In making Bee veils use Tarleton in place of Crown Lining as advised on page 2, Vol. 1. Mrs. Axtell writes us that we made a mistake on page 10, Jan. No., when we give her credit of extracting 3000 lbs.; that it was only about one-half that amount. We have just received an extra nice lot of Alsike Clover seed, new crop, raised in our own vicinity, so that we know it is pure and safe. Single pound by mail in cloth bag 45c.; by express 35c., if over 10 lbs. 30c. only. We learn from J. D. Kruschke, Berlin, Wis., that there is a good market for the oil from Rape, and that in fact we at present import it to supply the demand. We refer all interested in Rape culture to the little book to be had by enclosing 5c. to the above address. Magazine reached us on the 15th, with its appearance much improved. On further consideration we have decided to keep the clubbing price with it and Gleanings at $1.75, and $5.00 for all the Bee Journals. If our readers will now excuse so many changes we will try to change no more. Mr. Doolittle, of Borodino, and L. C. Root, of Mohawk, N. Y., have each sent us a club of 20 subscribers, Prof. Cook, and several others, nearly as many. A few more such friends and we might afford to give you a larger Journal and larger type, without any change in price. Our thanks are due J. C. Colborne, of Chicago, for a description of the hive and frame used by Mr. Harbison. It is not a suspended frame, nor is it like Quinby’s. We should prefer getting something more definite, and from Harbison himself, if possible, before giving it to our readers. Dimensions of frame about 12×15. Our mailing type goes by machinery that won’t work unless 75c. be remitted once a year. Therefore look to the labels on your papers and see when your time will be out. If the paper stops coming blame the “machine” and not us; also, if the labels do not always present your account to you monthly, as it should be, drop us a postal. We presume nearly every one of our readers, has already done something for the relief of the Kansas and Nebraska sufferers; to those who have not had the opportunity presented them, we would refer to Mr. James Vick’s proposal in his Floral Guide. His arrangements enable him to give a receipt for all money, and to also show how and where it has all been judiciously expended. Notwithstanding all that has been said about honey dealers, we have at least two men in whom we feel we can place implicit confidence; Lippincott of Pittsburg, and Muth, of Cincinnati. Mr. Muth has for many years been dealing in supplies, and we have yet to hear a single complaint of him in any shape or manner. His honey jars are very neat indeed, and what is more they will hold an honest pound, or 2 lbs., according to the stamp in the glass of each. As an instance of the magnitude of his business, we may say that he has given the manufacturers orders for 1000 gross for the coming season; customers may depend on getting goods as soon as ordered. My bees, 50 stocks, on their summer stands, are not doing well; weather very cold, some days below zero all day. A good deal of ice in hives, with not sufficient warm weather to thaw it and dry them out. Have lost some already, and shall lose more if the weather does not change soon. John F. Temple, Ridgeway, Mich. Feb. 5th, ’75. The San Diego Mountain honey does not candy although exposed to a freezing temperature in an uncovered vessel. Mr. Tweed says such is their experience, and astonishing as it may seem, such proves the case with us, while all our other honey under the same conditions, is white and solid. THE OHIO FARMER is a 16-page, 64-column, weekly paper, devoted to Agriculture, Horticulture, Live Stock, Dairy, Poultry, Apiary, News, Fireside Reading, Domestic Economy, and Choice Miscellany, with the largest and ablest corps of Regular Contributors ever employed on an agricultural paper in this country, under an able and experienced Editorial Management who spare no expense to add everything possible to its value. We want good Agents everywhere, and offer very liberal pay to all who work for us. ? Send for Specimen Copies, free. 2m Address OHIO FARMER, Cleveland, O. We keep the following seeds of Honey plants for sale: Rape, 35c. per lb., post paid. Rapp, 45c. per lb. Esparcet, 60c. per lb. Linden Seeds 15c. per oz. Send stamp for Pamphlet on their culture. tfd KRUSCHKE BROS., Berlin, Wis. For one Colony of Italian Bees $15.00; four for $50.00. Also tested Italian Queens, Hives and material for Hives and surplus boxes at very low figures. Price list free. J. S. WOODBURN, 2t$2 Dickinson, Cumberland Co., Pa. Catnip seed, fresh and pure at 40 cts. per ounce postage paid. Also Summer Rape, Mignonette, Borage and other Honey producing plant seeds. 2 3d B. H. STAIR & CO., Cleveland, Ohio. Thirteen years experience in propagating Italian Bees. Queens will be bred direct from Imported Mothers and warranted pure and fertile. Send for my circular. Wm. W. CARY, 1tf Colerain, Franklin Co., Mass. EMERSON’S BINDER. FOR MUSIC AND ALL PERIODICALS. You cannot look over the back No’s of Gleanings or any other Periodical with satisfaction, unless they are in some kind of a Binder. Who has not said—“Dear me what a bother—I must have last month’s Journal and it’s no where to be found.” Put each No. in the Emerson Binder as soon as it comes and you can sit down happy, any time you wish to find any thing you may have previously seen even though it were months ago. Binders for Gleanings (will hold them for four years) gilt lettered, free by mail for 50, 60, and 75c, according to quality. For table of prices of Binders for any Periodical, see Oct. No., Vol. 2. Send in your orders. A. I. ROOT & CO., Medina, O.