Friend Root:—Please name a few parties of whom I can buy Basswood honey and oblige. Chas. F. Muth, Cincinnati, O. Feb. 3rd, 1875. I have now on hand about 60 gallons of that choice thick Clover honey, same as you bought of me, there is very little sale for it here. Price 18c., delivered here. Wm. Payne, Spencer, Medina Co., O. Feb. 1. Have sold our Catnip honey to W. G. Smith. St. Louis, 15 cts. delivered, he paid promptly. The barrel came to $64.55 net; that isn’t bad is it? Shall set out half an acre of plants next spring, and sow some seed too. J. L. Wolfenden, Adams, Wis. I sent my honey to Barber & Stout, Cincinnati, O., got 15 cts. cash on delivery and was paid to a cent. I also sent J. Lippincott, of Pittsburg, Pa., one barrel. Now Novice, please accept my most profound thanks for your assistance in disposing of my honey, by your recommendations to the two above named honey men. There is nothing like keeping bees to restore a burned farm, and dollars are by far the best chromos. J. Duffeler, Wequiock, Wis. Dec. 16th, ’74. |