Chapter I.—Florida.—The Inland Passage 9
Chapter II.—In Florida 59
Chapter III.—Currituck Marshes 116
Chapter I.—Game of Ancient and Modern Days.—Its Protection and Importance.—The proper Shooting Seasons.—The Impolicy of Using Batteries and Pivot-Guns 139
Chapter II.—Guns and Gunnery.—Breech-loaders compared with Muzzle-loaders.—All the Late Improvements in Breech-loaders.—Hammerless Guns 159
Chapter III.—Bay-snipe Shooting.—The Birds, their Habits, Peculiarities, and places of Resort.—Stools and Whistles.—Dress and Implements appropriate to their pursuit.—Their Names and Mode of Capture 185
Chapter IV.—The New Jersey Coast.—Jersey Girls and their pleasant ways.—The peculiarities of Bay-snipe further elucidated.—Mosquitoes rampant.—Good Shooting and “Fancy” Sport.—Shipwrecks and Ghosts 219
Chapter V.—Bay-Birds.—Particular Descriptions and Scientific Characteristics.—A Complete Account of each Variety 261
Chapter VI.—Montauk Point.—American Golden Plover or Frost-Bird.—A True Story of Three Thousand in a Flock.—Lester’s Tavern.—Good Eating, Fine Fishing, and Splendid Shooting.—The Nepeague Beach 301
Chapter VII.—Rail and Rail-Shooting.—Seasons, Localities, and Incidents of Sport.—Use of Breech-loader or Muzzle-loader.—Equipment 313
Chapter VIII.—Wild-Fowl Shooting.—General Directions, from Boats, Blinds, or Batteries.—Retrievers from Baltimore and Newfoundland.—Western Sport.—Equipment 328
Chapter IX.—Duck-Shooting on the Inland Lakes.—The Club House.—Practical Views of Practical Men.—Moral Tales.—A Day’s Fishing.—The Closing Scenes 344
Chapter X.—Suggestions to Sportsmen.—A Definition of the Term.—Crack Shots.—The Art of Shooting.—The Art of not Shooting 398
Chapter XI.—Directions for Building a Battery 415


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