- Adams, John Quincy, American president, xiii, 21, 76, 79, 90, 94, 251.
- Ahumada, Mexican governor, speech of, 208 f.
- Alaska, 248.
- Alliances, traditional policy of the United States concerning, 86.
- Altruism, ideal of, 244.
- Amazon, river, 46.
- America, services of, to the world's civilization, 169 f.
- American colony, the, at Mexico city, 177-181.
- American Institute of International Law, the, 291, 293.
- Andes, the, 27, 74, 101, 248.
- Apollonius Molon, Greek orator, anecdote of, 188.
- Arbitration, international, 170;
- practical difficulties in, 142 f.
- Argentina, 73-102, 235-238, 248, 249, 264, 272, 275.
- Arias, Ricardo, speech of, 145-148.
- Armenians, the, 26.
- Arthur, Chester Alan, American president, 252.
- Artigas, JosÉ, dictator of Uruguay (1811-1820), 64.
- Atheneum, the, at Montevideo, Uruguay, 65-71.
- Austria, 26, 257, 261.
- Bahia, Brazil, 48-54, 258.
- Bahia Blanca, 258.
- Banks, importance of, in securing South American trade, 255.
- Barbosa, Ruy, Brazilian senator, 32;
- Barrett, John, director of the Pan American Union, 153, 232.
- Barrios, Senator, speech of, 130 f.
- Batlle y OrdÓÑez, JosÉ, president of Uruguay, speech of, 60-63.
- Bayard, Thomas Francis, secretary of state, 21.
- Belgium, 248.
- Bismarck, Otto von, German statesman, 261.
- Blaine, James Gillespie, American statesman, 5, 21, 42, 91, 232, 252 f.
- Blancos, Uruguayan faction, 64, 65.
- Blending of races, effect of, 238.
- BolÍvar, SimÓn, Venezuelan general, 129, 154.
- Bolivia, 75, 248, 249, 272.
- Borglum, Gutzon, sculptor, 232.
- Brazil, 3-54, 166, 219, 239-244, 248, 249, 257, 264, 265, 275, 277.
- Bristow, Joseph Little, United States senator, 260.
- Buchanan, William Insco, American diplomat, 147, 214.
- Buenos Ayres, xiii, 73-102, 257, 258, 273.
- Buffalo Exposition, the, 172 f.
- Bureau of American Republics, establishment of the, 91.
- Byron, Lord, 236;
- characterization of Washington by, 134.
- Calero, Manuel, speech of, 168-174.
- Calhoun, John Caldwell, American statesman, 21, 251.
- Callao, 115, 258.
- Camargo, Theodomiro de, speech of, 35 f.
- Canada, 110 f., 257, 261, 265.
- Canning, George, English statesman, 78, 79.
- Capital, opportunities for, in South America, 256 f.;
- investment of American capital in Mexico, 201.
- Caribbean Sea, the, 55, 159, 258, 272, 273, 274, 292.
- Carlos, king of Portugal, 219.
- Carnegie, Andrew, contributes towards the construction of the Building of the Pan American Union, 223, 228, 231;
- letter of, 226 f.;
- letter of Mr. Root to, 225 f.;
- resolutions concerning, 227.
- Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, the, 291.
- Cartagena, Colombia, 153 ff., 258.
- Casasus, JoaquÍn D., speech of, 184-188.
- Castlereagh, Viscount, British premier, 77, 78.
- Central America, 50, 117, 264, 266, 272, 292.
- Central American Peace Conference, the, xiv, 213-218.
- Chamber of Commerce, the, of New York, 239-244.
- Chamber of Deputies, the, in Mexico, 168-177.
- Charleston, the, 55, 166.
- Chile, 103-112, 248, 249, 275.
- China, 36.
- Cicero, anecdote of, 188.
- Civilization, the process of, 233.
- Clay, Henry, American statesman, xiii, 5, 21, 28, 75, 76, 90, 94, 251.
- Cleveland, Grover, American president, 252.
- Coffee, importance of, to Brazil, 41.
- Colombia, 152-155, 160, 166, 248.
- Colorados, Uruguayan faction, 64, 65.
- Columbia School of Mines, the, 257.
- Columbus, Christopher, 57.
- Commerce and Labor, Department of, 254.
- Communication, importance of means of, 257-267.
- Consular service, the, 279 ff.
- Conti, sculptor, 232.
- Coquimbo, 258.
- Cornejo, Mariano, Peruvian envoy, speech of, 11 f.
- Corral, RamÓn, Mexican vice-president, speeches of, 192 f., 203 f.
- Cortelyou, George Bruce, postmaster-general, 265.
- CortÉs, HernÁn, Spanish soldier, 56.
- Costa Rica, 213.
- Credit system, the, in South America, 255.
- Creel, Enrique C., Mexican diplomat, 214.
- Cret, Paul Phillippe, architect, 231.
- Cuba, 35, 160, 275, 276, 277.
- Cuellar, Samuel GarcÍa, Mexican officer, 162.
- Dakotas, the, 287.
- Darcy, Dr. James, speech of, 16 f.
- Declaration of Independence, the, 170.
- Declaration of the rights of man, the, 57, 64.
- Dehesa, Teodoro A., Mexican governor, speech of, 206.
- Demosthenes, 187.
- DÍaz, Porfirio, Mexican president, 158, 161, 167 f., 172, 181, 192, 194, 202, 203, 206, 207, 210;
- Dickens, Charles, observations of, on America, 179.
- Drago, Luis M., speech of, xiii, 93-97.
- Drago doctrine, the, 95 f.
- Ecuador, 248.
- Elguera, Federico, speech of, 127 ff.
- El SeÑor Root en Mexico, 158.
- England, 64, 246, 247, 248, 257, 261.
- Europe, 4, 48, 51, 57, 59, 60, 61, 246, 251, 256, 257, 258, 259, 270.
- Evarts, William Maxwell, secretary of state, 21.
- Everett, Edward, American statesman, 21;
- Federalist, The, 21, 24.
- Figueroa, Alcorta, J., president of Argentina, speech of, 81-84.
- Florida, 75.
- FodÉrÉ, Pradier, Peruvian publicist, 135.
- Forsyth, John, secretary of state, 21.
- France, 57, 64, 100, 190, 221, 247, 257, 261, 262.
- Franklin, Benjamin, American philosopher and statesman, 29.
- Free ships, policy of, 262.
- Frelinghuysen, Frederick Theodore, secretary of state, 252.
- Gama, Brazilian commercial teacher, speech of, 36 ff.
- Garnett, American congressman, 78.
- Garrison, William Lloyd, American abolitionist, 23.
- Germans, in Brazil, 249 f.
- Germany, 57, 100, 190, 247, 257, 261, 262.
- Gettysburg, battle of, 178.
- GonÇalvez, Sigismundo, governor of Pernambuco, 47.
- Government, functions of, 132.
- Grant, Ulysses Simpson, American general and president, 198, 199.
- Great Britain, 57, 251, 257.
- Greece, 26.
- Grey, Lord, 110.
- Guadalajara, Mexico, 208 ff.
- Guatemala, 213, 272, 273.
- GuimarÃes, Paula, Brazilian deputy, speech of, 30 f.
- Hague Conference, Second, in 1907, 3, 171, 233.
- Hague Tribunal of Arbitration, the, 158.
- Hamilton, Alexander, American statesman, 21, 83.
- Harrison, Benjamin, American president, 252.
- Harte, Francis Bret, American author, 288.
- Hay, John, secretary of state, and author, 21.
- Hicks, John, American diplomat, 108.
- Hidalgo y Costilla, Miguel, Mexican priest and revolutionist, 176, 206, 207.
- Holy Alliance, the, 77, 251.
- Honduras, 213.
- Huneeus, Antonio, Chilean minister, address of, 104-108.
- Hungary, 26.
- Iberian Peninsula, the, 51, 240.
- Ibsen, Henrik, Norwegian dramatic poet, 16.
- Indians, 7, 47;
- passing of their civilization in Mexico, 209.
- International Bureau of the American Republics, the, 223.
- Iowa, 91, 223-234.
- ParÁ, Brazil, 44, 45 f., 258.
- Paranahyba, the, river in Brazil, 41.
- Pardo, Manuel, Peruvian statesman, 135.
- Pardo y Barreda, JosÉ, president of Peru, speech of, 113 f.
- Paulistas, 39, 40.
- Peaceable invasion, 189.
- Pernambuco, Brazil, 47 f., 54, 258.
- Peru, 11, 12, 113-144, 248, 249, 257, 272, 275.
- Philadelphia, 29.
- Pious Fund, the, 158.
- Piracy, 26.
- Pizarro, Francisco, Spanish soldier, 56, 257.
- Plutarch, 188.
- Political science, chief contribution of the United States to, 141.
- Portsmouth, New Hampshire, 26.
- Portugal, 221.
- Prado y Ugarteche, Javier, speech of, 116-123.
- Prussia, 100.
- Public opinion, rule of, 220 f.
- Puebla, Mexico, 204 f.
- Punta Arenas, 258.
- Purdie, Francis B., speech of, 86-89.
- Puritan element, the, in America, 56.
- Randolph, Edmund, American statesman, 21.
- Recife, see Pernambuco.
- Religious toleration, 170.
- Reyes, Rafael, Colombian president, 154, 155.
- Rezende, Doctor, speech of, 41 f.
- Rhodes, 188.
- Ribeyro, RamÓn, speech of, 136.
- Riesco, JermÁn, president of Chile, speech of, 103.
- RincÓn Gallardo, Pedro, Mexican officer, 161;
- Rio Branco, Baron do, Brazilian minister, 18;
- Rio de Janeiro, xii, xiii, 3-35, 40, 55, 58, 63, 66, 67, 68, 95, 107, 136, 257,
Transcriber's Note Typographical errors corrected in the text: Page iv Sigismunco changed to Sigismundo Page vi Oovernor changed to Governor Page vii Expantion changed to Expansion Page 61 it changed to in Page 69 where-ever changed to wherever Page 70 Zorilla changed to Zorrilla Page 112 Valpariso changed to Valparaiso Page 214 establishmen changed to establishment Page 301 Rivadivia changed to Rivadavia |