These, though not specially designed for Bee-keepers, have a tendency to inculcate principles that ensure success in bee-keeping as well us almost all other rural pursuits. The first on the list should be in the hands of every one who has planted grape vines to shade the hives, as we have advised. Any of these books will be forwarded by mail, post-paid, on receipt of price.
Is sold by the gallon only, in packages of from 1 to 40 gallons each, in Purest White and any Color or Tint desired. Address, for sample card of colors and price list, Averill Chemical Paint Co., Office and Factory 132 & 134 East River Street, CLEVELAND, OHIO. Italian queens bred from imported mothers—a month earlier than in the North. Purity and safe arrival guaranteed. Also full colonies of Italians in Langstroth hives for sale at $15.00 per colony. Address Dr. J. P. H. BROWN, Augusta, Ga. CLUB RATES on 175 Papers. Send for CLUB List including Agents’ Rates on BOOKS by mail post-paid—400 in List— BOOKS Binghams’ Agency, Sparta, Wis. 12t9p in wintering Bees on their summer stand. Circular free. Say where you see this notice. Address KEYES & FINN, 3p Clyde, Jasper Co., Iowa. Names of responsible parties will be inserted in either of the following departments, at a uniform price of 10c. each insertion, or $1.00 per year. Names inserted in this department the first time without charge. Those whose names appear below, agree to furnish Italian Queens the coming season for $1.00 each, under the following conditions; No guarantee is to be assumed of purity, safe delivery or any thing of the kind, only that the Queen be reared from a choice, pure mother. They also agree to return the money at anytime when customers become impatient of such delay as may be unavoidable. Bear in mind that he who sends the best Queens, put up neatest and most securely, will probably receive the most orders. Special rates for warranted and tested Queens, furnished on application to any of the parties.
Who agree to make such hives, and at the prices named, as those described on our circular. Geo. T. Wheeler, Mexico, N. Y. Bees and Supplies, never before offered, will be furnished by M. QUINBY, St. Johnsville, Montgomery Co., N. Y. Send for circular and price list. 2t31 Send for our large Illustrated Premium List and Terms to Agents. It contains a large list of goods at Grange Prices. Write now to H. A. KING, 37 Park Row, N.Y. National Agriculturist Established 1859. A large double quarto, 16-page Illustrated Family paper. (formerly Bee-Keepers Journal and National Agriculturist.) It treats of Stock Raising, Sheep Husbandry, Dairy Business, Swine, Poultry, Gardening, and Fruit Growing, besides the elaborate departments of Bee-Culture, Ladies or Home and Fireside, and Youth’s Departments, a first-class Family paper, interesting, instructive, making young eyes sparkle and all hearts glad.
Try The National Agriculturist five months and a present for 50 cents, or $1.25 a year; much less to members of granges and clubs. Great Illustrated Premium, Grange Price List, and Sample Copy, all sent free. Large Cash Commission to Agents. Address H. A. KING, 37 Park Row, New York City, Box 2289. Advertisements will be received at the rate of ten cents per line, Nonpariel space, each insertion, cash in advance; and we require that every Advertiser satisfies us of his responsibility and intention to do all that he agrees, and that his goods are really worth the price asked for them. MUTH’S ADVERTISEMENT. Straw Mats, Bee Veils etc., at reasonable rates. For further particulars, Address, 1tf CHAS. F. MUTH. Cincinnati, Ohio. Our Bee Journal of the Southern States. Issued monthly at $2.00 per year. Sample copies free. Address A. F. MOON & Co. Rome, Georgia. The one foot and under, sent by mail for 75c. per hundred, extra. General nursery stock, such as Fruits and Grape vines of all kinds, Apples and Cherries. Evergreens, Osage Orange plants etc., for hedges, specialties. Maple trees also at low figures. 3t5d J. L. GREEN, Granger, Medina Co., Ohio. No Black Bees to interfere with pure fertilization. Unwarranted Queens $1.00. Warranted $3.00. Bred from daughters of imported or home bred Queens. Full Colonies Italian Bees $13.00. Address 3t8p J. OATMAN & CO., Dundee, Kane Co., Ills. AMERICAN BEE JOURNAL. Every Bee-Keeper should subscribe for this Monthly. It is the oldest and best scientific and practical Journal of Apiculture in the World. The most successful and experienced Apiarians in this country and Europe contribute to its pages. Terms, $2.00 a year in advance. Send a Stamp for a Sample Copy. Address, THOMAS G. NEWMAN, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. For the past seven years we have Imported bees from Italy and have failed nearly every time, by lack of knowledge of the true conditions necessary for so long a journey, and on account of the carelessness of the shippers. But we are now succeeding so well that we receive ninety per cent of the Queens alive. We claim to be The only regular Importers of ITALIAN BEES IN THIS COUNTRY. We received over One Hundred Queens in the season of 1874. Our Queens come from the best districts of Italy. They are all young. We winter 60 Imported Queens in our Apiary, and will sell them in full colonies in the spring, safe arrival guaranteed.
Our hives are good, well painted movable frame hives. For particulars address CH. DADANT & SON, Hamilton, Hancock Co., Ills. 50 The Bee-Keepers’ Magazine, edited by H. A. King, the only Illustrated Magazine treating of Bee-Culture in the United States. 32 pages. Terms, $1.25 a year with a present. The 64 page specimen number, with beautiful life-like chromo of Italian bees and honey plants (price 50 cents), sent free with the Magazine five months for 50 cents. Agents wanted. Address W. B. COBB, Publisher, 75 Barclay Street, N. Y. We have purchased of the late Dr. T. B. Hamlin’s stock of Bees, 125 COLONIES PURE ITALIANS in Langstroth’s Improved Hives, 10 frames, which we offer at the reduced price of $13.00 per colony, delivered on cars at Edgefield Junction, Tenn. 3t6p BARNUM & PEYTON. Published Quarterly.—January Number just issued, and contains over 100 Pages, 500 Engravings, descriptions of more than 500 of our best Flowers and Vegetables, with Directions for Culture, Colored Plate, etc.—The most useful and elegant work of the kind in the world.—Only 25 cents for the year.—Published in English and German. Address JAMES VICK, Rochester, N. Y. sent with a specimen of The American Garden, a new Illustrated Journal of Garden Art, edited by James Hogg, on receipt of ten cents. BEACH, SON & CO., Seedsmen, 3tfx 76 Fulton St., Brooklyn, N. Y. CATNIP SEED for sale at 25c per oz. Address A. A. RICE, Seville, Medina Co., O. 11tf One Copy One Year 75 Cents, or with Lithograph of Apiary, size 12×16, Mailed Free, Postpaid, $1.00, or Lithograph will be sent as a Premium for Two Subscribers at 75 cents each.
Any number above Ten will be sent at the rate of Fifty Cents each. Names may be sent at any time during the year, and whenever a club is reached, we will credit back the amount previously sent us in excess of the Club Rates. In this way any of the Articles Mentioned on our PRICE LIST may be Secured as PREMIUMS. Please mention when names are intended for Clubs. An acknowledgment will be sent in all cases on receipt of money—for any purpose whatever—by return mail. Volumes I, & II, may be counted on the same terms, as we have a Large Supply of BACK NUMBERS Provided for new Beginners! As we cannot take the space in future numbers to go over the same ground again, and Volume One contains the entire Fundamental Principles and Ground Work for Starting an Apiary. |