Transcriber’s Notes. Text: - Minor obvious typographical errors (including punctuation) have been corrected silently.
- Footnotes have been moved to directly under the paragraph or table they belong to.
- Mid-dots (inconsistently used as decimal points) have been replaced with periods.
- Calculations and rounding of results have not been changed, except when they contained obvious errors (see below).
- Inconsistent spelling: this has not been changed, except as mentioned below (see “Changes made”). Inconsistencies that occur in the original work include variants such as vice/vise, colour/color, gray/grey, (center/centre, fiber/fibre, etc.) adze/adz, axe/ax, draft/draught, cotter/cottar, ...ise/...ize (crystallise/crystallize, equalize/equalise, etc.), mould/mold, intercepter/interceptor, mandrel/mandril, planimeter/planometer, l/ll inconsistencies (jeweller/jeweler, travelling/traveling, etc.), Beltiline/Beltilene, Stubb/Stub, and Swasey/Swayzey. The plural of V is sometimes written Vs, sometimes V’s.
- Inconsistent hyphenation has not been changed either, except as listed below under “Changes made”. Many compound words are variously spelled hyphenated, spaced or as a single word.
- Volume I, page 230: reference is made to dotted lines in figure, but it is not clear to which figure reference is made (none of the illustrations show dotted centre lines).
- Volume I, page 61: let the Fig. 166 be ...: part of sentence seems to be missing.
- Volume I, page 369: heading PART I. There does not appear to be a PART II (or further).
- Volume I, page 370, Fig. 1430: 995 and 598 should probably be .995 and .598.
- Page, chapter, plate and illustration numbering have been maintained as in the original work: all numbering is continuous, except page numbering, whih restarts for Volume II.
- Some symbols and characters used for this e-text may not display properly or not at all, depending on the browser used and its settings.
- The hyperlinks in the Tables of Contents and Register point to the start of the relevant page number rather than to the actual paragraph. This has been done because the original work is not always clear in where one subject ends and the next one starts.
- Some of the multiplications and long divisions have been re-arranged slightly for better readability. In some calculations lines have been added for clarity.
Tables: - Some tables have been re-arranged for better readability.
- Tables that were printed over more than one page in the original work have been treated as a single continuous table for this e-text. Repeated headings have been removed.
- Some tables are quite wide, and may require horizontal scrolling to view completely.
Illustrations: - Illustrations and plates are moved to where they fit best in the text, usually just before or after the paragraph in which they are mentioned or described first. Page numbers in the Lists of Plates have not been changed, the hyperlink links directly to the plate concerned.
- Some illustrations have been rotated 90° for better readability of texts or for easier viewing.
- Some plates are spread over two pages in the original work. These pages have been re-combined into a single illustration, but some of the technical detail depicted (especially in the centre of the illustration, where the two pages met) may have been lost in the process.
- In Volume II the numbering of illustrations is as expected up to Fig. 2705, after which follow Figs. 2824 through 3077, followed by Figs. 2706-2823, after which the numbering continues as expected. This has been maintained in this e-text.
- Similarly in Volume II, plates are numbered I-XII, followed by Plates XV-XVII, then XIII-XIV, followed by Plate XVIII et seq. This has not been changed either. The List of Plates for Volume II therefore contains incorrect page numbers, but the hyperlinks link to the proper plates.
- In several illustrations some of the hatching or background has been removed and/or letters have been enlarged for better visibility of the reference symbols.
- Where the small-scale illustrations are too small to see all details of an illustration, a hyperlink in the left-hand margin is provided to open a larger-scale version of that illustration.
- Not all illustrations are referenced in the text, and their purpose is therefore not always clear.
- Relations to “real size” mentioned in the illustrations are not valid in this e-text.
- Some illustrations and plates are quite wide, and may require horizontal scrolling to view completely.
- Fig. 707: Section though should be Section through.
- Fig. 912: letter C added to illustration.
- Fig. 3213-3215: In the original work, Figs. 3214 and 3215 are combined with Fig. 3213; these have been separated.
- Fig. 3216: detail cross-section enlarged separately.
- Fig. 1430: 995 and 598 should probably be .995 and .598.
- Figs. 3298-3302: Descriptions have been taken out of the illustration and are treated as text under the illustrations.
- Fig. 3328: the illustration is incomplete (the left- and right-hand sides are missing).
Changes made to original: Page | Original work | Changes made | Volume I | page xi | Machine 309 | Machine 300 | page 7 | under wear | undue wear | page 30 | Hindleys’ | Hindley’s | page 35, Fig. 102: o added, o' moved, lines added | page 37 | Fig. 106 | Fig. 109 | page 40 | (for 97 bears... | (for 96 bears... | page 47, table in fig. 135, row 16 teeth, 2nd last value | 191 | 119 | page 49 | 1/2 = 500 | 1/2 = .500 | page 67 | After very few blows | After every few blows | page 84 | cannot be maintained a close fit | cannot be maintained in a close fit | page 87, second reference to Fig. 258 | Fig. 258 | Fig. 259 | page 94, Fig. 288: triangle redrawn, original was too crooked | page 95 | apt to have a waver | apt to have a wave | page 95 | a single operation. | a single operation”. | page 95 | November,—December, 1886 | November-December, 1886 | page 96, Whitworth table, Hydraulic Piping, 1'' ID, row 2 | 13/8 | 15/8 | page 107, table | 512/16 | 513/16 | page 127 | .937/100 | 937/1000 | page 136 | in figure: | in Fig. 498: | page 142: reference to Fig. 588, which shows something else, therefore reference not linked to figure. | page 162, table, column 1, row ending in 0.00 | .05 4 | .0594 | page 162, table: column 2 moved to between columns 1 and 3 | page 162, table, column 33, row ending in 0.72 | 1.22 0 | 1.2200 | page 162, table, column 31, row ending in 0.96 | .8 94 | .8994 | page 186 | gibbs | gibs | page 234 | out if true | out of true | page 274 (table) | 1/6 | 1/8 | page 307 | Fig. 1029 | Fig. 1209 | page 312 | smoothes | smooths | page 321 | 66 ÷ 36 = 23/4 | 99 ÷ 36 = 23/4 | page 322 | as at J in Fig. 1241 | as at I in Fig. 1241 | page 335 | Fig. 1334 | Fig. 1324 | page 344 | Fig. 1532 | Fig. 1352 | page 356 | Lloyd’s | Lloyds’ (as elsewhere) | page 366 | if it is found possible | if it is found impossible | page 367 | will expend | will expand | page 369, Fig. 1429: decimal point added to 74 | page 370, Fig. 1430 | ” | '' (inches) | | x | × (for consistency) | page 371, Fig. 1431 | 74 | .74 | page 388 | reamless | seamless | page 388, table, row 2'' column 3 | 1/5 | 1/8 | page 404, Fig. 1560: S flipped over | page 406 | Fig. 1669 | Fig. 1569 | page 442 first table, row 11/16, column 2 | 81/4 | 91/4 | Volume II | page x | Mariotte’s law | Marriotte’s law (as in text; usual spelling is Mariotte) | page 7 table, row 25 teeth, column 3 | 12/0 | 12/20 | page 17 | a length of 3 inches | a length of 3 feet | page 53, Plate V, Fig. 2064 top | F | E | page 88 | Figs. 2211, 2212 and 2213 | Figs. 2210, 2211 and 2212 | page 132, footnote 33 | p. 162 | p. 68 | page 151 | Figs. 2405 and 2500 | Figs. 2495 and 2500 | page 154, first table, row Smooth metal surfaces, occasionally greased, second column | 4 to 11/2 | 4 to 41/2 (as in Bourne’s book, Rose’s source, at | page 208, table in illustration, row 7, column 5 | 9.32 | 9/32 | page 208, table in illustration | all fractions x-y | x/y | page 208, table in illustration | enlarged table added underneath illustration | page 224, second formula | 11. | .11 | page 243, Fig. 2962 | punche | punches | page 265, Fig. 2709 | B | C | page 311 | Ortow | Orton (as elsewhere) | page 319 | Fig. 3260 | Fig. 3160 | page 348 | 4' (feet) | 4'' (inches) | page 354, first formula | by 2 | 2 | page 354, formula resulting in 1162/3 lbs. | + | × | page 367 | found the required pitch to | found the required pitch to be | page 367 table row Total pressure 33, column 3 | 225.2 | 252.2 | page 367 table row Total pressure 44, column 6 | 595 | 585 | page 367 table row Total pressure 61, column 6 | 403 | 430 | page 401 | colters | cotters | page 407, first calculation | line added under 5 (third row) | page 471 | Marriott’s | Marriotte’s | page 476 | Tuyere | TuyÈre (as in text) | page 476 | Verneer | Vernier (as in text) | page 479 | featheredge | feather-edge (as in text) | page 480 | Gimblet | Gimlet (as in text) | | doghead | dog-head (as in text) | | Guideways | Guide-ways (as in text) | page 481 | Marriott’s | Marriotte’s | | rabbetting | rabetting (as in text) | | PiatÉ | Piat’s as in Table of Contents (word does not occur in text) | page 482 | featheredge | feather-edge (as in text) |