The midday meal, called luncheon, varies in character from a very informal service, where the dishes are placed on the table and the servants leave the room, to one of equal elaboration and formality with that of a dinner. As this meal is made to conform to convenience, it is difficult to give general rules, as rules are conventions of ceremony, and ceremony is sometimes disregarded, as in the case where a larger number of guests are received than the service of the house admits of entertaining in other than an informal manner. Luncheon proper corresponds to what in foreign countries is called the second breakfast, or dÉjeÛner À la fourchette, where people are seated at the table and served as at dinner. The French breakfast hour, however, is usually twelve o’clock, while luncheon is an hour or more later. "The company"Entertaining at luncheon is as customary as dinner giving, but ordinarily the company is composed of women alone, men as a rule not being entertained at this hour, except on holidays or special occasions. "Seating the guests"A card with the name of the guest distinctly written on it designates the place at the table to be occupied by that guest, and each one finds her place without being otherwise directed, as the hostess is the "Invitations"The invitations for luncheon are the same in form as for dinner; if the luncheon is a formal entertainment they are usually written in the third person, or conventionally expressed in the first person. An informal note is written for informal occasions. Under no circumstances should a verbal invitation be given. It is polite to answer an invitation within twelve hours. People who are in the habit of entertaining are seldom remiss in the courtesy of a prompt reply, for they have probably experienced the inconvenience of uncertainty, and the embarrassment of having to fill places at the last minute, and so are better able to understand the significance of this social convention. "Dress"Women wear street costumes or afternoon gowns; they lay off their wraps, but do not remove their hats. Men should wear afternoon dress. "The table"At luncheon a table-cloth is not used if the table is handsome enough to permit its omission, but often leaves are put in which have not the same polish as the main table and must be covered with a cloth. The use of a cloth is, however, a matter of taste, not of rule. "Mats"To protect the table when no table-cloth is used, mats are placed under the dishes. The plate mats, either square or round, are seven to nine inches across. Mats are sometimes lined with asbestos, felt, or other thick material to protect the table better from the heat of the plates. The mats, as a rule, match the centerpiece, but this is not obligatory. There is no limit to the variety of centerpieces and mats. They range from crochet work and embroidered linen to beautiful laces. "Decorations"Except the mats, the decorations used are the same as for the dinner-table, flowers being the chief and always the most beautiful resource. The decorations should be kept low in order not to obstruct the view across the table and so make general conversation impossible. A large table is more imposing with high centerpieces, and at buffet luncheons high decorations can be indulged in. The cold dishes used on such occasions Where a large number of guests are being entertained, as at wedding breakfasts, or where the luncheon is accessory to some other entertainment, the guests are frequently seated at small tables placed throughout the room. In this case, no ornamentation is attempted other than a few flowers on each table, as anything more would be an inconvenience. "Lighting"The lighting of the table requires careful consideration. Artificial light is not used unless necessary; but a dark, gloomy table should always be avoided, and if the room is dark candles should be lighted. Sometimes half the guests face bright windows, while the faces of those sitting with their backs to the windows are in shadow. Shaded lights in the chandelier will often remove this shadow; and, if carefully managed, the gas-lights will not be disagreeably noticeable. This, together with a careful adjustment of the curtains, will often equalize the light; but if a blinding glare cannot thus be overcome, it is better to draw the shades and curtains and light the candles. In city houses this is frequently done. "Laying the table"The table is laid as for dinner, except that bread-and-butter plates are placed at the left of the dinner plates, each bread-and-butter plate having a small knife laid across it. These plates are small, and are used for the breads and hors d’oeuvres. "The food and courses"At luncheon the soup is served in cups, and, where the guests are seated at the table, roasts are seldom presented, the meats being served in the form of chops, or individual portions; otherwise, the service is the same as at dinner. Where the guests are seated at small tables the service is the same as if all were seated at one table, and a number of servants are required. There should always be enough waiters to serve the meal quickly. An hour and a half is the extreme limit of time that guests should be kept at the table. Seven or eight courses are all that should be presented, and these should be served quickly, but without apparent haste. The days of long feasting are passed. People of to-day value their health and time too much to sit for hours at a time at the table. The meal should be over before there is any fatigue or dullness; but on the word of Brillat-Savarin, an accepted authority on gastronomic subjects, it is safe to detain guests at the table for one hour. He says: “La table est le seul endroit oÙ l’on ne s’ennuie jamais pendant la premiÈre heure.” GARNISHING AND DISHING MEATSOne celebrated French chef says: “Il faut viser a charmer les yeux des gourmet avant d’en satisfaire This necessity is well recognized by every good cook, and such a one tries to give dishes the inviting appearance justly demanded by epicures. It is not necessary that the dish belong to the category which in cooking parlance is termed “high class,” for the simplest one comes under the same rule and is capable of being raised to a higher rank by careful dishing and tasteful garnishing. The greatest cooks are renowned for such specialties. It is said of Soyer, “for dishing up he was entitled to celebrity”; and of CarÊme, “he excelled in everything requiring perfect taste, and dealt in a new and very effective manner with the ornamentation of large cold dishes.” There is nothing which so quickly indicates the grade of the cook as the manner in which she serves her dishes. One who has no pride in her work seldom takes time for ornamentation, though garnishing is the simplest part of her duty. When, however, attention is given to this branch, even though the result may not be perfect, it gives promise of better things, and one may confidently predict for the cook who thus shows desire to do well that she will attain a higher degree of excellence in her profession. There is no class of dishes, from breads to desserts, which are not more appetizing when made attractive in appearance. It has been said that “eyes do half the eating,” and as no expense need be incurred in the indulgence of tasteful arrangement of the dishes, there seems to be no reason why the simplest table The word garnishing is used here in a broad interpretation of the term, meaning the general ornamentation of dishes, whether it be obtained by form, color, dishing, or by dressing them with those articles called garnishes. NO. 198. SODA BISCUITS CUT WITH FLUTED STAMP. For example, beginning with breads, embellishment is accomplished by means of form and color. The form is gained by molding and cutting; the color, by glazing with egg or sugar. A universal expedient, when short of bread, is the soda biscuit. These biscuits, when cut in very small rounds of uniform size, will tempt the scoffer of hot breads; while large or small crusty rolls, all of exactly the same size, and baked a golden color, will also make him forget his prejudices and find excuse in the delicious crust for eating them. But these same biscuits carelessly cut or molded or baked would offer him no excuse for inviting dyspepsia. Toast looks more inviting when cut into strips or triangles, or with the corners neatly cut off if served in whole slices. Any little thing which indicates care on the part of the cook recommends the dish to favor and almost guarantees its excellence—on the principle that straws show which way the wind blows. The garnishes for meat dishes are so various, it may be said that their only limit is the ingenuity and resources of the cook. It should be remembered that dishes which are served hot do not permit of as much garnishing as cold ones. The first requisite in the former is heat, and this must not be lost by time given to elaborate garnishing. It does not, however, exclude them from the privilege of being embellished; for if the garnishes are prepared and ready at hand, it takes but a minute to put them in place. Hot meat dishes can also rely on other things to improve their appearance, such as shapeliness and uniformity; therefore, strict attention should be given to the cutting and trimming of meats, to the molding of croquettes, of meat-balls, or of anything served in pieces, and also to the dishing of the same. After meat is well cut, if a joint, it should be divested of all points and irregularities, and of cartilage which will interfere with the carving, and then should be trimmed into a well-balanced and symmetrical form, attention being given to the matter of its standing squarely and solidly upon the platter. Chops and cutlets should be trimmed into uniform size and shape. This can be done without waste, as the trimmings have their uses. Careful Meat should be placed exactly in the center of the platter, except in certain instances where studied irregularity is given for special garnishing. To place chops or cutlets neatly overlapping one another, either in rows or in a circle, requires some dexterity, perhaps, but this is acquired by a very little practice, and such an arrangement not only helps to keep the meats hot, but is in itself ornamental. The platter should be in right proportion to the article served upon it. A large joint on too small a platter gives the same sense of unsuitableness that an outgrown garment gives to a boy or a girl, and the carving of this seemingly overgrown joint usually results in accidents to the table-cloth. Again, too small a platter affords no room for garnishing. The color given meat in cooking may be called its secondary garnish, space being the first. Care should be taken, if it is roasted, that it be well browned; if it is boiled, that it be white and clean-looking; if it is fried, that it be not blackened, but a clear lemon color. Poultry should have a golden color that suggests crispness. It is difficult to make the mediocre cook understand these points. Larding also serves an ornamental purpose. Dry meats, like veal, and oftentimes fowls, are improved in flavor by being larded; and it should be so done as to make it an ornamental feature. There is no part in the preparation of dishes easier to perform Hashes and minces can, with very little trouble, be made attractive in appearance as well as in taste. Hash pressed into a mold, giving it a ring or a dome shape, then masked or not with a sauce, or simply turned upon a platter, can be prettily garnished with eggs and greens. Plain meat-balls and potato- or hominy-balls can be placed together on a platter with such regard to effect that the dish assumes the character of an entrÉe, instead of appearing like a makeshift from left-over pieces. The next means after larding in what may be called natural garnishing is in the employment of gravies and sauces. No article should ever swim in sauce, but a little can be used with good effect on many dishes. A venison steak wet with a currant jelly sauce, and just enough of the sauce poured on the bottom of the platter to color it, gives a glaze and juicy look to the steak which improves its appearance. A very little tomato sauce under breaded veal chops or croquettes gives color and emphasis to the dish. White sauce poured over boiled dishes gives greater whiteness and often covers defects. In French cooking, much use is made of masking, which is often done by glazing and by the use of sauces. As white sauces will make white foods whiter, so brown ones will make brown ones browner. Fitness must of course be observed. If crispness is a part of the excellence of a dish, it would not do to destroy that quality by using a moistening garnish. Vegetables as garnishes come next in order of suitableness and convenience. When vegetables are placed on the same platter with meats, they not only Vegetable purÉe, in fancy form, is useful for embellishment, and may take the place of a fresh vegetable. PurÉe is made of any vegetable mashed and seasoned in the same manner as potato. Navy beans, Rice is generally used for borders which are intended to keep creamed dishes and fricassees in shape. Sausages cut in halves or quarters, or fried bacon, make a good relish as well as a garnish for many meats; they are particularly good with egg dishes. Paper frills on protruding bones serve the excellent purpose of concealing these unsightly ends. They are easily made by folding a strip of paper lengthwise, then cutting it down about one and a half inches at intervals of one-eighth inch on the folded side, thus making a double fringe; next slip one side up a little, making the fringe round out; and, finally, roll this around a stick, leaving the The green garnishes are parsley, watercress, small crisp lettuce leaves, green lettuce cut into ribbons, chicory, and celery tops. These are all edible, and all have places where they are especially appropriate. Parsley, which is most commonly used, is preËminent for convenience, beauty of leaf, and freshness. In many cases, however, greens which can be eaten with the dish are preferable, such as watercress with broiled or fried meats or fish. Parsley may be used with almost everything in its purely ornamental function, but it can be chopped and sprinkled over foods for both its flavoring and decorative qualities. A woman who has mastered the art of making an omelet will usually give it this finishing touch. Parsley should be very green and crisp, well washed, and dried with a cloth before being used; it may then be broken into sprigs and placed at intervals, or formed into a wreath. Sometimes a large bunch, like a bouquet, may be used with good effect. NO. 1. LEMONS CUT FOR GARNISHES. Lemons, like parsley, have convenience to recommend them, and, like watercress, are acceptable with fried meats. The acid of lemon is the best condiment for veal. When they serve the double purpose of garnish and condiment, they should be cut so the pieces can be taken in the hand and pressed without soiling the fingers. This is effected by cutting them in quarters lengthwise, or in halves and then in quarters. In some instances a half lemon is not too much to serve with one portion, but ordinarily quarters are sufficient. Slices are useless with meats, except as ornaments. Illustration No. 1 shows a NO. 2. EGGS CUT FOR GARNISHES. Hard-boiled eggs ornament in a variety of ways. They should be boiled very hard, then cut with a thin, sharp knife so the slices will be smooth and the edges clean. Illustration No. 2 shows plain slices, rings made by slipping the yolk out of slices, an egg cut into quarters and eighths, a whole yolk set into a ring, and a stuffed egg. Yolks pressed through a colander and sprinkled over creamed meat and fish dishes, cream toast, and some other dishes make a beautiful golden covering. Chopped whites in conjunction with crumbed yolks are used for tracing designs over salads, minces, and cold pieces. Pickled beets are a useful and effective garnish. The color gives decided contrast, and the flavor is a good relish. Sliced beets can be stamped with vegetable-cutters into fancy shapes, or cut with a knife into diamonds, cubes, or strips. One can easily have them always at hand. Two or three boiled beets sliced thin and put into vinegar will last until all are used, and should be among the stores in the dresser awaiting the convenience of the cook. Cucumber pickles and gherkins are equally useful in point of color effects, and in giving piquancy to many foods. They are used in slices stamped into fancy shapes, or chopped and arranged in lines or in little heaps. Gherkins are usually left whole, but may be sliced, Croutons are an indispensable part of hot minced meat dishes, creamed mixtures, and eggs cooked in various ways. They serve also to ornament these dishes, which especially require garnishing to make them presentable. Croutons are pieces of bread browned in butter in a sautÉ-pan, or moistened with butter and browned in the oven. Care should be taken to cut them exactly, the shape depending on the dish with which they are to be used. For soups they should be quarter-inch cubes; for minced meats, triangles more or less acute. Circles, squares, and strips also have their places. The color should be light golden, not dark brown; the latter color betrays inexperience or carelessness. NO. 3. GARNISHES. Fontage cups holding vegetables are useful for garnishing. The articles in the following list are used for garnishing meats: Parsley Lettuce Watercress Chicory Hard-boiled eggs Lemons Pickles Capers Olives Beets Croutons Fancy skewers Paper frills Vegetables Mushrooms Macaroni Spaghetti Rice Potato or purÉe forms Sauces Sausages Bacon It must be borne in mind that decorations should not be such as will embarrass the carver. VEGETABLESWith very few exceptions, vegetables should be served au naturel. Meats require all the aids of skilful handling and tasteful adornment. Vegetables, on the contrary, have great beauty in themselves, and the art of the cook cannot rival that of nature. Therefore a few sprigs of parsley so arranged as to give a finish to the dish are ordinarily sufficient garnishing. In those cases, however, where the vegetables lose form and color in cooking, the skill of the cook may be employed to restore these qualities as far as possible. The more a cabbage can be made to look like itself, the more attractive it will be. This, at first thought, may seem a difficult thing to do, but the boiled vegetable can easily be placed in a cup made of the outside green leaves of the cabbage, and so, in a measure, present its own beautiful form and color. Illustration No. 4 shows a plain boiled cabbage mixed with a white sauce and so arranged. NO. 4. SAVOY CABBAGE LEAVES HOLDING CREAMED BOILED CABBAGE. The color of this vegetable in its natural state appeals to the esthetic sense of every artist, and many NO. 5. SPINACH GARNISHED WITH WHITE OF HARD BOILED EGG AND CROUTONS. In the case of spinach, since the form cannot be preserved, recourse is had to molding; the color also may be heightened by contrast with other colors. Illustration No. 5 shows spinach molded by being pressed into a basin decorated with the whites of hard-boiled eggs, and with croutons placed around the form after it is unmolded. Both the eggs and the croutons improve the taste of the spinach. The basin was first buttered to hold the egg in place while the design was being arranged. Crumbed yolk of hard-boiled egg sprinkled over spinach is another garnishing for this vegetable which enhances its green color and gives the dish a better appearance. NO. 6. ASPIC OF GREEN PEAS. There are many ways of cooking any vegetable. These various ways may serve for change, but few of them are better than the simple one of boiling and serving with a suitable sauce. Attention should be given to dishing vegetables so that there is no appearance of their having been turned carelessly on to the platter. A neatly folded napkin can be used under dry, unseasoned vegetables, like asparagus, artichokes, or corn. The napkin gives daintiness to COLD DISHESIt has been said above that discrimination should be made in garnishing dishes; those to be served hot, for instance, should go directly from the fire to the table, and not be allowed to become cool while being elaborately garnished; on the other hand, cold dishes demand no haste and permit of so much elaboration that at suppers and buffet luncheons they are depended upon largely for table decoration. The accomplished cook considers the work on cold pieces an opportunity for giving examples of his skill, and the ornamentation of molds and chaud-froids a kind of fancy work which requires nicety and taste. Under the head of cold dishes come all the salads, the pÂtÉs, galantines, cold fish dishes, ices, and sweets. In each of these there is range in which to display culinary accomplishments. The skill requisite for moderate adornment of these dishes is not so great that one need hesitate to undertake them. Cold dishes are often more gratefully received in summer than hot ones, therefore it is desirable that every cook should be able to serve them in attractive forms. Again, from an economic point of view they are desirable, as meats can be served a second time in cold forms quite as acceptably as before. Many meats, when served cold, require to be boned and pressed into good shape. Ordinary kitchen boards weighted down serve very well for a press. The meat, while hot, is put into molds, or is rolled Aspic jelly is a principal reliance for covering cold pieces. It is not masking in this case, for the jelly should be perfectly transparent, while masking conceals the material of which the dish is composed. Aspic is also cut into small triangles or in squares to make borders, and is sometimes chopped and used for decoration. See illustration No. 3. Aspic is no longer one of the difficult preparations reserved for the hand of the very experienced cook. Any of the beef or chicken extracts stiffened with gelatine, and seasoned and cleared if necessary, make good aspic. The preparation is as simple as that of any jelly. A little care, however, in molding and handling is requisite for good results. Jellied vegetables are appropriate to use with jellied or other cold meats. Small cups are used for molding them, and the pieces can be made very ornamental. See illustration No. 6. The small forms placed around meat and served with a green salad make an attractive cold course. NO. 7. FANCY SKEWERS FOR GARNISHING COLD MEAT OR FISH DISHES. Fancy skewers are much employed on cold meats. Their office is purely ornamental, so when they are used trouble is not to be considered. A fancy-headed skewer is run through, perhaps, a fine red cockscomb, then a truffle, then a fancy cut of lemon, or a mushroom, Cracked, crushed, or ground ice can often be used with good effect. It gives crispness to olives, celery, radishes, and cucumbers, and enhances the beauty of the dish as well. With raw oysters it is indispensable, and with melons very desirable. A free use of ice on the summer breakfast table will go far toward inviting an appetite for that meal. It is well to remember that although great elaboration is possible in cold dishes, it is not necessary, and dishes can be made very attractive without chaud-froid, aspic, or traced designs. If the pieces are shapely, they will look well if simply sprinkled with chopped parsley, chopped white of egg, or the crumbed yolks, and dressed with any of the green salads. Flowers also can be used to aid in adornment. NO. 8. BOILED FISH IN SWIMMING POSITION. FISHAs fish dishes rank with any other kind in point of attractiveness, and are open to almost as great a variety of garnishing as are meats, the same general Boiled potatoes are ordinarily served with boiled fish, and may be used for garnishing, if cut into balls and cooked so that they are very white and mealy. Parsley gives color and also a sense of freshness. It may be used in large bunches, especially when the fish is cut, or on creamed fish dishes. NO. 9. BOILED SECTION OF FISH COVERED WITH WHITE SAUCE AND GARNISHED WITH CHOPPED PARSLEY AND POTATO BALLS. Illustration No. 9 shows a middle cut of fish with potato and parsley decoration. The fish being cod, the flesh is not sufficiently white to be attractive, and so it is masked with white sauce, then sprinkled with chopped parsley. Had the fish been halibut, the sauce would have been omitted. Hard-boiled eggs are an excellent accompaniment for boiled fish, and when not used in the sauce may be supplied in the Fried fish should have a lemon color and look clean, dry, and bright, not black or greasy. The color is secured by dipping them in milk, then rolling in flour and frying in smoking-hot fat; or, if eggs and crumbs are used, having white, fresh crumbs grated from the stale loaf. Fish to be fried is often cut into slices, or into fillets, but small fish need not be cut and so lose their character. Smelts are sometimes turned into rings, or are laid open and the head drawn through a slit cut in the back. Different ways of dressing them give variety, and make dishes ornamental from form alone. If potatoes are served with fried fish, they should be cut into balls and fried. Lemons are indispensable with fried or broiled fish. They are frequently sliced, but are better cut in quarters so as to give more of the juice, which is needed for condiment. Lemon sprinkled with chopped parsley is very pretty. Broiled fish is improved by being spread with maÎtre d’hÔtel butter. This gives it a moist appearance, and is the best possible sauce for it; at the same time the parsley in the sauce helps to garnish the dish. Watercress placed around the fish completes the garnishing and makes the dish perfect. Lemon and watercress are the best condiments for any fried or broiled dish. Baked fish will not bear more than a few sprigs of parsley as garnishing. Lobster coral is much esteemed on account of its brilliant color, and when lobster is served it is well to use it as a garnish. It may be sprinkled over the whole surface of a lobster dish, or be arranged in lines or dots as the circumstances suggest. Shrimps, When dishes are to be passed, the dishing and garnishing should be such that the portions are easily distinguishable. An amusing story is told by a scientist of the predicament in which he was placed when the guest of honor at an English table. He was a man of simple habits in his home, and was very near-sighted. Elaborately garnished dishes were passed to him first, as he sat at the right of the host, and he had to break the construction of what he was pleased to call architectural or master-builder’s dishes, and this without knowing where their keystone lay, or of what they were composed. He was thus obliged to make public exhibition of his awkwardness, as well as betray ignorance in that branch of his own business, which left him unable to recognize biological specimens when they had evolved into their highest development in the hands of the cook. This story serves as an important hint that no dish should be entirely disguised. A lobster should still be a lobster in form or suggestion, however it is prepared. For example, should it be served in chops, a claw pressed into one end would not only carry out the form of a chop, but would also designate the dish. There is generally something that can be reserved from an article which loses its shape in cooking that may be used to garnish the dish and act as a kind of label. The garnishes are: For Vegetables Parsley Hard-boiled eggs Croutons Parsley Leaves of any of the salads Cold vegetables in fancy cuts Hard-boiled eggs Stuffed eggs Pickles of any kind Capers Olives Lemons Jellied vegetables Aspic jelly Truffles Chaudfroid sauce Fancy skewers Flowers Ice For Fish Parsley Lettuce Watercress Croutons Hard-boiled eggs Lemons Pickles Capers Potato purÉe and balls Lobster coral and claws Crawfish Prawns Shrimps POTATOESPotatoes are a universal dish, and there are an infinite variety of ways of cooking them: boiling, baking, frying, all manner of ways to suit all manner of people, and to accompany all kinds of meats. Yet, strange as it may seem, it is the food usually the worst cooked of any that is presented. The potatoes are too often soggy, greasy, blackened, burned. The poor cook seems determined to destroy both the favor and flavor of this useful vegetable. The potato is mostly starch, and it is not as well known as it should be that the principle of cooking starch is to cook it only until the starch grains burst, and then remove it from moisture, for the starch grains, when When potato is made into cakes, timbales, or croquettes, Frying is perhaps the method of cooking potatoes which requires the most skill. Fried balls, slices, or straws are always excellent with broiled meats, and at the same time are the best garnish for them. The height of skill is reached in the soufflÉ. These small balloons are something of a marvel, and are seldom seen except from the hand of a French cook. The amateur seldom succeeds with this dish, yet it is one worthy of the practice which makes perfect. To prepare the delectable soufflÉ, the potato is cut lengthwise, or with the grain; the slices must be one eighth of an inch in thickness and taken off with one clean, sharp cut, then trimmed to uniform shapes, either elliptical or round. The slices are soaked in cold water and dried with a cloth at the moment of cooking. They are immersed in fat just below the smoking-point, and cooked for five minutes, or until softened; are then drained and allowed to cool for a little time in an open oven, and then immersed a second time in fat which is very hot, when the slices at once puff and brown. They should be served at once. NO. 10. UTENSILS. NO. 12. CUTTERS AND MOLDS. NO. 13. RING MOLDS. Potato straws are very attractive and seem so light and harmless that those who ordinarily reject fried dishes are tempted by them. They are cut lengthwise of the tuber, first in slices about one eighth of an inch in thickness, and then into straws the length of the slices. They cook very quickly in smoking-hot fat, and must not be left in so long as to become It seems desirable to suggest to housekeepers the feasibility of making a specialty of cooking potatoes, and with them to give variety, which is so acceptable to those who sit at their board. Perhaps no other one thing is susceptible to so many changes, and is so simple to prepare, is so satisfactory when properly served, and withal so nutritious. It answers both the substantial and the esthetic requirements of the perfect meal; it can be suitably served for breakfast, dinner, supper, and luncheon; it is within the reach of all. CREAMWhipped cream often makes the best sauce for a dessert dish, and can be used as a garnish. Its use need not be considered an extravagance. A half-pint of double cream is all that is usually called for, this costs but ten cents, and often the use of cream saves the use of butter, in the same way that water can sometimes be substituted for milk if a little butter is added to the receipt to give the richness which milk imparts. CAKEDecorating cakes takes a little time, but facility is soon acquired, and the time is not misspent, as the cakes, before being served, can be used to ornament the table. THE PASTRY-BAGThe pastry-bag is a cornucopia-shaped pocket made of rubber cloth, of duck, or of any closely woven fabric like ticking. The point of the cornucopia is cut off and a tin tube pressed into the small opening. The bags made of rubber cloth are the best, as they do not allow moisture to come through, and are easily cleaned. They cost fifteen cents each, and can be bought at house-furnishing stores, but bags can be easily made at home. The tubes cost ten cents each, are of graduated sizes, and have various-shaped openings. The pastry-bag is easy to handle, and is of great utility where ornamental dishes are desired. It is used for mashed vegetables, meringues, whipped cream, drop cake mixtures, icing, etc. A tube, with opening of suitable size, is fitted into the small end of the bag, the mixture is then put in, and the bag, gathered over close to the material, is held and pressed with one hand while the tube is guided with the other, leaving the material squeezed through it in the forms desired. It needs but very little practice to make ornamental designs. It is well to have at least two bags, one of them large, with a large tube, to hold mixtures used in quantity, and one small for decorating with icing. FONTAGE CUPS1 cupful of flour, ½ teaspoonful salt, Yolks of 2 eggs, Milk or water. Have deep fat smoking hot. Place the iron in the fat to heat it. Dip the hot iron into the batter, covering it to within a quarter of an inch of the top; the batter will rise when put in the hot fat and cover the whole iron. Hold the iron in the batter for a minute, or until a little of the batter has hardened around it, then lift it carefully, holding the iron so the batter will not slip off. Immerse it in the hot fat and cook until light-colored. After a few trials one will be able to make the cups even and thin. They are also called Swedish timbales, and are used for holding any kind of creamed mixtures, or for holding vegetables. They can be used as an entrÉe, or for garnishing other dishes. The cups will keep for some time, but in this case should be freshened by heating before being used; and, as they soften quickly, the mixture should not be replaced in them until the moment of serving. Illustration No. 10 shows fontage irons. NO. 11. DIFFERENT WAYS OF PREPARING BUTTER. DIFFERENT WAYS OF PREPARING BUTTERNumbers one, two, and three are made by pressing butter through a pastry-bag with star-tube. In No. 1 it is cut in three-inch lengths; in No. 2 it is pressed into long pencils and cut when cold into one-inch lengths; and in No. 3 it is made into rosettes by holding the tube still until the butter has piled up to the size desired. These are good forms for fresh butter, and they should be made as soon as the No. 4 are shell-shaped pieces made with a bent, fluted utensil made for the purpose (see illustration No. 5, opposite page 256, “Century Cook Book”). The utensil is dipped in hot water, wiped dry, and then drawn lightly over the butter, making a thin shaving which curls over as the utensil is drawn along. The crook must be dipped in hot water and wiped clean each time. Butter molded into fancy shapes and served in this way is very attractive. MEASURES AND TERMS1 cupful means half a pint. 1 teaspoonful of salt or spices means an even teaspoonful. 1 tablespoonful of flour, butter, etc., means a rounding spoonful. SautÉ means to cook in a pan with a little butter or drippings. Frying means cooking by immersion in hot fat. Blanching almonds means taking off the skins. This is done by letting them lie in boiling water until the skins are loosened. NO. 14. PAPER FRILLS. PAPER BOXES. CAKE DECORATIONS. NO. 15. CASSEROLES AND BAKING DISHES. NO. 16 ICE PLANE. NO. 17. HORS D’OEUVRES. Blanching sweetbreads means whitening them by Except in a few cases, receipts given in “Century Cook Book” are not repeated here. ORDER OF COURSES