st@g@html@files@24980@24980-h@24980-h-11.htm.html#Page_304" class="pginternal">304, 321, 322; treaty of Campo Formio (1797), 327, 365; appeals to England, 366; schemes for expansion in Italy, 371, 378; declares War against France (1799), 374; negotiations with England (1799), 383; her defeats at Marengo, 386, 387, See Francis II. Avignon, annexed by France, 220, 276. Aylesbury, county meeting at, 188. - Baillie, Dr., 554.
- Baird, Sir David, his expedition to the Cape, 532, 539.
- Bank of England, crisis in 1797, 304, 308, 309.
- Bankes, Sir Henry, 290, 428, 454, 520.
- Bantry Bay, expedition to, 277, 308, 346.
- BarÈre de Vieuzac, Bertrand, 83, 167.
- Barham, Lord (Sir Charles Middleton), Pitt visits him at Teston, 479;
- Baring, Sir Francis, on the Cape, 251.
- Barlow, Joel, 66, 70, 115, 172.
- Barnard, Lady Anne, her "South Africa a Century Ago," 254.
- Barras, Paul FranÇois Nicolas, Comte de, 263, 325, 328;
- promises help to Ireland, 348, 363.
- Barrington, Sir Jonah, 411, 412.
- BarthÉlemy, FranÇois, Marquis de, French envoy in Switzerland, 105, 217, 233, 236, 346.
- Basle, Treaties of (1795), 217, 233, 236, 237.
- Bassano, Duc de.See 16;
- his "Reflections," 19, 206, 377, 378.
- Charles IV, of Spain, appeals to France on behalf of Louis, 93;
- Charles X, 2.
- Charles Emmanuel IV, King of Sardinia (1796–8), his abdication, 373, 378.
- Charles Theodore, Elector of Bavaria, 122, 123.
- Charlotte, Queen, her relations with the King, 506, 507.
- Charmilly, de, delegate from Hayti, 220, 227, 229, 239.
- Chatham, John Pitt, Earl of, First Lord of the Admiralty, 68, 125, 145, 268;
- his incompetence, 137, 140, 215;
- made Lord Privy Seal, 216, 273, 299;
- borrows money of Pitt, 302, 303, 476;
- engaged in Holland, 382;
- Lord President, 440, 446;
- letter to Pitt on his resignation, 440;
- Master of the Ordnance, 501, 557.
- Chatham, William Pitt, 1st Lord, and Pitt compared, 320, 474, 490, 562, 565.
- Chatham, Lady, 68.
- Chatham, Dowager Lady, Pitt's mother, 299, 302, 476;
- Chaumont, Treaty of (1814), 523.
- Chauvelin, Marquis de, French Ambassador in London, 48, 84;
- his cold reception, 49, 50;
- account of, 59, 60;
- tries to stir up discontent, 69;
- interview with Grenville, 78, 79;
- piqued at Pitt's interview with Maret, 80, 82, 116, 117;
- refused official recognition, 426, 435, 436, 441, 443, 449;
- resigns, 440;
- Viceroy of India, 463;
- negotiates the Treaty of Amiens, 470, 477.
- Corporation Act, the, efforts to repeal, 10, 11.
- Corresponding Society for Reform of Parliamentary Representation, 21, 26, 65, 66, 167, 168, 184, 186–190, 193;
- monster meeting at Islington, 283, 286;
- supposed connection with the mutiny at the Nore, 316–318;
- becomes a revolutionary body, 349, 350;
- its papers seized, 351.
- Corsica, 143, 144, 150n., 155, 156, 158, 210, 228, 232, 233, 235, 244, 267;
- County Reform Associations, the, 23.
- "Courier," the, 67.
- Courtenay, John, M.P., 238.
- Couthon, Georges, 134, 135.
- Coutts, Thomas, 306n., 308n., 475–477.
- Cowper, W., his pension, 455n., 456.
- Craig, Major-General Sir James, in command at the Cape, 251–254;
- his expedition to Malta, 368, 524, 525;
- Mornington's opinion of, 461.
- CrancÉ, Dubois, 266.
- Craufurd, Major-General Robert, 510.
- Creevey, Thomas, 497, 521.
- Crossfield, Secretary of the London Corresponding Society, 107;
- English assurances to, 74, 114;
- plots of the "Patriots," 74, 75;
- appeals to England for help, 77;
- unprepared for war, 98, 107;
- France declares war on, 112;
- French conquest of, 213–216, 250;
- peace with Spain, 236;
- alliance with France (1795), 251, 261, 274;
- Anglo-Russian expedition to, 379–383;
- remodelled by Bonaparte, 470;
- proposal to offer it to Prussia, 552.
- East India Company, renewal of Charter, 165.
- Eaton, Daniel Isaac, prosecution of, 184.
- Eden, Eleanor, Pitt's relations with, 300–303, 465, 491;
- Eden, Morton, Ambassador at Vienna, 129, 161, 199, 200, 202–204, 235, 331, 380.
- Edge, Captain, 160.
- Edinburgh, Conventions of Friends of the People at, 174, 179, 180;
- Radical club at, 178;
- British Convention at, 181, 182.
- Egypt, Napoleon's expedition to, 255, 277n., 278, 327, 328, 368, 377;
- English expedition to, 387, 388;
- surrender of French garrisons in, 468;
- to be restored to the Sultan, 468.
- Ehrenthal, Swedish envoy at Madrid, 242.
- El Arish, Convention of, 387.
- Elba, evacuation of, 258, 275.
- Eldon, Lord (Sir John Scott), 34, 35, 499, 501, 506, 514.
- Eliot, Edward J., his death, 325.
- Elliot, Sir Gilbert.See 40;
- change of ministry, 45;
- declares war against Austria, 23, 46;
- first signs of friction with England, 50;
- the September massacres, 57, 59–62;
- addresses of English clubs to the Convention, 65,et seq.;
- trial of the King decreed, 74, 85;
- conquest of Belgium, 66, 69, 75, 83;
- the November decrees, 71, 72, 75, 76, 114;
- annexes Savoy, 72;
- her designs on Holland, 73–76, 80, 82;
- negotiations with England, 84, 95–99, 103–107;
- decree of 15th December, 90, 91;
- annexes Belgium, 111, 121;
- declares war on England and Holland, 112;
- evacuates the Netherlands, 126;
- the Convention declares Pitt the enemy of the human race, 134;
- revolts in the South and in Brittany, 143, 144;
- destruction of her navy at Toulon, 160, 161;
- the miracle of revolutionary finance, 196;
- passion for unity in, 197;
- successes in Belgium, 208–212;
- conquest of Holland, 213–216;
- treaty of Basle, 217, 223;
- action in the West Indies,see Chaps. IX and X;
- peace with Spain, 236, 237, 244, 257;
- alliance with Holland, 251, 274;
- supposed connection with the mutiny at the Nore, 316;
- negotiations at Lille, 323–325;
- coup d'État of Fructidor 18, 1797, 324;
- the Directory rejects Pitt's overtures for peace, 324–327, 336, 338;
- intrigues with Irish rebels, 345–228;
- negotiations with Spain, 233, 234, 243;
- opposed to negotiations for peace, 276, 322–326;
- introduces the Treasonable Practices Bill, 285;
- supports the Finance Bill (1797), 330;
- on Irish policy, 341, 342, 400, 403, 406;
- and the Catholic question, 432, 436, 437, 439n., 449, 519;
- resigns, 440;
- on Pitt's resignation, 445, 446;
- his relations with Pitt, 454, 469, 479, 480, 510, 511;
- on Pitt's scholarship, 458;
- opposed to peace (1801), 469;
- his plans for overthrowing Addington, 495, 496;
- alliance with Fox, 496;
- refuses to join Pitt's new ministry, 500–502;
- opposes Pitt, 502–504, 510, 517, 55, 557, 559.
- Grey, General Sir Charles (afterwards 1st Earl Grey), 225;
- letter from Pitt to, 381.
- Grey, Charles (afterwards 2nd Earl Grey), 23, 188, 191, 276, 516, 519;
- motions for Reform, 24, 316;
- opposes proclamation against seditious writings, 25;
- supports Fox, 89;
- on the Scottish prosecutions, 179;
- opposes the Act of Union, 427, 428.
- Griffith, Rev. John, of Manchester, 185.
- Guadeloupe, planters appeal to England for protection, 221;
- Guiana, abolition of Slave Trade in, 503.
- Guipuzcoa, province of, 233, 286, 497.
- Houchard, General, 140.
- Howe, Admiral Lord, his victory of the 1st of June, 192, 225, 269;
- quells the mutiny at Spithead, 310–314.
- Hugues, Victor, Republican leader in the West Indies, 239, 240, 248.
- Humbert, General, his expedition to Ireland, 362, 394, 395.
- Hutchinson, John Hely, General (afterwards Earl of Donoughmore), at the "Castlebar Races," 362;
- Hythe military canal, 512.
- Illuminati, the, 26.
- Income Tax, graduated, suggested, 20, 22, 307;
- India, 387, 388, 460–464, 565.
- India Bill, Pitt's (1784), 568.
- Ireland, Parliament refuses franchise to Catholics, 77;
- grave situation in, 278, 321, 333, 336;
- Hoche's expedition to, 304, 308;
- English loan to, 308, 347;
- the Rebellion of 1798, 330,and see Chaps.XVI, XVIII;
- Earl Fitzwilliam's Viceroyalty, 339–342;
- Maynooth founded, 343;
- feuds and disturbances, 344, 345;
- Camden's policy of coercion, 345–348, 352, 355, 391;
- financial straits, 347;
- Franco-Irish plots, 349–351, 354;
- resignation of Abercromby, 354;
- progress of the Rebellion, 355–364;
- French invasions, 362–364, 394, 395;
- the Union,see 524n., 537, 553, 559.
- Malouet, Baron Pierre Victor, his "MÉmoires," 92, 93;
- Malt, tax on, 30, 31, 450.
- Malta, Pitt's policy with regard to, 255, 277n., 327, 468–470, 478, 480, 565;
- Manchester, Nonconformists in, 11;
- political clubs founded, 12, 13, 17;
- disorder in, 62.
- "Manchester Constitutional Society," 12, 168, 169, 185.
- Mann, Admiral, 243.
- Mansfield, Lord, death of, 303.
- Marengo, battle of, 386, 387.
- Maret, Hugues Bernard (afterwards Duc de Bassano), in London, 79, 83, 94n., 101;
- interviews with Pitt, 79–82, 84;
- his letter to Miles, 105–107;
- his alleged mission to London, 108–112, 117;
- ordered to leave, 112;
- on Chauvelin, 115n.;
- one of the plenipotentiaries at Lille, 323.
- Margarot, Maurice, 177, 181;
- his trial and transportation, 182–184.
- Maria Carolina, Queen of Naples, 365, 368, 372, 108, 122n., 126n.;
- Chief of Staff to the Duke of York, 140, 220.
[153] "F. O.," France, 40, 41. [295] Curiously enough, Lord Cockburn paid no heed to this in his otherwise able examination of the case. [448] On 2nd December 1796, Thomas Coutts, Pitt's banker, wrote to him: "Mr. Dent, Mr. Hoare, Mr. Snow, Mr. Gosling, Mr. Drummond, and myself met today, and have each subscribed £50,000.... I shall leave town tomorrow, having staid solely to do any service in my power in forwarding this business, which I sincerely wish and hope may be the means of procuring peace on fair and honourable terms. P.S.—We have subscribed £10,000 in your name, and shall take care to make the payments" (Pitt MSS., 126). Mr. Abbot ("Lord Colchester's Diary," 76) states that fear of a compulsory contribution helped on the Loyalty Loan. [584] "Lord Colchester's Diaries," i, 224. [732] By Mr. Julian Corbett, "The Campaign of Trafalgar." Mr. Corbett has kindly helped me to fix the probable date of Castlereagh's letter.