A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, Y.
Accidents from muzzle-loaders, 42.
Accidents in rail-shooting, 197.
A day’s shooting in New Jersey, 106.
Adventure in New Jersey, 99.
“A Girl from New Jersey,” 98.
American golden plover, 143-179.
American gun-makers, 63.
American ring-plover, 158;
swan, 306.
Anas, bernicla, 304;
canadensis, 304;
genus, 306;
boschas, 306;
obscura, 308;
strepera, 308;
Americana, 309;
acuta, 310;
sponsa, 312;
crecca, 314;
discors, 316;
clypeata, 317.
Ancient and modern hunting, 8.
Apparatus necessary for breech-loader, 37.
Appendix, 303.
Barnegat Bay, 22.
Barnegat pirates, 117-118.
Bartram’s sandpiper, 152.
Bass-fishing out West, 261.
Bathing-party on Jersey coast, 103.
Batteries, 20;
description of, 21, 205;
condemned, 21, 22, 25.
Bay-birds, 19;
definition of, 66;
improper modes of pursuing, 20;
batteries, 20, 21, 22, 25.
(See Bay-Snipe.)
Bay-snipe, shooting, 66, 103, 104;
none in England, 58;
what are, 66;
traits of, 103;
sociability of, 103;
peculiarities of, 136;
“trading,” 104;
skill required for shooting, 67;
sport of shooting, 68-106;
shooting on the Jersey coast, 106;
the French gentleman’s beautiful shot, 69;
rivalry in shooting, 70;
number bagged at one shot, 70;
flight of uncertainty as to, 71, 85, 86-87;
season for sport, 71-72;
flying, mode of, 72;
flight, line of, 73-86;
lead migration of game birds, 18;
flight, direction of, 73-74;
period of incubation, 73;
varieties of, 74;
sickle-bills, 75;
jack-curlew, 76;
plover, 109;
marlin, 76;
willet, 77;
golden plover, 77-112;
black-breast, 77;
yelper, 77;
yellow-legs, 77;
brant-bird, 78-132;
robin-snipe, 78;
dowitcher, 78-132;
krieker, 78-131;
pursuit of; best mode, 78;
stools, 79-80, 82-83;
calls, 79, 83-84;
stands, 79;
wooden stools best, 81;
whistling, 84;
cries of the birds, 84;
shooting, uncertainty of, 85;
gun to be used for, 87-90;
charge and powder for, 87-91;
how to carry the gun, 87;
shooting, dress for, 90;
names of; confusion as to, 91;
names of, varieties of, 91;
names of, scientific, 92-109;
varieties of; Bartram’s sandpiper, 110;
frost-bird and frost-snipe, 92-113;
meadow-snipe, 92;
beach-bird, 92;
fat-bird, 92;
short-neck, 92;
pectoral sandpiper, 92;
horsefoot snipe, 92-132;
varieties of, discussion about, 109;
which are good eating, 93;
stringing, how to be done, 94;
migration of, 94;
localities for, 94-95, 97;
not killed south of Virginia, 95;
at Quogue, 96;
sport spoiled by establishment of watering-place, 96;
at Squan Beach, 97;
at Barnegat, Egg Harbor, Brigantine Beach, 97;
shooting in New Jersey, 106.
Beach-bird, 113, 145.
Beach on Jersey coast, 101.
Beach-robins, 148.
Beetle-headed plover, 141.
Big yellow-legs, 165.
“Bill,” and the names of the plovers, 113.
Bill’s ghost stories, 120.
Bill’s house, 116.
Birds, wounded, what becomes of them, 237.
Birds, definition of term, 9.
“ game, which are, 10;
in restaurants out of season, 15;
protection of, 10, 13, 14;
services rendered by, 11, 12;
out of season, 16;
legal time for killing, 17;
singing birds, murder of, 13;
season for killing different kinds, 17, 18, 19;
migration of game-birds, 18.
Black-bellied plover, 112-141.
Bald-pate duck, 309.
Black duck, 308.
Black-head duck, 320.
Blue-bill duck, 320.
Blue-winged teal, 316.
Blind for shooting, 106.
Blind-snipe, 157.
Blue-bills, 238.
Blue-fish, season for, 133.
Bony fish, 134.
Black-breast, 141, 156.
Brant-bird, 148.
Breech-loaders, 32, 37;
advantages of, 42, 287;
objections to, 43, 48-49;
superiority of, 33;
history of, 33;
Lefaucheux, 33;
mode of using, 34, 35;
safety of, 39;
cartridge for, 34, 39, 50, 62;
needle-gun, 36;
Jeffries gun, 36;
English gun, 37;
impervious to wet, 41;
apparatus necessary for, 37;
recoil of, 41;
refilling cartridges, 54, 57;
trial between breech and muzzle-loaders in 1863, 44;
pigeon match with, 44;
discussion as to in “The Field,” 43;
the dead shot, 48-59;
heating of gun, 58;
useful for killing snipe, duck, and rail, 60;
compared with muzzle-loaders, 60;
Dougall’s invention, the lockfast, 61;
price of, 62;
must be imported, 64.
Broad-bill, 238, 320.
Brown-back, 171.
Bull-headed plover, 112-141.
Buffel-headed duck, 322.
Butter-ball duck, 322.
Calls for birds, 79, 83-84.
Canvas-back ducks classified as sea-ducks, 237;
comparison between them and mallards, 237, 318.
Carrying gun, 87.
Cartridges for breech-loaders, 34-39;
safety of, 39;
impervious to wet, 41;
objections to answered, 50;
filling, 50;
refilling, 54-57;
extractor, 54;
missfires with, 56;
best kind, 62.
(See breech-loaders.)
Cedar-birds destroy worms, 11.
Change of guns, 28.
Change of seasons for birds, 113.
, helveticus, 112, 141;
pluvialis, 112, 143, 179;
semipalmatus, 113;
vociferus, 113, 146;
hiaticula, 145;
rubidus, 147.
Charge used for shooting bay-birds, 87.
“Charley’s,” 101.
Cheap guns, 28.
Chesapeake Bay, ducks on, 20.
Cleaning gun, 89.
Close times for killing game-birds, 17.
Clubs, sportsmen’s, 14;
Western, 219.
Coast of New Jersey, 106.
Comparison between breech and muzzle-loaders, 60.
Confusion in names of birds, 91.
Cook’s “Tommy,” 98.
Crabtown, 100.
Crack shots, 274.
Cross-shots, 278.
Cries of birds, 84.
Curlew, 76, 133, 173;
Esquimaux, 176.
Cygnus, genus, 305;
Americanus, 306.
Dead birds, stools made of, 82.
“Dead-shot,” the, 48, 58-59.
Deceptions by gun-makers, 30.
Decoys, 79.
Defence of sporting, 273.
Definition of game in English law, 7.
Delaware rail-shooting, 197.
Depredations of worms checked by birds, 10-11.
Derivation of name of “plover,” 111.
Description of plover, 111.
Dipper-duck, 322.
Doe-bird, 176.
Dogs, for wild-fowl shooting, 207;
for all shooting, 208;
varieties of, 209;
training of, 210;
colors of, 211;
Newfoundland, 209, 212;
retriever, 209;
at the South, 209.
Dougall’s invention—the “lockfast,” 61.
Dowitch, 171.
Dowitcher, the, 78, 132, 171.
Dress for shooting, 90.
Ducks, game, 10;
time for killing, 17-18;
where plentiful, 87, 286;
protect and clean, 87, 88, 89;
Manton’s theory, 32;
breech, shape of, 32;
breech-loaders, 32-37;
advantages of, 42;
objections to, 43-48;
superiority of, 33;
history of, 33;
Lefaucheux, 33;
Jeffries, 36;
English preferred, 37;
Dougall’s invention—the lockfast—61;
the dead-shot, 48, 58-59;
makers of in America, 63;
fired too close to shooting companion, 70;
recoil of gun, 280;
load for, 281;
shot for, 282;
rules for safety, 284.
Habits of plover, 153-160.
Hackensack rail-shooting, 201.
Hawking in olden time, 7.
“Henry,” 252;
his advice, 252;
he shoots with the author, 264.
Horsefoot snipe, 92,
132, 148.
How to clean, carry, and protect the gun, 87, 88, 89.
How to string birds, 94.
How to approach plover, 155.
Hudsonian curlew, 173.
Hunting in olden time, 7.
Hunting, comparison between ancient and modern, 8.
Imported guns best, 63.
Improper pursuit of game, 20.
Incubation of bay-birds, 73.
India-rubber stools, 83.
Inferior guns, 27.
Inlet, closing of, 134.
Interest of farmer to protect game-birds, 10.
Irishman’s duck-shooting, 255.
Jack-curlew, 76, 173.
Jacks, 133.
Jack-snipe, 160.
Jakey’s tavern, 102.
Jeffries’ breech-loaders, 36.
Jersey, a girl from, 98.
Jersey coast shooting, 106.
Jersey courts and damages, 180.
Jersey, bathing in, 103.
Jersey coast, a day’s shooting on, 106.
Judgment required in bay-bird shooting, 70.
Kentuckian’s bass-fishing, 261;
his wager, 263.
Kildeer plover, 113-146.
Killing song-birds, 13.
“ game-birds out of season, 15.
“ birds, game-laws, 14.
“ legal times for, 17, 18, 19.
“ by batteries, 21, 22, 25;
by pivot-guns, 23, 25;
by sail-boats, 24.
Killing snipe, ducks, and rail, gun for, 60.
Krieker, 78, 131, 160.
Lakes at the West increasing, 268.
Lattimer Marsh, 266.
Laws, game, 14, 15.
Lefaucheux gun, 33-64.
Legal times for killing, 17-18.
“Lester’s,” 180.
Light gun necessary, 29.
Limosa, 133;
fedoa, 168;
Hudsonica, 168.
Little yellow-legs, 166.
Long Island, South Bay, 20.
Long-legged sandpiper, 157.
Lockfast, the, 61.
Loading, accidents from, 42.
Long-billed curlew, 174.
Long-tailed duck, 323.
Localities for bay-snipe, 94-97.
Lucky man’s duck-shooting, 240.
Mallard, 306.
Manton’s theory, 32.
Marbled godwit, 168.
Marlin, 76, 168, 170;
ring-tailed, 170.
Match, shooting, in England, 44.
Meadow-snipe, 92, 160.
Merganser, 324.
Mergus, 324.
Migration of birds, order of, 18;
of bay-birds, 94.
Missfires with breech-loader cartridge, 56.
Montauk, sport at, 188;
Point, 178.
Mud-creek bridge, 229.
Muskrat traps, 266.
Musquitoes, 90, 101, 125, 135.
Muzzle-loaders and breech-loaders, 27.
Muzzle-loaders, accidents from, 42.
“ and breech-loaders, trial between, 45;
discussion about in field, 43;
pigeon match between, 44;
compared, 60.
Names of bay-birds, confusion as to, 91;
varieties of names, 91;
scientific species, 109;
of plovers, “Bills,” remarks, 113.
Needle-gun, 36.
Nepeague Beach, 180.
New York snipe, 132.
New Jersey, sport in, 106;
a girl from, 98;
adventure in, 98;
bathing in, 103;
wreckers in, 116;
pirates of, 117;
ghost stories about, 120;
courts and damages, 130;
fight for stands, 126.
Numenius, 133;
Hudsonicus, 173.
“ Longirostris, 174.
“ Borealis, 176.
Number of birds bagged at one shot, 70.
Olden-time hunting, 7.
Old-squaw duck, 323.
Old-wife duck, 323.
Ortley family in Jersey and the fight, 126.
Ox-eye, 162.
Pectoral sandpiper, 92-160.
Peculiarities of bay-birds, 136.
Pigeon-match in England, 44.
Pigeon-shooting practice, 2-4.
Pigeon-tail duck, 310.
Pintail duck, 310.
Potomac, ducks on, 20.
Pivot-guns, condemned, 23-25.
Plover, shooting, directions for, 188;
a game bird, 10;
kinds of, 109;
discussion about, 110, 111;
Frank Forester and Giraud on, 112;
charadrius helveticus, 112, 141;
pluvialis, 112, 143;
black-bellied, 112, 141;
bull-head, 112, 141;
ring-neck or ring, 113;
semipalmatus, 113;
Wilson’s, 113;
piping or beach-bird, 113, 145;
melodius, 113;
kildeer, 113, 146;
vociferus, 113, 146;
“Bill’s” remarks about names of, 113;
specific character of each species, 141;
black-breast, 141, 156;
beetle-headed, 141;
American golden, 143, 179;
frost bird, 143;
hiaticula, 145;
sanderling, 147;
rubidus, 147;
turnstone, 148;
genus strepsilas, 148;
brant-bird, 148;
strepsilas interpres, 148;
horsefoot snipe, 148;
beach-robins, 148;
sandpiper, 150;
robin-snipe, 150;
red-breasted sandpiper, 150;
tringa cinerea, 150;
tringa rufa, 150;
upland plover, 152;
grey, grass, or field, 152, 179.
Plover, American ring, 158.
(See bay-birds and bay-snipe.)
Poachers, 15.
Pond-lily channel, 269.
Punting for rail, 192.
Quail, a game-bird, 10;
not migratory, 10;
time for killing, 17-18.
Quail snipe, 171.
Raccoon Beach, 23.
Rail, a game-bird, 10;
none in England, 58;
shooting, 190;
flight of, 191;
description of sport, 191, 202;
in boat, 192;
Delaware sport, 194, 197;
breech-loader best for, 192;
charge for, 195;
best places for rail-shooting, 199;
rail in Illinois, 199;
varieties of, 201;
short-billed and long-billed, 201;
Hackensack shooting, 201;
eating of, 203.
Raft-duck, 320.
Red-head duck, 319.
Red-backed sandpiper, 156.
Red-breasted sandpiper, 150-171.
Restaurants having game out of season, 15.
Ring-plover or ring-neck, 113-158.
Ring-tailed marlin, 170.
Rivalry in bay-snipe shooting, 70.
Robberies by ducks from each other, 235.
Robins, service of, 12.
Robin-snipe, 78-150.
Rules for trap-shooting, 326.
Sail-boat used to pursue ducks, 24.
Sand-fleas, 135.
Sanderling, 147.
Sandpiper, 133, 150;
Bartram’s, 110, 152;
pectoral, 92, 160;
red-breasted, 150;
red-backed, 156;
long-legged, 157;
Wilson’s, 162.
Scaup, 238, 320.
Scientific names for birds, 92.
ScolopacidÆ, 132, 170;
noveboracensis, 132, 171;
flavipes, 166;
fedoa, 168.
Seasons for bay-birds, 71.
Sea-duck, 318.
Semipalmated tatler, 164.
Shell-drake, 325.
Shooting, dress for, 90;
match in England, 44;
on Jersey coast, 106;
rail, 190;
from boats, 192;
duck, 216;
at the West, 220;
art of, 274;
trap, rules for, 326.
Short-billed curlew, 173.
Short-neck, 92.
Shot, the dead, 45, 58;
by the French gentleman, 69;
for ducks, 238;
what is a good one, 277;
cross, 278;
aim, 279;
recoil, 280;
crack, 274;
load, 281;
quickness, 283;
practice, 283.
Shoveller duck, 317.
Sickle-bills, 75, 133.
Sickle-billed curlew, 174.
Sir Francis Francis, 277.
Sneak-box, 114
Snipe, a game-bird, 10;
time for killing, 17;
when it stools, 133;
migration of, 18;
time for bay-snipe, 19;
batteries, 20;
no bay-snipe in England, 58;
killed by breech-loaders, 165;
little, 166.