- A
- Anchovy canapÉs, 41
- Apple and celery salad, 121
- Apple pudding, jellied, 146
- Apple salad, individual, 122
- Apples, baked, 141
- Richelieu, 140
- Stewed, No. 1, 140
- Apricots, compote of, 142
- Aspic of chicken, 125
- Of pÂtÉ de foie gras, 126
- Of vegetables, 120
- B
- Babas, 147
- Baked apples, 141
- Bananas, 138
- Fillets of fish with sauce, 66
- Hominy, 96
- Mushrooms, 79
- Quinces, 138
- Sweetbreads, 73
- Tomatoes and fontage cups, 81
- Bananas, baked, No. 1, 138
- Bavarian cream sliced and garnished with cream-cakes, 153
- Bean croquettes, 98
- Beaten omelet, 52
- Beef consommÉ, 45
- Boiled ham, No. 1, 128
- Boned ham, 129
- Braids, 203
- Brandy peaches, 109
- Bread braids, 203
- Bread and butter, checkered, 204
- Sandwiches, brown and white combined, 205
- Sandwiches in circles with nuts, 205
- Sandwiches, remarks about, 205
- Striped, 204
- Bread-cutter, 202
- Bread and jam tartlets, 143
- Brioche, 209
- Brioche, loaf of, 210
- Remarks about, 209
- To make, 209
- Broiled lobster, 51
- Scrambled with tomatoes, 54
- Spanish, 56
- To poach, 51
- To scramble, 51
- With giblet sauce, 57
EntrÉes, 69 F Farina croquettes, 135 Fig pudding, 136 Figs, compote of, 142 Fillets of beef, remarks about, 85 - With tomatoes, 86
- And mushrooms, 87
Fillets of fish, baked, 66 - Fried, 65
- Remarks about, 65
- With mushrooms, 67
Fillets of flounder, 65 Fillings for sandwiches, 207 Fish À la Japonnaise, 67 - Cold, 129
- Creamed and garnished with potatoes, 67
- Cutlets, cold, 130
- Halibut, cold, 131
- In the garden, 130
Fontage cups, 30 Forcemeat, 101 Frangipane tartlets, 158 French dressing, 115 Fried fillets of fish, 65 - Oysters with cold slaw, 61
- Scallops, 62
Frosted currants, 38 Frozen punches, 109 Fruit soufflÉs, 139 Fruits, cherries, 176 - Currants, 38
- Pears, 176
- Pineapples, 175
- Salpicon of, 37
G Galettes, 190 Garnishing, 7 Garnished cold fish, 129 - Gingerbread with chocolate glaze, 179
- With icing and preserved ginger, 180
- With whipped cream, 180
Glaze, 104 Glazed tongue, 127 Gnocchi À la FranÇaise, 111 - À l’Italienne, 110
- À la Romaine, 110
Grape-fruit in glasses, 37 Green-gage pudding, 137 Green pepper sandwiches, 208 H Ham, boiled, 128 - Boned, 129
- And eggs, minced, Rice prune pudding, 146
- Rissoles, 71
- Roasted quails, 115
- Rolled fillets of flounder, 65
- Rolls, luncheon, 203
- S
- Salad, artichoke bottoms, 119
- Asparagus tips, 119
- Bouquet, 118
- Lettuce and tomato and eggs, 119
- Cabbage, 122
- Celery and apple, 121
- Chestnut, 124
- Chicken, 123
- Cucumber and tomato, 120
- Daisy, 119
- Dressing, cream, 116
- Fruits, 124
- Lettuce and hard boiled egg, 118
- Lettuce hearts, 118
- Mashed potato, 123
- Plain lettuce, 117
- Preparing, 116
- Remarks about, 117
- Shad roe, 123
- Tomato and green pepper, 121
- Turnip cups with celery, 121
- Vegetable, 120
- Salpicon, 72
- Sandwiches, bread and butter, 205
- Brown and white bread, 205
- Celery, 207
- Fillings for, 207
- Green pepper, 208
- In circles with nuts, 205
- Lettuce, 206
- Playing-card, 208
- Remarks about, 205
- Rolled or motto, 206
- Toasted cheese, 209
- Sauce, brown, 102
- Hollandaise, 103
- Horseradish, 88
- Hot chocolate, 167
- Hot maple, 168
- MaÎtre d’hÔtel, 103
- Soubise, 87
- Supreme, 102
- Tomato purÉe, 103
- White, 102
- SautÉd bananas, 138
- Savarins, 147
- Scallops, fried, 62
- Remarks about, 62
- On the shell, 63
- Scotch oat-cakes,
- Transcriber’s Notes:
- Missing or obscured punctuation was silently corrected.
- Typographical errors were silently corrected.
- Inconsistent spelling and hyphenation were made consistent only when a predominant form was found in this book.