For Dinners, Luncheons, Suppers and Receptions. With a group of Odd Salads and some Ceylon Salads. A salad made from a succulent green vegetable and French dressing, should be seen on the dinner table in every well-regulated household three hundred and sixty-five times a year. These green vegetables contain the salts necessary to the well being of our blood; the oil is an easily-digested form of fatty matter; the lemon juice gives us sufficient acid; therefore simple salads are exceedingly wholesome. During the summer, the dinner salad may be composed of any well-cooked green vegetable, served with a French dressing; string beans, cauliflower, a mixture of peas, turnips, carrots and new beets, boiled radishes, cucumbers, tomatoes, uncooked cabbage, and cooked spinach. In the winter serve celery, lettuce, endive and chicory. New Edition: revised and rewritten, with the addition of much new matter 12mo, cloth, 75 cents net; by mail, 80 cents |