Stockwell.[28] Fortunately, too, a few of William's Oxford letters have also been preserved. The first apologetically continues Stockwell's tale of preliminary expenses, and endeavours to deprecate Robert Pitt's economical wrath. William Pitt to his Father, in Pall Mall. Trin: Coll: Janry Ye 20th 1726/7. Honed Sr—After such delay, though not owing to any negligence on my Part, I am ashamed to send you ye following accompt, without first making great apologies for not executing ye Commands sooner. Matriculation Fees | 0 | 16 | 6 | Caution money | 10 | 0 | 0 | Benefaction | 10 | 0 | 0 | Utensils of ye Coll | 2 | 0 | 0 | Common Room | 2 | 0 | 0 | Coll: Servts Fees | 1 | 15 | 0 | Paddesway[29] Gown | 8 | 5 | 0 | Cap | 0 | 7 | 0 | Tea Table, China ware, bands &c. | 6 | 5 | 0 | Glasses | 0 | 11 | 0 | Thirds of Chamber & Furniture | 41 | 7 | 8 | Teaspoons | 1 | 7 | 6 | | ———— | Summe total | 84 | 14 | 8 | | ———— | Balance pd me by Mr Stockwell | 15 | 05 | 4 | I have too much reason to fear you may think some of these articles too extravagant, as they really are, but all I have to say for it is humbly to beg you would not attribute it to my extravagance, but to ye custom of this Place; where we pay for most things too at a high rate. I must again repeat my wishes for yr health, hoping you have not been prevented by so painfull a delay as ye gout from pursuing yr intended journey to Town I must beg leave to subjoin my Duty to my Mother & love to my Sistrs and am with all Possible respect Sr Yr most dutyfull Son Wm. Pitt.[30] The next is written after an evident explosion of that wrath. In the Pitt family, even more than in others, father and son viewed filial expenditure from opposite points of view. It is painful, then, but not surprising to find that Robert should have regarded William's washing bill as beyond the dreams of luxury. William Pitt to his Father, 'in Pall Mall.' Trin: Coll: April ye 29th. Honed Sr,—I recd yrs of ye 25th in which I find with ye utmost concern ye dissatisfaction you express at my expences. To pretend to justify, or defend myself in this case would be, I fear, with reason thought impertinent; tis sufficient to convince me of the extravagance of my expences, that they have met with yr disapprobation, but might I have leave to instance an Article or two, perhaps you may not think 'em so wild and boundless, as with all imaginable uneasiness, I see you do at present. Washing 2l. 1s. 0d., about 3s. 6d. per wk, of which money half a dozen shirts at 4d. each comes to 2s. per wk, shoes and stockings 19s. 0d. Three pairs of Shoes at 5s. each, two pair of Stockings, one silk, one worcestead, are all that make up this Article, but be it as it will, since, Sr, you judge my expence too great, I must endeavour for ye future to lessen it, & shall be contented with whatever you please to allow me. one considerable article is a servant, an expence which many are not at, and which I shall be glad to spare, if you think it fitt, in hopes to convince you I desire nothing superfluous; as I have reason to think you will not deny me what is necessary. As you have been pleased to give me leave I shall draw upon you for 25li as soon as I have occasion. I beg my duty to my Mother & am with all possible respect Honed Sr, yr most Dutifull Son W. Pitt. The third is mysterious enough to us, but it expresses gratitude for some marks of kindness, whether to the writer or not, cannot now be known. It is difficult to imagine that Robert should have extended his beneficence to any one at Trinity but William, and yet it is not easy to depict the gratitude of a College for a favour done to one of their undergraduates by his father. In any case there remains no longer any trace of such benefaction at Trinity. The inevitable financial statement in which the bookseller's bill figures handsomely, not far behind the tailor's, is tactfully kept separate in a postscript. It is, however, well to know that this letter, the last in all probability that William wrote to his father, who died six weeks afterwards, is one of as much affection as the fashion of that day permitted. William Pitt to his Father. Trin: Coll: April ye 10th 1727. Honed Sr,—I hope you gott well to London yesterday as I did to this place, though too late to trouble you with a letter that Evening. I can not say how full of acknowledgements every one amongst us is for ye favr you confer'd upon one of their society. One could almost imagine by ye good wishes I hear express't toward you from all hands, you were rather a publick benefactor to ye College, than a Patron to any one member of it. I mention this because I believe it will not be unacceptable to you to hear yr favrs are gratefully recd. I hope my Mother is well, to whom I beg my Duty: & am with all possible respect, Sr, Yr most dutifull son, Wm. Pitt. Sr,—Finding ye quarter just up I send you ye following accompt commencing Janry ye 9th to ye 9th of this month. Battels | 15 | 0 | 0 | Paid Lambert bd Wages | 4 | 4 | 0 | Three months learning french & entrance | 2 | 2 | 0 | For a course of experimental Philosophy | 2 | 2 | 0 | For coat & breeches & making | 5 | 18 | 0 | Booksellers bill | 5 | 0 | 0 | Cambrick for ruffles | 1 | 4 | 0 | Shoes, stockings | 1 | 19 | 0 | Candles, coal, fagots | 3 | 10 | 0 | Pockett money, Gloves, Powder, Tea, &c. | 4 | 4 | 0 | For washing | 2 | 2 | 0 | | ————— | | 47 | 5 | 0 | Remains | 9 | 15 | 0[31] |
Robert Pitt died in Paris, May 20, 1727, and the next letter is addressed to his widow at Bath. The eldest son, Thomas, already, it would appear, had played William false, and caused a coolness with the mother by not delivering a letter. William Pitt to his Mother. Oxford July ye 10th 1727. Honed Madm,—Tis with no small impatience I have waited for ye pleasure of hearing from you, but as that is denied me, I take this opportunity of repeating my Duty and enquiries after yr health. I wrote to you by return of ye coach, enclos'd to my Brother, to be forwarded by him, from whom I have also received no answer, which makes me imagine you may not have less reason to be angry with me for not paying my Duty to you, than I have to be sorry at not having ye pleasure to hear from you, I mean my letter has not come into yr hands. I send this by ye Post from hence, which I hope will find better luck, it will be a sensible pleasure to me to hear ye waters agree with you: for wch reason out of kindness to me, as also in regard to yr own quiet (lest I should trouble you every other post with an importuning epistle) be so good as to give ye satisfaction of hearing you are well; I am with all respect, Yr most Dutifull Son, Wm. Pitt. The following letter would seem to indicate that William was spending the Long Vacation at Oxford, while his mother as usual was spending hers at Bath. He appears to hint disapproval of an acquaintance she wished him to make, reversing the usual position of parent and son on such matters. There is again reproachful allusion to his brother; there are few indeed in any other tone throughout William's correspondence. William Pitt to his Mother, 'at Bath.' Oxon Septr ye 17th 1727. Honed Madm,—I rec'd ye favour of yrs by Mr Mayo and have waited on Mr Vesey as you order'd, with whom, had you not recommended him to me upon ye knowledge you have of his family, I should not have sought an acquaintance. I hope you will lett me hear soon yr intentions. If I am not to be happy in seeing you hear, ye certainty of it can not be more uneasy than the apprehension; if I am, I shall gain so much happiness, by ye foreknowledge of it. What part of ye world my Brother is in or when he will be in Town, I know not. I hope to hear from him between this and ye Coronation. The only consideration yt can make me give up quietly ye pleasure I promis'd myself in seeing you here, is yt you are employ'd in a more important care to yrself and Family, ye preservation of yr health. I have only to add my Love to my Sister and am with all respect, Yr most dutifull son Wm. Pitt. The gout, we have seen, drove William prematurely from Oxford, after a little more than a year of residence. Thence he proceeded to Utrecht, where it was then not unusual for young Englishmen and Scotsmen to complete their education. Here we find him in 1728 with his cousin Lord Villiers and Lord Buchan, father of the grotesque egotist of that name and of Henry and Thomas Erskine. Pitt writes in 1766 that Buchan was his intimate friend from the period that they were students together at Utrecht, and, when in office, he showed kindness on that ground to Lord Cardross, Buchan's eldest son, the egotist himself. Of this period some few letters to his mother survive, dutiful yet playful. The first letter is of the formal kind then general between sons and parents, mentioning his cousin Lord Villiers, for whom he puts in a good word, not unnecessarily, as we shall see presently. William Pitt to his Mother. Utrecht, Febry ye 6th N.S. 1728. Honed Madm,—I have ye pleasure to repeat my assurances of affection & duty to you, together with my wishes for yr health: I shall take all opportunities for paying my respects to you, I hope you will now and then favr me wth a line or two, especially since you have so good a Scribe as Miss Ann to ease you of ye trouble of writing yrself. My Ld Villiers begs his Compliments may be acceptable to you, at ye same time I should not do my Ld justice if I omitted saying something in his just praise, but as I can not say enough, I forbear to say more. My Love to my Sistrs & Compliments where due. I am with all respt Your dutiful Son Wm. Pitt. The next seems to denote a reluctant intention of returning to England to pay his family a visit. William Pitt to his Mother. Utrecht Febry ye 13th 1728. Honed Madm,—I hope I need not assure you yr letter gave me a very sensible pleasure in informing me of yr better health; I wish I may any way be able to contribute toward farther establishment of it by obeying a Command which tallies so well with my own Inclinations though at ye same time be assured, nothing less than ye pleasure of seeing you should prevail upon me to repeat so much sickness & difficulty as I met with Coming over to Holland. I believe I shall not fail in my respects to you, as often as occasion permits, though I fear my letters are hardly worth postage: unless to one who I flatter myself believes me to be hr most Dutifull Son Wm. Pitt. P.S. my Love to all ye Family. The next letter again pleads on behalf of my Lord Villiers, for whose excess of vivacity William feels obvious sympathy. He mentions, too, and characterises with a sure touch, his old Eton friend Lyttelton, who has fallen in love with Harriot Pitt, as he was afterwards to fall in love with Ann. Lyttelton was apparently determined that the Lytteltons and Pitts should be matrimonially connected as closely as possible, for two months afterwards we find him exclaiming in a letter to his father: 'Would to God Mr. (William) Pitt had a fortune equal to his brother's, that he might make a present of it to my pretty little Molly! But unhappily they have neither of them any portion but an uncommon share of merit, which the world will not think them much the richer for.'[32] As Thomas had just married Christian Lyttelton, it is clear that the writer meditated a triple alliance as the end to be aimed at. The peerage books tell us that this pretty little Molly died unmarried. William Pitt to his Mother, 'in Pallmall, London.' Utrecht Feb: ye 29th Honed Madm,—The return of my Ld Villiers into England gives me an opportunity of assuring you of my respect & wishes for yr health; I can not omitt any occasion of shewing how sensible I am of yr affection, but must own I could have wish'd any other than this by which I am depriv'd of my Ld Villier's Company, he is recall'd perhaps deservedly: if a little Indiscretion arising from too much vivacity be a fault, my Ld is undeniably blameable; but I doubt not but my Ld Grandison himself will find more to be pleas'd with in ye one than to correct in ye other respect. I have received so many Civilities from Mr Waddel, who does me ye honr to be ye bearer of this, yt I should not do him justice to omitt letting you know how much I am obliged to him. I hope ye Family is well: Lyttelton prevented you in ye account of his own Madness. Sure there never was so much fine sense & Extravagance of Passion jumbled together in any one Man. Send him over to Holland: perhaps living in a republick may inspire him with a love of liberty & make him scorn his Chains. My love to all, who (a second time) I hope are well: & believe me with all respect & affection Yr most Dutiful Son Wm. Pitt. The third contains, perhaps, the only token of kindness between the two brothers which survives. It also alludes to Lyttelton's passion for Harriot. William Pitt to his Mother, 'in Pall Mall, London.' Utrecht April ye 8th N.S. 1728. Honed Madm,—Yr letters must always give me so much pleasure, yt I beg no consideration may induce you to deprive me of it. they can never fail being an entertainment to me when they give me an opportunity of hearing you are well. I can not omitt thanking you for ye enquiry you make about my supplies from my Brother: neither should I do him justice, if I did not assure you I receiv'd ye kindest letter in ye world from him: wherein he gives me ye offer of going where I think most for my improvement, and assures me nothing yt ye estate can afford shall be denied me for my advantage & education. I hope all ye family is well. Miss Anne's time is so taken up with dansing & Italien yt I despair of hearing from her. I should be glad to hear what conquests miss Harriot made at ye birthday. if I had not a letter from one of ye Three, I must think they have forgott me. I am in pain for poor Lyttelton: I wish there was leagues of sea between him & ye Charms of Miss Harriot. If he dies I shall sue her for ye murder of my Friend. This Place affords so little matter of entertainment, yt I shall only beg you to believe me with all respect, Honed Madm, Yr most Dutifull Son Wm. Pitt. My love & service to my Brother & Compliments to all ye Family. His stay at Utrecht was probably not protracted, as we find no more letters from thence. The next glimpse we have of him is in January 1730, at Boconnoc. He is now established at home, rather, perhaps, from economy than of his own free will, for he disrespectfully calls Boconnoc 'this cursed hiding-place;' living in Cornwall or at Swallowfield, near Reading, another of the family residences; or on military duty at 'North'ton,' evidently Northampton, which William, however, abbreviates differently in later letters. When we consider the elaborate style and formulas of the letters of this period there seems nothing so strange as the passion for abbreviation by apostrophe, such as 'do's' for 'does,' which seems to save neither time, trouble, nor space. In February 1731 he received a commission in the 1st Dragoon Guards, then under the command of Lord Pembroke, and we find him in country quarters at Northampton and elsewhere. In the autumn we find him once more at Boconnoc, whence he writes this more genial note to his mother. William Pitt to his Mother, at Bath. Bocconnock Octbr ye 17 1731. Dear Madam,—I am, after a long Confinement at Quarters, at present confined here, by disagreeable, dirty weather, which makes us all prisoners in this little house. I knew nothing of your journey to Bath, when I came to Town, and was therefore disappointed of the pleasure of seeing you there. I see you have put a bill upon your door. Pray what do you intend to do with yourself this winter? I shou'd be mighty glad to know whether your affairs are near an Issue. I hope they will very soon leave you at Leisure to consult nothing but your health and Quiet. Be pleas'd to favour me with a Letter here, where I shall stay about a month longer; and give me the satisfaction of knowing how much you profit by the Waters. Believe me, Dear Madam, Your dutifull affect son Wm. Pitt. My service to the Col: and Mrs. Bouchier: I shall Be glad to hear he makes one at the Balls. In 1733 he set out on a foreign tour, of which we shall see more presently, and before leaving writes this note, which gives some ground for thinking that his brother helped him at least to meet the expenses of this voyage, as Lord Camelford thinks was actually the case. William Pitt to his Mother, 'in Bateman Street, near Piccadilly, London.' Boconnock jan: 19: 1732/3. Dear Madam,—I hope Miss Kitty who is now upon ye Road will get safe to You: I cant omit doing Justice To your goodness in making room for her, she no doubt wanting your care very much in the ill state she is in. I continue still here and shall not set out yet this month, haveing a design to go abroad then. It is however uncertain till I hear from my Brother after he gets to Town. Miss Harriot, by her letters, Is much recovered and I flatter myself your house will prove as lucky to Poor Kitty. I need not assure you of my wishes for your health and speedy deliverance from the Misery of Late: my Love to my Sisters and believe me Dear Madam Your most Dutifull Son Wm. Pitt. Miss Nanny gives her Duty to you. He visited Paris, and Geneva, BesanÇon (where he lost his heart for a time), Marseilles, and Montpelier, passing the winter at Luneville. From Paris he again writes to his mother this letter, of no significance except dutiful affection; and another from Geneva which gives a strong proof of filial obedience in giving his consent, though with strong and obvious reluctance, to one of the bills filed by his mother and Lord Grandison in reference to his father's succession. William Pitt to his Mother, 'in Bateman Street Near Piccadilly À Londres.' Paris May ye 1 1733. Dear Madam,—Though I have nothing to say to you yet of the Place I am arrived at, I cant help giving you a bare account of my being got safe to Paris: You are pleased to give me so much reason to Think you interest yourself in my welfare That I cou'd not acquit myself of my Duty In not giving you this mark of my respect and the sense I have of your goodness. I shall make my stay as short here as possible. let me have the pleasure of hearing some account of your health and situation: be pleased to direct to me Chez Monsieur Alexandre Banquier, dans la Rue St. Appoline pres de la Porte St. Denis, À Paris. I am Madam Yr most Dutifull Son Wm. Pitt.
William Pitt to his Mother, 'in Bateman Street Piccadilly London. Angleterre.' Geneva Sepr ye 17: N.S. 1733. Dear Madam—I have just recd ye favour of your letter of ye 7th august, with the answer to a bill of complaint of my Ld Grandison and your self: I cou'd wish you had pleased to have let me know in general that that bill is, for at present I have no Idea of it. You assure me, Madam the answer you wou'd have me make is a form, and can lead me into no farther consequences, by engageing me In Law, or disobligeing My Brother; neither of which I am persuaded you wou'd upon any consideration involve me in: upon these grounds I readily send you my consent to the answer proposed By Mr Martyn in your letter. I am sorry it did not come to my hands sooner, least my answer shou'd not be time enough; and that I shou'd, by that means, be any involuntary obstacle to your affairs which wou'd be a sensible concern to Dear Madam Yr most Dutyfull affece Son Wm. Pitt. I leave this Place shortly not knowing yet where I shall pass ye winter. In 1734 he was back in England, doing duty with his regiment at Newbury. It is unnecessary to speculate on the measure of success that William would have achieved in the army had he remained a soldier. That he had an early disposition to the career of arms seems probable, as his uncle, Lord Stanhope, a soldier himself, who died when William was twelve, used to call him 'the young Marshal.' It is useless to surmise; but had he not been so great an orator, one would be apt to imagine that his bent and talent lay in the direction of a military career. This at least is certain, that he sedulously employed his time, preserved from mess debauches and idle activity by his guardian demon the gout. He told Shelburne that during the time he was a cornet of horse, there was not a military book that he had not read through. This is a large statement, but denotes at least unstinted application. So his career as a subaltern, though abruptly cut short, was probably fruitful, and these studies must have been useful to the future war minister. To paraphrase Gibbon's pompous and comical phrase, the cornet of dragoons may not have been useless to the history-maker of the British Empire. For his destiny was to plan and not to conduct campaigns, and he was now to be caught in the jealous embrace of parliamentary politics.