Start from Dayton—Coal-Mine—Indianapolis—Illinois Roads—Springfield—Crops—Poor Water—Missouri River—Enter Iowa—Enter Missouri—Kansas City—Des Moines Valley and City—Western Iowa—Fourth of July at Lewis—Council Bluffs
Arrival of Lesher and Wonderly—Our Start South—First Buffalo Herd—Cimaron River—Strayed Team—Old Hunters—How to Hunt Buffaloes—Wolf Hunt—Prairie Fire—Herd at Ten-Mile Creek—Blizzard—Find a Frozen Man—Hide Season Ends
Summer Trip Through the South—Indian Agencies—Canadian River—Lion Fight—Red River—Double Mountain—Staked Plains—Pecos River—Indian Skirmish—Santa Fe, New Mexico—Return to the Arkansas Valley—Description of the Plains—Mirage—Dangers of the Prairie—Wild Horses and How Captured—Creasing Animals
Cattle-Business Explained—Branding Stock—Round-Up—Mavorick—Beef-Gathering—Stampedes—Tender-Feet—Stock-Raising in Texas—Cattle-Trail—Buying Cattle from Trail—How to Enter Stock Business—Sheep-Raising—Greasers—Texas Cattle-Fever
Cow-Boy History—Mustangs and Broncos—Cow-Boys with Six-Shooters—Dodge City—Boot Grave-yard—Prairie Mysteries—Dance-Halls—Sketch of Buffalo Bill—Theory of the Plains—Trading-House—Antelope Chase—We Prepare for a Mountain Tour
We Start for the Mountains—Las Animas—Pueblo—Colorado Springs—Manitou—Mineral Springs—We Ascend Pike’s Peak—Balancing Rock—Garden of the Gods—Devil’s Hole—Return to Manitou
Start for South Park—Ute Pass—Rainbow Falls—South Park—Bear Fight—Leadville—Sallie Ray—Chimney Gulch—Trout-Fishing—Denver—Cheyenne—Black Bitter Creek—Antelope Springs—Wolf Adventure—Green River—Old Emigrant Road—Echo Canon—Utah—Park City—Ontario Mine—Quartz-Mill—Kinds of Mines—Prospecting—Start for Salt Lake
View of Salt Lake Valley and City—Tabernacle—History of the Mormons—Joe Smith—Came to Kirtland, Ohio—Brigham Young Converted—Located at Independence, Missouri—Located at Nauvoo, Illinois—Joe and Hiram Smith Killed—Emigrated to Council Bluffs—Came to Salt Lake—Trouble with the Government—Mormon Theology
We Leave Salt Lake—Reach the Sierra Nevada Slopes—Tunnels, Gorges, etc.—Reach California—Sacramento—San Francisco—Hotel Runners—Fruits—Palace Hotel—Chinese—Dennis Kearney and Party—De Young-Kalloch Tragedy—Chinese Bakers—California Climate—Ships—Golden Gate—Woodward Garden—Portland, Oregon—Washington Territory—Sail for Santa Barbara and Los Angeles—Prescott, Arizona—Meet General Fremont—Big Trees—Return to Ohio