A - Agra Dolce, 291.
- Allemande Sauce, 279.
- Almonds, burnt, 520.
- Chopping, 59.
- Hardbake, 526.
- Salted, 533.
- “ No. 2, 533.
- Sugared, 520.
- “ Wafers, 478.
- Anchovy canapÉs, 368.
- Angel cake, 467.
- Ice-cream, 497.
- Parfait, 505.
- Angelica, 392.
- Apples, 530.
- Baked for breakfast, 432.
- “ “ luncheon, 432.
- Compote of, 535.
- Clarified, 243.
- Charlotte, 430.
- Dumplings, 429.
- Flaming, 432.
- Fritters, 427.
- Fried with pork, 176.
- Jelly, 544.
- Marmalade of, 543.
- Pie, 454.
- Pudding, 429.
- Sauce, 243, 288.
- SoufflÉ, 424.
- With rice, 430.
- “ “ No. 2, 431.
- “ Corn-starch, 432.
- Apricot Sauce, 446.
- Artichokes, 220.
- Bottoms, 221.
- Asparagus, 211.
- Cream of, 106.
- Tips, 212.
- Aspic jelly, 321.
- To chop, 323.
- To clear, 322.
- Chicken, 323.
- CroÛtons, 323.
- To mold, 323.
- To ornament molds for, 324.
- Quick, 322.
- Of pÂtÉ en Bellevue, 384.
B - Baba, 440.
- Bacon, 178.
- “ how to cut, 78.
- Baked Apples, 432.
- Beans, 217, 234.
- Custard, 396.
- Fish, 115.
- Ham, 177.
- Lobster, 137.
- Macaroni, 225.
- Baking, 69.
- Bread, 343.
- Cake, 464.
- Custards, 396.
- Balloons, 428.
- Banana trifle, 412.
- Bananas, sliced, 531.
- SautÉd, fried, 531.
- Barbecue of fish, 331.
- Bath buns, 358.
- Batter pudding, 428.
- Bavarian creams, 400.
- General directions for making, 400.
- Chocolate, 401.
- Diplomatic, 403.
- Fruit, 401.
- en surprise, 402.
- Italian cream, 401.
- PanachÉe, 402.
- Plain, 400.
- Rice, 402.
- Beans, 217.
- Baked, 217, 234.
- Boiled, 217.
- Croquettes of, 217.
- Dried, 217.
- Lima, 210.
- PurÉe of, 217.
- Salads, 377.
- Soup, 229, 256.
- String, 209.
- BÉarnaise sauce, 288.
- Beating, 78.
- BÉchamel sauce, 279.
- Beef, 146.
- À la mode, 148.
- Bouilli, 149.
- Braised, 147.
- Cold roast, 151.
- Corned, 157, 234.
- “ hash, 158.
- Fillet of, 149.
- “ How to buy, 150.
- Inside flank of, 153.
- Pie, 152.
- Raw sandwiches, 367.
- RagoÛt of, 153.
- To roast, 146.
- Rolled roast of, 146.
- Round of, 147.
- Shin of, to prepare, 250.
- Stock, 88.
- Tongue, 174.
- Warmed over, 152.
- Beefsteaks, 155.
- To broil, 156.
- Pie, 235.
- Pudding, 251.
- Beets, 217.
- Berries, 531.
- Berry Design for molds, 326.
- Beverages, 548.
- Bird’s-Nest salad, 385.
- Bischoff sauce, 447.
- Biscuits, beaten, 247.
- Bran, 357.
- Dough fritters, 428.
- Tea, 352.
- Biscuit glacÉ, 506.
- Bisque of lobster, 109.
- Black bean soup, 229.
- Blanc-mange, 399.
- Blueberry pudding, 241.
- Boiled beans, 217.
- Cabbage, 212, 253.
- Calf’s head, 175.
- Chicken, 185.
- Cucumbers, 218.
- Custard, 394.
- Eggs, 262.
- Fish, 114.
- Ham, 177.
- Lobster, 136.
- Mutton, 163.
- Boiling, 67.
- Sugar, 510.
- Bonbons, 522.
- Bone, to, a fowl, 181.
- Bones, grilled, 188.
- Marrow, 159.
- Boned chicken, 182.
- Turkey, 193.
- Shoulder of mutton, 163.
- Shoulder of veal, 168.
- Boning, 77.
- Boston brown bread, 237, 347.
- Boudins Rouennais, 302.
- Bouilli, 149.
- Salad, 383.
- Bouillon, 97.
- Bouquet for soups, 85.
- Brains, calf, 307.
- Marinade of, 307.
- Braising, 71.
- Braised beef, 147.
- Chicken, 186.
- Bran biscuits, 357.
- Brandy peaches, 543.
- Sauce, 445.
- Bread, 338.
- General directions for making, 340.
- Baking, 343.
- Boston brown, 237, 347.
- Braids and twists of, 350.
- Care of, 344.
- Cake, 482.
- Corn, 353.
- “ soft, 247.
- Fritters, 349.
- Graham, 346.
- Gluten, 347.
- Made with baking powder, 346.
- Milk, 345.
- Mixing, 342.
- Pans, 344.
- Panada, 298.
- Potato, 345.
- Pulled, 349.
- Puddings, 434.
- Rolls, 349.
- Sauce, 287.
- Sticks, 357.
- Tarts, 435.
- Thin Indian, 236.
- Water, No. 1, 345.
- “No. 2, 345.
- Whole wheat, 346.
- Bread and Butter Pudding, 434.
- Brioche, 359.
- Roll, 360.
- Crown, 360.
- For timbales, 361.
- Timbale of, 361.
- Brod Torte, 472.
- Broiled Lobster, 137.
- Oysters, 132.
- Broiling, 70.
- Broth, Chicken, 95.
- Clam, 95.
- Mutton, 95.
- Made quickly for invalids, 96.
- Brown Betty, 429.
- Brown butter sauce, 291.
- Brown sauce, 282.
- Brown stock, 88.
- Browned oysters, 231.
- Brussels sprouts, 214.
- Buckwheat cakes, 363.
- Buns, Bath, 358.
- Brioche, 360.
- Burnt almonds, 520.
- Butter, 34, 58.
- How to make, 258.
C - Cabbage, 212.
- Boiled, 212, 253.
- Hot slaw, 214.
- With Cheese, 213.
- Swedish, 213.
- Cabinet puddings, 438.
- CafÉ frappÉ, 509.
- Parfait, 504.
- au lait, iced, 553.
- Cake, 462.
- Rules for making, 462.
- To line tins with paper, 463.
- To grease pans, 464.
- To bake, 464.
- Mixing sponge, 465.
- Mixing batter, 465.
- Angel, 467.
- Almond wafers, 478.
- Bread, 482.
- Brod Torte, 472.
- Cakes, small fancy, 475.
- Carolines, 475.
- Chocolate Éclairs, 474.
- Chocolate filling for, 469.
- Cocoanut balls, 477.
- Coffee, 358
- Cookies, plain, 481.
- Cream, 474.
- Cream filling for, 468.
- Cream cakes and Éclairs, 473.
- Crullers, 481.
- Cup, plain, 470.
- Cup, richer, 471.
- Doughnuts, 481.
- Éclairs, 474.
- Election, 244.
- Fruit, plain, 472.
- Fruit, rich, 473.
- Garnishing, 486.
- Gauffres, 479.
- Genoese, 467.
- Gingerbread, soft, 483.
- Gingersnaps, 481.
- Gold and silver, 470.
- Hoe, 246.
- Hoe, No. 2, 247.
- Hoe, Colonial, 237.
- Hominy, 356.
- Icing and decorating, 483.
- Jelly rolls, 468.
- Johnny, 237.
- Jumbles, cookies, plain, 480.
- Jumbles, 480.
- Layer, 468.
- Lady fingers, 476.
- Little pound-cakes, 478.
- Macaroons, 477.
- Madeleines, 477.
- Marble, 470.
- Meringues and kisses, 475.
- Molasses, 483.
- One egg, 482.
- Orange, 469.
- Orange filling for, 469.
- Orange quarters, 478.
- Pound, 471.
- Pistachio, 469.
- Sand tarts, 480.
- Sponge, 466.
- Sunshine, 467.
- Uses for stale, 411.
- Venetian cakes, 479.
- Warren’s, 482.
- White, 471.
- White sponge, 467.
- With custard, 411.
- Calf’s brains, 307.
- À la poulette, 308.
- À la vinaigrette, 307.
- Head boiled, 175.
- With vinaigrette sauce, 176.
- Soup, 103.
- Heart, 174.
- Liver, 172.
- CanapÉs, 368.
- Anchovy, 368.
- Cheese, 368, 371.
- Ham, 368.
- Lorenzo, 369.
- Pineapple, 336.
- Sardine, 368.
- Canary pudding, 436.
- Candied fruits, California, 392.
- Candies, 517.
- General remarks about making, 517.
- Candy, Molasses, 527.
- Peanut, 527.
- Taffy, 527.
- Canned fruits, 393.
- Canning, 536.
- Canvasback ducks, 196.
- Caper sauce, 164, 279.
- Carafes, to freeze, 548.
- Caramel, 78, 391, 522.
- Carameled nuts, 526.
- Caramels, chocolate, 522.
- Vanilla, coffee, maple, 522.
- Caramel custard, 396.
- Ice-cream, 496.
- Carrots and turnips, 216.
- Casserole of rice, 327.
- Of potato, 327
- Cauliflower, 214.
- au gratin, 215.
- Salad, 377.
- Celery, cream of, 106.
- Stewed, 216.
- au jus, 216.
- Salad, 376.
- And walnut salad, 381.
- Sauce, 279.
- Cereals, 227.
- Chafing dish cookery, 329.
- Kind of, to use, 329.
- Dishes suitable for, 330.
- Oysters in, 233, 331.
- Meats in, 335.
- Champagne cup, No. 1, 555.
- No. 2, 555.
- Jelly, 416.
- “ with flowers, 416.
- Sauce, 283.
- Charlotte, apple, 430.
- Russe, 403.
- Filling, No. 1, 404.
- “ No. 2 (With Eggs), 405.
- “ No. 3 (With Fruit), 405.
- “ No. 4, 405.
- “ No. 5, 405.
- “ Princesse de Galles, 406.
- Strawberry, 406.
- Timbale of Brioche, 406.
- Chartreuse, 83.
- Of chicken, 190.
- Of spinach, 211.
- Chateaubriand, 157.
- Chaudfroid of chicken, 191.
- Of sweetbreads, 306.
- Sauce, 281.
- Cheese, 369.
- Cottage, 373.
- Dishes, 369.
- “ General directions for, 369.
- CanapÉs, 368, 371.
- And crackers, 371.
- Fondue, 335.
- Golden Buck, 372.
- Patties, 373.
- Sandwiches, 367.
- SoufflÉ, 370.
- Straws, 372.
- Welsh Rarebit, 371.
- Cherry bread pudding, 241.
- Chestnuts, candied, (marrons glacÉ), 521.
- Parfait of, 506.
- Pain de marrons, 420.
- PurÉe, 215, 410.
- Stuffing, 185.
- With cream, 410.
- Chickens, 179.
- To judge of, 179.
- To clean and draw, 180.
- To bone, 181.
- To truss, 183.
- À la Vienne, 189.
- Aspic, 323.
- Aspic with walnuts, 384.
- Baltimore style, 189.
- Boiled, 185.
- Braised, 186.
- Breasts with poulette sauce, 190.
- Broiled, 186.
- Broth, 95.
- ConsommÉ, 100.
- Chartreuse of, 190.
- Chaudfroid, 191.
- Fricassee, white, brown, 186.
- Fried, 187.
- Fritters, 187.
- Gumbo, 249.
- Imperial, 189.
- Jellied, boned, 182.
- Legs stuffed, 188.
- Livers, 309, 333.
- Mayonnaise, 192.
- Pie, English, 192.
- PurÉe, 310.
- SoufflÉ, 190.
- Soup, plain, 100.
- Chocolate, 388, 553.
- To melt, 388.
- Bavarian, 401.
- Caramels, 522.
- With condensed milk, 337.
- Cream, 397.
- Creams, 524.
- Custards, 395.
- Éclairs, 474.
- Filling for cake, 469.
- Ice-cream, 496.
- Icing No. 1, 484.
- “ No. 2, 485.
- “ No. 3, 485.
- Parfait, 504.
- Peppermints, 525.
- PralinÉ, 504.
- Pudding, 398.
- Sauce, 435, 447.
- SoufflÉ, 423.
- Chops cut from shoulder, 253.
- Fish, 121.
- Lobster, 138.
- Mutton, 165.
- In paper cases, 166.
- À la Maintenon, 167.
- Pork, 177.
- Chow-chow, 546.
- Chowder, clam, 111, 230.
- Fish, 110, 230.
- Potato, 110.
- Christmas plum pudding, 437.
- Cider cup, 556.
- Clam broth, 95.
- Chowder, 111, 230.
- Fritters, 136.
- Soup, 104, 230.
- Clams, 135.
- To open, 471.
- Currant jelly, 543.
- Shortcake, 442.
- Currants, 531.
- Curried eggs, 271.
- Curry, 254.
- Madras, 254.
- Sauce, 284.
- Custards, 394.
- Baked, 396.
- Boiled, No. 1, 394.
- “ No. 2, 395.
- Caramel, 396.
- Chocolate, 395.
- “ baked, 397.
- “ cream, 397.
- Rennet, 397.
- Sauce, boiled, 447.
D - Dabs, 238.
- Daisy designs for molds, 326.
- Daubing, 76.
- Decorating cakes, 486.
- Decorations for meat jelly, 326.
- Desserts, information pertaining to, 386.
- Cold, 394.
- Deviled crabs, 141.
- Devonshire cream, 258.
- Diplomatic Bavarian, 403.
- Pudding, 403.
- Dishes À la Newburg, 139, 333.
- Doughnuts, 481.
- Dried beans, 217.
- Mushrooms, 320.
- Drip coffee, 552.
- Drippings, 51, 59.
- Ducks, tame, 195.
- Canvasbacks and redheads, 196.
- Salmi of, 196.
- Dumplings, apple, 429.
- With baking powder, 170.
- “ suet, 170.
E - Éclairs, 473.
- Chocolate, vanilla, coffee, 474.
- Economical living, 44.
- Eggs, 58, 261.
- À l’Aurore, 270.
- À la Bourguinonne, 270.
- À la Polignac, 267.
- À la Reine, 273.
- À la Villeroi, 269.
- au beurre noir, 273.
- au miroir, 266.
- Balls for soup, 92.
- Boiled, 262.
- Cocotte, 266.
- Croquettes, 272.
- Curried, 271.
- Fried, 264.
- Golden cream toast, 270.
- How to judge and keep, 261.
- Livingston, 273.
- Nog, 557.
- Omelet, 264.
- Poached, 263.
- On anchovy toast, 268.
- “ “ “ (entrÉe), 268.
- Salads, 381.
- Sandwiches, 366.
- Sauce, 278.
- Scrambled, 264.
- Shirred, 266.
- Stuffed, 271, 272.
- Sur le plat, 266.
- With tomatoes, 268, 332.
- In tomatoes, 380.
- To whip, 389, 463.
- Plant, 215.
- “ stuffed, 215.
- Election cake, 244.
- Emergencies, 55.
- English muffins, 355.
- Enterprise chopper, 293.
- EntrÉes, 292.
- Espagnole sauce, 282.
F G - Galantine of turkey, 193.
- Garnishing, 392.
- Boiled fish, 114.
- Cakes, 486.
- With flowers, 393.
- Garnishes for soups, 92.
- GÂteau St. HonorÉ, 407.
- Gauffres, 479.
- Gelatine, 60, 388.
- Gems, corn, 354.
- Graham, 237, 354.
- Genoese cake, 467.
- Giblet sauce, 185.
- Gingerbread, soft, 483.
- Ginger snaps, 481.
- GlacÉ oranges and grapes, 516.
- Glaze, 277.
- Gluten bread, 347.
- Gold and silver cake, 470.
- Golden buck, 372.
- Cream toast, 270.
- Goose, roast, 194.
- Graham bread, 346.
- Gems, 237, 354.
- Grape fruit, 530.
- Grapes glacÉ, 516.
- Juice, 557.
- Preserved, 539.
- Spiced, 544.
- Grease, removing from soups, 86.
- Saving, 51.
- Green peas, 209.
- Cream of, 106.
- Timbale of, for soups, 94.
- Grilled bones, 188.
- Grouse, roasted, 197.
- Gumbo filÉ, 248.
H - Halibut steaks, boiled, 119.
- Turkish style, 120.
- Timbale, 303.
- Ham boiled, 177.
- Baked, 177.
- And eggs, broiled, 178.
- À l’Aurore, 178.
- CanapÉs, 368.
- Omelet, 266.
- Hamburg steaks, 151.
- Hard sauce, 448.
- Harlequin balls, 522.
- Slices for soups, 94.
- Hartford election cake, 244.
- Hash, corned beef, 158.
- Brown, 159.
- Heart, calf’s, 174.
- Hoe cake, 246.
- No. 2, 247.
- Colonial, 237.
- Hollandaise sauce, 281.
- Home dinner, 27.
- Homily on cooking, 35.
- Hominy cake, 356.
- Fried, 224.
- Horseradish sauce, 284.
- Hot slaw, 214.
I - Ices, 508.
- Lemon, 243, 508.
- Orange, 508.
- Strawberry, 508.
- Ice-creams, 488.
- American, 495.
- Angel, 497.
- Caramel, 496, 497.
- Coffee, 497.
- Chocolate, 496.
- Classification of, 488.
- Fancy molding of, 491.
- Freezing, 490.
- French, 495.
- Fruit, 501.
- General rules for making, 489.
- Imperatrice, 505.
- Individual, 492, 493.
- Molding, 491.
- Neapolitan, 498.
- Nesselrode, 499.
- Nut, 502.
- Ornamental, 493.
- Packing, 490.
- Philadelphia, 494.
- Pistachio, 498.
- Plum pudding glacÉ, 500.
- Rice, 498.
- Tutti frutti, 501.
- Vanilla, 494.
- Iced tea, 550.
- Icing, boiled, 484.
- Chocolate, 484, 485.
- Coffee for Éclairs, 485.
- Fondant, 485.
- Royal, 483.
- “ with confectioners’ sugar, 484.
- For small cakes, 485.
- And decorating cakes, 483.
- Indian bread, 236.
- Pudding, 240, 241, 443.
- Individual salads, 383.
- Inside flank of beef, 153.
- Irish stew, 165.
- Italian cream, 401.
- Jelly, 418.
- Meringue, 498.
J - Jams, 541.
- Jam omelet, 425.
- Jellied chicken, 182.
- Fruit, 534.
- Fruits (Pain aux fruits), 419.
- Tongue, 175.
- Veal, 171.
- Jellies, 412, 543.
- Jelly rolls, 468.
- Jelly, to clarify, 413.
- Apple, 544.
- Aspic, 321.
- Berry design for mold, 326.
- Coffee, 416.
- Cold, sauce, 449.
- Crab-apple, 544.
- Cranberry, 244.
- Champagne, 416.
- “ with flowers, 416.
- Currant, 543.
- Daisy design for mold, 326.
- Dantzic, 418.
- Decorations for meat, 326.
- Dissolving, 412.
- Italian, 418.
- Lemon, 415.
- MacÉdoine, 417.
- Molding fancy, 324, 413.
- Orange, 415.
- Points to observe in making, 412.
- Plum pudding, 399.
- Proportions for, 413.
- Prune, 243.
- Quince, 544.
- Ribbon, 418.
- Rolls, 468.
- Russian, 417.
- Sauce, 449, 287.
- Serving, 414.
- Wine, 415.
- With fruits (macÉdoine), 417.
- What to do with left over, 418.
- Whipped, 417.
- White or blanc-mange, 399.
- Unmolding, 324.
- Johnny cake, 237.
- Julienne soup, 89.
- Jumbles, 480.
K - Kidneys, stewed, 173.
- Kisses, 475.
- Kneading bread, 342.
- Koumiss, 558.
L - Lady fingers, 476.
- Lalla Rookh, 509.
- Lamb, spring, 167.
- Larding, 76.
- Layer cakes, 468.
- Lemonade, 554.
- Lemon ice, 243, 508.
- Jelly, 415.
- Sugar, 391.
- Syrup, 391.
- Lettuce salad, 376.
- Stewed, 219.
- Lima beans, 210.
- Little pound cakes, 478.
- Liver and bacon, 172.
- Braised, 172.
- Broiled, 172.
- Loaf or false pÂtÉ de foie gras, 308.
- SautÉ, 255.
- Livers, chicken, 309, 333.
- Loaf of chicken, 191.
- Liver, 308.
- Veal, 171.
- Lobster, 136.
- To bake, 137.
- To boil, 136.
- To broil, 137.
- To kill, 136.
- To open, 137.
- À la Newburg, 139.
- Bisque of, 109.
- Butter, 109.
- Chops, 138.
- Farci, 138.
- Filling for patties, 140.
- Freshness of, 136.
- Salad, 382.
- Salpicon of, 140.
- Sauce, 279.
- Season of, 136.
- Stew, 140.
- Stewed, 232.
- Luncheon, 31.
- Luncheon and tea-rolls, 351.
M - Macaroni, 224.
- À la Albi, 236.
- au gratin, 225.
- Baked with cheese, 225.
- Mrs. Maspero, 226.
- With tomato or other sauce, 225.
- With minced meat, 226.
- Timbale, 302.
- “ Honeycomb, 302.
- Sauce for, 226.
- “ No. 2, 226.
- “ No. 3, 227.
- Soup, 89.
- Macaroons, 477.
- MacÉdoine jelly, 417.
- Salad, 378.
- Of vegetables, 216.
- Mackerel, salt, 127.
- Creamed, 127.
- Madeleines, No. 1, 477.
- No. 2, 478.
- MÂitre d’hÔtel sauce, 286.
- Marble cake, 470.
- Marinate, to, 79, 374.
- Marmalade, 541.
- Apple, 543.
- Orange, 542.
- Quince, 542.
- Marrow balls, 94.
- Bones, 159.
- Marrons, pain de, 420.
- GlacÉ, 521.
- Marshmallows, 521.
- Mayonnaise, 288, 375.
- Arrowroot, 290.
- Green, 289.
- Jelly, 290.
- Red, 290.
- White, 289.
- Of chicken, 192.
- Measuring, 77.
- Meats, 52, 145.
- Cooking, 145.
- Cleaning, 145.
- General remarks about, 145.
- Juices of, 145.
- Piercing, 146.
- Scalloped, 151.
- Sandwiches, 364.
- Seasoning, 145.
- Menus, luncheon, 31.
- Inexpensive dinners, 47, 249.
- Meringues, 475.
- Meringue sauce, 448.
- To sweeten, 389.
- Mignon fillets, 157.
- Milk, 54, 58, 389.
- Bread, 345.
- When scalded, 389.
- Punch, 557.
- Toast, 348.
- Shake, 557.
- Sterilized, 257.
- Millefeuilles, 461.
- Mince pie, 454.
- Mint sauce, 287.
- Miscellaneous receipts, 257.
- Mixing liquids and solids, 59.
- Mock oysters, 220.
- Mock turtle soup, 103.
- Molasses cake, 483.
- Candy, 527.
- Pie, 242.
- Wafers, 482.
- Molding, 389.
- Articles to fry, 76.
- Fancy, 413.
- Jellies, 323.
- Ice-creams, 491.
- Molds, 60.
- Double, 325.
- To ornament, 324.
- Moselle cup, 555.
- Mousses, 506.
- Fruit, 507.
- Golden, 507.
- Muffins, 355.
- English, 355.
- Raised, 355.
- Mushrooms, remarks about, 45, 314.
- Cooking, 316.
- À la poulette, 320.
- Agaricus campestris, 317.
- “ procerus, 318.
- “ russula, 318.
- Boleti, 318.
- Coprinus comatus, 318.
- “ atramentarius, 318.
- Clavaria, 319.
- Hydnum caput MedusÆ, 319.
- Puff balls, 319.
- Marasmius oreades, 317.
- Scalloped, 320.
- Sauce, 286.
- To dry, 320.
- Mustard sauce, 284.
- Mutton, remarks about, 160.
- Boiled, 163.
- Breast of, 255.
- Broth, 95.
- Chops, 165.
- “ in paper cases, 166.
- À la Maintenon, 167.
- Leg of, 162.
- Loin of, 162.
- RagoÛt of, 164.
- “ cold boiled, 165.
- RÉchauffÉ of, 234.
- Rolled loin of, 162.
- Saddle of, 162.
- Shoulder of, stuffed, 163.
N - Nasturtium pickle, 547.
- Neapolitan ice-cream, 498.
- Squares, 523.
- Nesselrode pudding, 499.
- Noodles, 93.
- Balls, 93.
- To serve as vegetables, 93.
- Soup, 89.
- Nougat, 518.
- For bonbons, 518.
- “ molding, 519.
- Soft white, 519.
- Nuts, 532.
- Carameled, 526.
- Creams, 523.
- Ice-creams, 502.
- Salted, 533.
O - Oat cake, 356.
- Oatmeal, creamed, 238.
- Porridge, 227.
- Olives, to stone, 78.
- Olive sauce, 285.
- Omelets, 264.
- aux fins herbes, 266.
- Beaten, 266.
- Green, 266.
- Ham, 266.
- Jam, 425.
- Orange, 425.
- Plain French, 264.
- Potato, 203.
- With peas and tomatoes, 266.
- Rum, 426.
- Variations of, 265.
- SoufflÉ, 422.
- Spanish, 274.
- Onions, 219.
- Juice, 59.
- “ how to extract, 78.
- Soup, 105.
- Spanish, stuffed, 219.
- Orangeade, 554.
- Oranges, 530.
- GlacÉ, 516.
- Cake, 469.
- Compote of, 536.
- Fritters, 427.
- Ice, 508.
- Indian pudding, 241.
- Jelly, 415.
- Juice, 534.
- Marmalade, 541.
- Omelet, 425.
- Or lemon peel candied, 391, 527.
- Pie, 453.
- Salad, 382.
- Sugar, 391.
- Syrup, 391.
- pain d', 420.
- Oysters, 131.
- À la poulette, 133.
- “ Villeroi, 132.
- Broiled, 132.
- Browned, 231.
- Cooking, 131.
- “ in chafing-dish, 233.
- Crabs, 143, 310.
- “ entrÉe of, 310.
- Cases, 308.
- Creamed, 331.
- Cream of, 108.
- Filling for patties, 134.
- And fish, 231.
- Fried, 132.
- Fricassee, 232.
- Mock, 220.
- Panned, 133, 331.
- Pickled, 232.
- Raw, 131.
- Roasted, 133.
- Salad, 383.
- Sauce, 279.
- Soup, 104.
- Scalloped, 134, 231.
- Stew, 331.
- Ox-tail soup, 99.
- Ovens, 63.
P - Panada, bread, 298.
- Flour, 298.
- Pancakes, remarks about, 361.
- Adirondack, 363.
- Bread, 362.
- Buckwheat, 363.
- Cornmeal, 363.
- Plain, 362.
- Rice, 362.
- Sweet, 426.
- Pans, bread, 344.
- Cake, 463, 464.
- Panned oysters, 133, 331.
- Pain aux fruits, 419.
- de fraises, 419.
- d’oranges, 420.
- de pÊches, 420.
- de marrons, 420.
- de riz aux fruits, 419.
- “ À la princesse, 419.
- de volaille, 300.
- Parched rice, 223.
- Parfaits, 489.
- General rules for making, 502.
- Angel, 505.
- au cafÉ and pralinÉ, 504.
- Of chestnuts, 506.
- Maple, 504.
- Vanilla, 503.
- Parker House rolls, 351.
- Parsnips, 218.
- Partridges, roasted, broiled, 199.
- Pastry, 451.
- Plain, 239, 451.
- For tarts, 452.
- To glaze, 461.
- Timbale, 303.
- PÂtÉ de foie gras en bellevue, 384.
- PÂtÉ shells, 460.
- Patties, 305.
- Pea soup, 102, 229.
- Peaches, 530.
- Compote of, 536.
- Peach-leaf flavor, 391.
- Fritters, 427.
- Frozen, 501, 532.
- Pickled, sweet, 545.
- Preserved, 537.
- Pudding, 241.
- Peanut candy, 527.
- Peanuts, 532.
- Pears, stewed, 244.
- Preserved, 538.
- Peppermint creams, 525.
- Drops, 526.
- Peppers, stuffed, 215.
- Philadelphia ice-cream, 494.
- Pickled oysters, 232.
- Pickles, 545.
- Chow-chow, 546.
- Cucumber or gherkins, 545.
- Green tomato, 546.
- Nasturtiums, 547.
- Peaches, 545.
- Plums, 545.
- Walnuts, 545.
- Pies, 450.
- Apple, 454.
- Beef, 152.
- Beefsteak, 235.
- Chicken, 192.
- Cocoanut, 456.
- Cranberry, 456.
- Cream, 455.
- Mince mixture, 454.
- Molasses, 242.
- Orange, 453.
- Plain apple, 454.
- “ pastry for, 239, 451.
- Pumpkin, 239, 454.
- Squash, 238.
- Tart, 452.
- Washington, 457.
- Pigeons, potted, 197.
- Roasted, 197.
- Pineapple canapÉs, 336.
- Sauce, 447.
- Pine cones, 411.
- Piquante sauce, 283.
- Pistachio cake, 469.
- Flavor, 391.
- Ice-cream, 498.
- Plain pudding sauces, 444, 445.
- Plum-pudding, 437.
- Jelly, 399.
- GlacÉ, 500.
- Sauce for, 501.
- Plum sauce for meats, 544.
- Polenta, 227.
- Pone, 246.
- Pork, 176.
- And beans, 217, 234.
- Chops, 177.
- Roast, 176.
- Pot-pie, 169.
- Potatoes, baked, 204.
- Baked with meat, 204.
- Balls, 203.
- “ fried, 205.
- Boiled, 201.
- Bread, 345.
- Broiled, 204.
- Cakes, 201.
- Casserole, 327.
- Chowder, 110.
- Creamed, 203.
- Croquettes, 202.
- And fish timbale, 304.
- Fried, 205.
- Lyonnaise, 204.
- Mashed, 201.
- Omelet, 203.
- Puffed, 206.
- Rice, 202.
- Roses, 202.
- Salad, 378.
- Saratoga, 205.
- SoufflÉ, 202.
- Soup, 105.
- Straws, 205.
- Stuffed, 204.
- Supports for hot meats, 328.
- Sweet, 206.
- “ baked, 206.
- “ browned, 206.
- “ Croquettes, 207.
- “ PurÉe of, 207.
- Poulette sauce, 280.
- Poultry and game, 179.
- To clean and draw, 180.
- Pound cake, 471.
- Pound cakes, small, 478.
- Prairie chicken and grouse, 197.
- Praline powder, 505.
- Preserved citron, 540.
- Grapes, 539.
- Peaches, 537.
- “ brandied, 543.
- Pears, 538.
- Plums, 538.
- Raspberries, 540.
- Strawberries, 539.
- “ No. 2, 540.
- Preserving, 537.
- PrintaniÈre soup, 89.
- Prune jelly, 243.
- SoufflÉ, 423.
- Pudding batter, 428.
- Beefsteak, 251.
- Bermuda, 242.
- Blueberry, 241.
- Bread, 434.
- “ and butter, 434.
- Brown Betty, 429.
- Cabinet, 438.
- “ No. 2, 439.
- “ No. 3 (Royal), 439.
- “ No. 4, 440.
- Canary, 436.
- Chocolate, 398.
- Cherry bread, 241.
- Cocoanut, 398.
- Cottage, 435.
- Cornstarch, 397.
- Diplomatic, 403.
- Fig, 438.
- Fish, 123.
- Fruit, 443.
- Indian, 240, 241, 443.
- Peach, 241.
- Plum, 437.
- “ glacÉ, 500.
- Rice, plain, 433.
- “ and marmalade, 242.
- Roly-poly, 443.
- Snow apple, 429.
- Suet, 436.
- Tapioca, 433.
- Yorkshire, 147.
- Puffs or pop-overs, 354.
- Puff-paste, 457.
- Rules for, 457.
- Receipt for, 458.
- Pulled bread, 349.
- Pumpkin pie, 239, 454.
- Punch, frozen, general rules, for, 508.
- Coffee, 509.
- Milk, 557.
- Salpicon of fruit, 533.
- “ of California cherries, 534.
- PurÉe of beans, 217.
- Chestnuts, 185, 215.
- Chicken, 310.
- Fruit sauce, 447.
Q - Quails broiled, 198.
- Roasted, 198.
- Quenelles, 300.
- Forcemeat, 298.
- Quick aspic, 322.
- Quinces, baked, 532.
- Jelly, 544.
- Marmalade, 542.
R - RagoÛt of beef, 153.
- Of mutton, 164.
- Raisins, 60, 389.
- Range, 63.
- Raspberry vinegar, 558.
- Preserve, 540.
- Raw beef sandwiches, 367.
- Oysters, 131.
- RÉchauffÉ of mutton, 234.
- Redhead ducks, 196.
- Refrigerator, 62.
- Rennet custard, 397.
- Rhode Island Johnny cake, 237.
- Ribbon jelly, 418.
- Rice, to boil, 222.
- Southern way of boiling, 248.
- Bavarian, 402.
- Ice-cream, 498.
- Pancakes, 362.
- Parched, 223.
- Pudding No. 1, 433.
- “ No. 2, 433.
- Lemon rice-pudding, 242.
- And marmalade pudding, 242.
- And raisins, 434.
- Pudding glacÉ, 505.
- And tomatoes, 223.
- Rich pudding sauce, 445.
- Richelieu sauce, 448.
- Rissotto, 227.
- Rissoles, 305.
- Roast beef, 146.
- Cold, 151.
- Roasted oysters, 133.
- Roasting, 70.
- Rolled loin of mutton, 162.
- Rolls, baking, 344.
- Bread, 349.
- Cleft, 351.
- Luncheon and tea, 351.
- Parker House, 351.
- Roly-poly pudding, 443.
- Rose sugar, 391.
- Roux, to make, 79.
- Royal icing, 483.
- Royale, 92.
- Rum omelet, 426.
- Sauce, 445.
- Rusks, 357.
- Dried, 358.
- Russian jellies, 417.
- Salad, 383.
- Bowls, 329.
29" class="pginternal">429. Snow pudding, 417. Soap, to make, 259. Socles, 326. Of rice, 327. Soubise sauce, 284. SoufflÉs, 421. Apple, 424. Cheese, 370. Chicken, 190. Chocolate, 423. Omelet, 422. Potato, 202. Prune, 423. Spinach, 211. Vanilla, 422. Soup, general directions for, 84. Meats, 85. Vegetables, 85. Inexpensive, 255. Garnishes for Soup, 90, 92. Forcemeat balls, 92. Egg balls, 92. Green pea timbale, 94. Harlequin slices, 94. Marrow balls, 94. Noodles, 93. “ balls, 93. Sweet potato balls, 94. Soup, bean, 102. Black bean, 102, 229. Bouillon, 97. Calf’s head or mock turtle, 103. Chicken, 100. “ consommÉ, 100. Clam, 104, 230. CroÛte au pot, 90. Fish stock and, 103. Julienne, 89. Lobster bisque, 109. “ butter for, 109. Macaroni, 89. Noodle, 89. Onion, 105. Oyster, 104. Ox-tail, 99. Pea, 102, 229. Potato, 105. Tapioca, 90. Tomato bisque, 106. “ purÉe, 101. Vegetable, 89. T - Table, laying the, 13.
- Time, inside of cover.
- Weights and measures, 387.
- Taffy, 527.
- Tapioca, Soup, 90.
- and apples, 252.
- Pudding, 433.
- Tartare sauce, 290.
- Tart bands, 460.
- bread, 435.
- Pies, 452.
- Tartlets, 461.
- Paganini, 461.
- Tea, 549.
- Five o’clock, 33.
- Iced, 550.
- Biscuits, 352.
- “ with sour milk, 352.
- Terrapin, 311.
- À la Newburg, 313.
- General rules about, 311.
- Maryland style, 313.
- False, 308.
- Thickening for soup, 90.
- Things to remember, 58.
- Timbales, 296.
- To mold and cook, 298.
- Fish, 123.
- Halibut, 303.
- Honeycomb, 302.
- Macaroni, 302.
- of brioche, 361.
- Pastry, 303.
- Potato and fish, 304.
- Toast, 348.
- milk, 348.
- Tomato bisque, 106.
- broiled, 208.
- Farci, 208.
- Jelly, 380.
- PurÉe, 101.
- Roasted, 208.
- Salads, 379, 380.
- Sauce, 285.
- Scalloped, 207.
- Stewed, 207.
- Stuffed, 207.
- “ with eggs, 380.
- and rice, 223.
- Tongue, beef, 174.
- cold, 175.
- Hot sliced, 174.
- Jellied, 175.
- Trifle, 411.
- Banana, 412.
- Tripe, 173.
- Truffles, 296.
- To decorate with, 326.
- Turkey, 193.
- Boned, 193.
- Galantine, 193.
- Turnips, 160, 216.
- Tutti Frutti, 501.
U - Uses for stale cake, 411.
- Utensils, care of, 61.
- For desserts, 386.
V - Vanilla soufflÉ, 422.
- Ice-cream, 494.
- Sugar, 391.
- Veal, 168.
- Cutlets, 169.
- Fricandeau, 169.
- Jellied, 171.
- “ Loaf, 171.
- Roast fillet of, 168.
- Scallop, 172.
- Stuffed shoulder of, 168.
- With white sauce, 253.
- Vegetables, general remarks about, 200.
- Soup, 101.
- for soup, 85.
- MacÉdoine of, 216.
- VeloutÉ sauce, 279.
- Venetian cakes, 479.
- Venison, 199.
- “ steak, 199.
- Vermicelli soup, 89.
- Villeroi sauce, 280.
- Vol-au-vent, 304.
W - Wafers, molasses, 482.
- Waffles, 356.
- Walnuts, pickled, 545.
- English, salted, 533.
- Warren’s Cake, 482.
- Washington Pie, 457.
- Wastefulness, 50.
- Water, 548.
- Water-cress salad, 376.
- Water-Ices, 508.
- Weights and measures, 387.
- Welsh rabbit, 371.
- Wheat, cracked, 228.
- Whole, bread, 346.
- Whips, 409.
- Whipped Cream, 408.
- Jelly, 417.
- Whitebait, 118.
- White cake, 471.
- Jelly, 399.
- Soup, 99.
- Stock. 99.
- Wines, serving, 560.
- Wine jelly, 415.
- Woodcock, 198.
- Wooden spoons, 330.
Y - Yeast, 338.
- Remarks about, 338.
- Dick Bennet’s, 339.
- Receipt No. 2, 339.
- Yorkshire Pudding, 147.