
Covered-eyed MedusÆ.

From the fact that in the covered-eyed MedusÆ the passage of a stimulus-wave is not more rapid than that of a contraction-wave, we may be prepared to expect that in these animals the action of the locomotor ganglia is not, in any proper sense of the term, a co-ordinated action; for if a stimulus-wave cannot outrun a contraction-wave, one ganglion cannot know that another ganglion has discharged its influence till the contraction-wave, which results from a discharge of the active ganglion, has reached the passive one. And this I find to be generally the case; for it may usually be observed that one or more of the lithocysts are either temporarily or permanently prepotent over the others, i.e. that contraction-waves emanate from the prepotent lithocysts, and then spread rapidly over the swimming-bell, without there being any signs of co-ordinated or simultaneous action on the part of the other lithocysts. Nevertheless, in many cases such prepotency cannot, even with the greatest care, be observed; but upon every pulsation all parts of the swimming-bell seem to contract at the same instant. And this apparently perfect co-ordination among the eight marginal ganglia may continue for any length of time. I believe, however, that such apparently complete physiological harmony is not co-ordination properly so called, i.e. is not due to special nervous connections between the ganglia; for, if such were the case, perfectly synchronous action of this kind ought to be the rule rather than the exception.

I am therefore inclined to account for these cases of perfectly synchronous action by supposing that all, or most, of the ganglia require exactly the same time for their nutrition; that they are, further, of exactly equal potency in relation to the resistance (or excitability) of the surrounding contractile tissues; and that, therefore, the balance of forces being exactly equal in the case of all, or most, of the ganglia, their rhythm, though perfectly identical, is really independent. I confess, however, that I am by no means certain regarding the accuracy of this conclusion, as it is founded on negative rather than on positive considerations; that is to say, I arrive at this conclusion regarding the cases in which such apparent co-ordination is observable only because in other cases such apparent co-ordination is not observable; and also, I may add, because my experiments in section have not revealed any evidence of nervous connections capable of conducting a stimulus-wave with greater rapidity than a contraction-wave. I therefore consider this conclusion an uncertain one, and its uncertainty is, perhaps, still further increased by the result of the following experiments.

If a covered-eyed Medusa be chosen in which perfectly synchronous action of the ganglia is observable, and if a deep radial incision be made between each pair of adjacent ganglia—the incisions being thus eight in number and carried either from the margin towards the centre or vice vers—it then becomes conspicuous enough that the eight partially divided segments no longer present synchronous action; for now one segment and now another takes the initiative in starting a contraction-wave, which is then propagated to the other segments. And it is evident that this fact tends to negative the above explanation, for if the discharges of the ganglia are independently simultaneous before section, we might expect them to continue so after section. It must be remembered, however, that the form of section we are considering is a severe one, and that it must therefore not only give rise to general shock, but also greatly interfere with the passage of contraction-waves, and, in general, disturb the delicate conditions on which, according to the suggested explanation, the previous harmony depended. Besides, as we shall subsequently see, for some reason or other segmentation of a Medusa profoundly modifies the rate of its rhythm. In view of these considerations, therefore, the results yielded by such experiments must not be regarded as having any conclusive bearing on the question before us; and as these or similar objections apply to various other modes of section by which I have endeavoured to settle this question, I will not here occupy space in detailing them.

It seems desirable, however, in this connection again to mention a fact briefly stated in a former chapter, namely, that section conclusively proves a contraction-wave to have the power, when it reaches a lithocyst, of stimulating the latter into activity; for it is not difficult to obtain a series of lithocysts connected in such a manner that the resistance offered to the passage of the waves by a certain width of the junction-tissue, is such as just to allow the residuum of the contraction-wave which emanates from one lithocyst to reach the adjacent lithocyst, thus causing it to originate another wave, which, in turn, is just able to pass to the next lithocyst in the series, and so on, each lithocyst in turn acting like a reinforcing battery to the passage of the contraction-wave. Now this fact, I think, sufficiently explains the mechanism of ganglionic action in those cases where one or more lithocysts are prepotent over the others; that is to say, the prepotent lithocyst first originates a contraction-wave, which is then successively reinforced by all the other lithocysts during its passage round the swimming-bell. In this way the passage of a contraction-wave is no doubt somewhat accelerated; for I found, in marginal strips, that the rate of transit from a terminal lithocyst to the other end of the strip was somewhat lowered by excising the seven intermediate lithocysts.

Fig. 24.

I may here state, in passing, a point of some little interest in connection with this reinforcing action of lithocysts. When I first observed this action, it appeared to me a mysterious thing why its result was always to propagate the contraction-wave in only one direction—the direction, namely, in which the wave happened to be passing before it reached the lithocyst. For instance, suppose we have a strip A D, with a lithocyst at each of the equidistant points A, B, C, D; and suppose that the lithocyst B originates a stimulus: the resulting contraction-wave passes, of course, with equal rapidity in the two opposite directions, B A, B C (arrows b a, b c): the contraction-wave b a therefore reaches the lithocyst A at the same time as the contraction-wave b c reaches the lithocyst C, and so both A and C discharge simultaneously. What, then, should we expect to be the result? I think we should expect the wave b c to continue on its course to D, after having been strengthened at C, and a reflex wave a´ b´ to start from A (owing to the discharge at A), which would reach B at the same time as a similar reflex wave c´ b´ starting from C (owing to the discharge at C); so that by the time the original wave b c d had reached D, the point B would be the seat of a collision between the two reflex waves a´ b´ and c´ d´. And, not to push the supposed case further, it is evident that if such reflex waves were to occur, the resulting confusion would very soon require to end in tetanus. As a matter of fact, these reflex waves do not occur; and the question is, why do they not? Why is it that a wave is only reinforced in the direction in which it happens to be travelling—so that if, for instance, it happens to start from A in the above series, it is successively propagated by B C in the direction A, B, C, D, and in that direction only; whereas, if it happens to start from D, it is propagated by the same lithocysts in the opposite direction, D, C, B, A, and in that direction only—the wave in the one case terminating at the lithocyst D, and in the other case at the lithocyst A? Now, although this absence of reflex waves appears at first sight mysterious, it admits of an exceedingly simple explanation. I find that the contractile tissues of the covered-eyed MedusÆ cannot be made to respond to two successive stimuli of minimal, or but slightly more than minimal intensity, unless such stimuli are separated from one another by a certain considerable interval of time. Now, when in the above illustration the contraction-wave starts from A, by the time it reaches B the portion of tissue included between A and B has just been in contraction in response to the stimulus from A, while the portion of tissue included between B and C has not been in contraction. Consequently, the stimulus resulting from a ganglionic discharge being presumably of minimal, or but slightly more than minimal intensity, the tissue included between A and B will not respond to the discharge of B; while the tissue included between B and C, not having been just previously in contraction, will respond. And conversely, of course, if the contraction-wave had been travelling in the opposite direction.

Seeing that this explanation is the only one possible, and that it moreover follows as a deductive necessity from my experiments on stimulation, I think there is no need to detail any of the further experiments which I made with the view of confirming it. But the following experiment, devised to confirm this explanation, is of interest in itself, and on this account I shall state it. Having prepared a contractile strip with a single remaining lithocyst at one end, I noted the rhythm exhibited by this lithocyst, and then imitated that rhythm by means of single induced shocks thrown in with a key at the other end of the strip. The effect of these shocks was, of course, to cause the contraction-waves to pass in the direction opposite to that in which they passed when originated by the lithocyst. Now I found, as I had expected, that so long as I continued exactly to imitate the rate of ganglionic rhythm, so long did the waves always pass in the direction B A—A being the lithocyst, and B the other end of the strip. I also found that if I allowed the rate of the artificially caused rhythm to sink slightly below that of the natural rhythm, after every one to six waves (the number depending on the degree in which the rate of succession of my induction shocks approximated to the rate of the natural rhythm) which passed from B to A, one would pass from A to B.[18]

Of course the only interpretation to be put on these facts is that every time an artificially started wave reached the terminal ganglion it caused the latter to discharge; but that the occurrence of a discharge could not in this case be rendered apparent, because of the inadequacy of that discharge to start a reflex wave. But that such discharges always took place was manifest, both À priori because from analogy we may be sure that if there had happened to be any contractile tissue of appropriate width on the other side of the ganglion, the discharge of the latter would have been rendered apparent, and À posteriori because, after the arrival of every artificially started wave, the time required for the ganglion to originate another wave was precisely the same as if it had itself originated the previous wave.

In view of these results, it occurred to me as an interesting experiment to try the effect on the natural rhythm of exhausting a ganglion thus situated, by throwing in a great number of shocks at the other end of the strip. I found that after five hundred single shocks had been thrown in with a rapidity almost sufficient to tetanize the strip, immediately after the stimulation ceased, the natural rhythm of the ganglion, which had previously been twenty in the minute, fell to fourteen for the first minute, eighteen for the second, and the original rate of twenty for the third. In such experiments the diminution of rate is most conspicuous during the first fifteen or thirty seconds of the first minute. Sometimes there are no contractions at all for the first fifteen seconds after cessation of the stimulating process, and in such cases the natural rhythm, when it first begins, may be as slow as one-half or even one-quarter its normal rate. All these effects admit of being produced equally well, and with less trouble, by faradizing the strip, when it may be even better observed how prolonged may be the stimulation, without causing anything further than such slight exhaustion of the ganglion as the above results imply.[19]

Naked-eyed MedusÆ.

It would be impossible to imagine movements on the part of so simple an organism more indicative of physiological harmony than are the movements of Sarsia. One may watch several hundreds of these animals while they are swimming about in the same bell-jar and never perceive, as in the covered-eyed MedusÆ, the slightest want of ganglionic co-ordination exhibited by any of the specimens. Moreover, that the ganglionic co-ordination is in this case wonderfully far advanced is proved by the fact of members of this genus being able to steer themselves while following a light, as previously described.[20]

In the discophorous species of naked-eyed MedusÆ, however, perfectly co-ordinated action is by no means of such invariable occurrence as it is in Sarsia; for although in perfectly healthy and vigorous specimens systole and diastole occur at the same instant over the whole nectocalyx, this harmoniously acting mechanism is very liable to be thrown out of gear, so that when the animals are suffering in the least degree from any injurious conditions, often too slight and obscure to admit of discernment, the swimming movements are no longer synchronous over the whole nectocalyx; but now one part is in systole while another part is in diastole, and now several parts may be in diastole while other parts are in systole. And as in these animals very slight causes seem sufficient thus to impair the ganglionic co-ordination, it generally happens that in a bell-jar containing a number of specimens belonging to different species, numerous examples of more or less irregular swimming movements are observable.

Taking, then, the case of Sarsia first, from my previous observations on the physiological harmony subsisting between the tentacles, I was led to expect that the co-ordination of the locomotor ganglia was probably effected by means of the same tissue-tracts through which the intertentacular harmony was effected, namely, those situated in the margin of the bell. Accordingly, I introduced four short radial cuts, one midway between each pair of adjacent marginal bodies. The co-ordination, however, was not perceptibly impaired. I therefore continued the radial cuts, and found that when these reached one-half or two-thirds of the way up the sides of the inner bell (or contractile sheet), the co-ordination became visibly affected, and this for the first time.

I also tried the following experiment. Instead of beginning the radial cuts from the margin, I began them from the apex of the cone; and I found that however many of such cuts I introduced, and however far down the cone I carried them, so long as I did not actually sever the margin, so long did all the divisions of the bell continue to contract simultaneously.[21] This fact, therefore, proves that the margin of the bell is alone sufficient to maintain co-ordination. The next experiment I tried was to make four short radial incisions in the margin as before described, and then to continue one of these incisions the whole way up the bell. By careful observation I could now perceive that all the marginal ganglia did not discharge simultaneously; for when those situated nearest to the long radial cut happened to take the initiative, the resulting contraction-wave, having double the distance to travel which it would have had if the long radial cut had been absent, could now be followed by the eye in its very rapid course round the bell. Now, the fact that in this form of section I was able to detect the passage of a wave, proves that the three short radial sections had destroyed the co-ordinated action of the marginal ganglia.

From these experiments, then, I conclude that in this genus ganglionic co-ordination, in the strict sense of the term, is effected exclusively by means of the marginal nerves. And as these experiments on Sarsia are exceedingly difficult to conduct, owing to the very rapid passage of contraction-waves in this genus, it is satisfactory to find that this conclusion is further supported by the analogy which the other species of naked-eyed MedusÆ afford, and to the consideration of which we shall now proceed.

The effects of four short radial incisions through the margin of any species of Tiaropsis, Thaumantias, Staurophora, etc., are usually very conspicuous. Each of the quadrants included between two adjacent incisions shows a strong tendency to assume an independent action of its own. This tendency is sometimes so pronounced as to amount almost to a total destruction of contractional continuity between two or more quadrants of the bell; but more usually the effect of the marginal sections is merely that of destroying excitational continuity, or at least physiological harmony.

It is an interesting thing that this form of section, although in actual amount so very slight, is attended with a much more pernicious influence on the vitality of the organism than is any amount of section of the general contractile tissues. Thus, if a specimen of Tiaropsis, for example, be chosen which is swimming about with the utmost vigour, and if four equidistant radial cuts only just long enough to sever the marginal canal be made, the animal will soon begin to show symptoms of enfeeblement, and within an hour or two after the operation will probably have ceased its swimming motions altogether. The animal, however, is not actually dead; for if while lying motionless at the bottom of the vessel it be gently stimulated, it will respond with a spasm as usual, and perhaps immediately afterwards give a short and feeble bout of swimming movements. These surprisingly pernicious results are not so conspicuous in the case of Sarsia, although in this genus likewise they are sufficiently well marked to be unmistakable. I here append a table to show the comparative effects of the operation in question on different species. The cases may be regarded as very usual ones, though it often happens that a longer time after the operation must elapse before the enfeebling effects become so pronounced.

Name of species. Number of
during five
during one
during five
Tiaropsis diademata 57 11 0 Permanent
—— indicans 148 23 0
——polydiademata 102 18 0 "
——oligoplocama 131 30 0 "
Sarsia tubulosa 144 56 14 "

This decided effect of so slight a mutilation will not, perhaps, appear to other physiologists so noteworthy as it appears to me; for no one who has not witnessed the experiments can form an adequate idea of the amount of mutilation of any parts, other than their margins, which the MedusÆ will endure without even suffering from the effects of shock. Another point worth mentioning with regard to the operation we are considering is, that not unfrequently the interruptions of the margin, which have been produced artificially, begin to extend themselves through the nectocalyx in a radial direction; so that in some cases this organ becomes spontaneously segmented into four quadrants, which remain connected only by the apical tissue of the bell. I do not think that this is due to the mere mechanical tearing of the tissues as a consequence of the swimming motions, for the latter seem too feeble to admit of their producing such an effect.

In conclusion, I may state that I have been able temporarily to destroy the ganglionic co-ordination of SarsiÆ, by submitting the animals to severe nervous shock. The method I employed to produce the nervous shock, without causing mutilation, was to take the animal out of the water for a few seconds while I laid it on a small anvil, which I then struck violently with a hammer. On immediately afterwards restoring the Medusa to sea-water, spontaneity was found to have ceased, while irritability remained. After a time spontaneity began to return, and its first stages were marked by a complete want of co-ordination; soon, however, co-ordination was again restored. But this experiment by no means invariably yielded the same result. Spontaneity, indeed, was invariably suspended for a time; but its first return was not invariably, or even generally, marked by an absence of co-ordination, even though I had previously struck the anvil a number of times in succession. I was therefore led to try another method of producing nervous shock, and this I found a more effectual method than the one just described. It consisted in violently shaking the SarsiÆ in a bottle half filled with sea-water. I was surprised to find how violent and prolonged such shaking might be without any part of the apparently friable organism, except perhaps the tentacles and manubrium, being broken or torn. The subsequent effects of shock were remarkable. For some little time after their restoration to the bell-jar, the SarsiÆ had lost, not only their spontaneity, but also their irritability, for they would not respond even to the strongest stimulation. In the course of a few minutes, however, peripheral irritability returned, as shown by responses to nipping of the neuro-muscular sheet. The animals were now in the same condition as when anÆsthesiated by caffein or other central nerve-poison; but in a few minutes later central or reflex irritability also returned, as shown by single responses to single nippings of the tentacles. Last of all spontaneity began to return, and was in some few cases conspicuously marked by a want of co-ordination, all parts of the margin originating impulses at different times, with the result of producing a continuous flurried or shivering movement of the nectocalyx. After a time, however, these movements became co-ordinated; but in most cases when a swimming bout had ended and a pause intervened, the next swimming bout was also inaugurated by a period of shivering before co-ordination became established. This effect might last for a long time, but eventually it, too, disappeared, the swimming bouts then beginning with co-ordinated action in the usual way.


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