Drain fifty oysters. Boil the liquor, skim and strain, and stand aside until wanted. Take the white part from one root of celery, and slice it very fine. Chop sufficient parsley to make two tablespoonfuls. Put out on the board about a pint of stale bread crumbs; beat four eggs; add to them about four tablespoonfuls of oyster liquor. Now dip each oyster first in the egg and then into the crumbs. Arrange them neatly over the bottom of a baking dish, crowding them just a little; sprinkle over them salt, pepper, celery and parsley; then dip again and put over another layer of oysters; season, add celery and parsley, and so continue until the baking dish is full; having the last layer oysters. Cut a tablespoonful of butter into pieces, and put them over the top; pour a gill of the oyster liquor over the whole. Bake in quick oven twenty minutes. Serve smoking hot. |