The right reverend Board of Administration made known to us, on the 11th of this month, that, as public opinion had pointed you out as the author of the well-known article, "Rome and the Chapter of Breslau," you had been asked, on the 20th December last, whether you really were so. You replied to this question, on the 24th of the same month, that you could not reconcile it to your conscience to answer the question put to you by the right reverend Board. Time was allowed to you after this, and a vicar, a private friend * of your own, was commissioned to encourage you to make a distinct declaration and acknowledgment, in which case you would still have been treated with indulgence.** Up to this time, however, you have sent no reply to the right reverend Board, wherefore we have been charged by the same to bring you to an investigation, *** eventually, however, to suspend you, and to summon you, ad exercitia, to the Seminary in this place. It has been further shewn to us, by Mr. Rector Hoffmann of Grottkau,**** that so early as the 29th of October 1841 you had been seriously rebuked by the right reverend Board, on account of your peculiar dress and unsuitably long hair; and although Hoffmann, and several others of your colleagues, kindly warned you of the impropriety of your dress, all has produced no effect, so that they who did not personally know you, would never take you for a clergyman. In addition to this, it has been said that you performed the priestly functions without decorum or dignity, (in plain German, without hypocrisy and grimaces,) whereby you have occasioned manifold offence, (unfortunately, the community has accused the right reverend Board of falsehood,) and impeded the efficacy of your ministry.(v) Since, under these circumstances you cannot be appointed to the cure of souls, as you yourself, on calm reflection, (how liberal!) on your sentiments and your efficacy, (why were not these two important items earlier introduced?) must perceive. * I leave the reader to frame his own opinion of this procedure, and of the friend who allows himself to perform the office of a spy. ** Why did Dr. Hitter make so great a work about the matter, if he wished to appear indulgent? *** What the right reverend Board understand by an investigation, is shown at the end of this Decree. I shall also give my idea on the subject. **** Why does the right reverend Board conceal the fact, that Kaspar Hoffmann was required to report! He himself showed me the requisition; and we know full well that my Lords are accustomed to have even the slightest indications of a wish on their part most carefully attended to by their obedient servants. Hoffmann naturally strove to please Dr. Ritter, and prepared his information accordingly. (v) It is scarcely credible that an entire Chapter should wander so wide of the truth. The town of Grottkau professes to have found in me "zealous energy in the improvement of youth." Since we forbid you the exercise of priestly functions, you are hereby-charged to leave your present situation immediately on receipt of this—to resort to the Seminary in this place, there to undergo exercitia spiritualia, to submit yourself entirely to the orders of the master of the Seminary, i. e., the Pro-Rector, Dr. Sawer, to whom you are required to announce your arrival in this place, and await our further commands.* * "What of the investigation? The right reverend Board must entertain an odd idea of the meaning of the word; it imposes a twofold punishment upon me, and I am left to picture to myself an investigation behind it! "(Signed) Latussek, v. Ploto, Elsleb, Freis. Breslau, Jan. 30, 1843." |