1. Chloroform.—My observations with regard to the distribution of nerves in Sarsia led me to investigate the order in which these connections are destroyed, or temporarily impaired, by anÆsthetics. The results, I think, are worth recording. In Sarsia the following phases always mark the progress of anÆsthesia by chloroform, etc.—1. Spontaneity ceases. 2. On now nipping a tentacle, pulling the manubrium, or irritating the bell, a single locomotor contraction is given in answer to every stimulation. (In the unanÆsthesiated animal a series of such contractions would be the result of such stimulation.) 3. After locomotor contractions can no longer be elicited by stimuli, nipping a tentacle or the margin of the bell has the effect of causing the manubrium to contract. 4. After stimulation of any part of the nectocalyx (including tentacles) fails to produce response in any part of the organism, the manubrium will continue its response to stimuli applied directly to itself. 2. Nitrite of Amyl.—On Sarsia the effect of this Tiaropsis diademata, from the fact of its presenting a very regular rhythm and being but of small size, is a particularly suitable species upon which to conduct many experiments relating to the effect of poisons. On this species the nitrite in appropriate (i.e. in very small) doses first causes irregularity and enfeeblement of the contractions, together with quickening of the rhythm. After a short time, a gradual cessation of the swimming motions becomes apparent—these motions dying out more gradually, for example, than they do under the influence of chloroform. Eventually each pulsation is marked only by a slight contraction of the muscular tissue in the immediate neighbourhood of the margin. If the dose has been stronger, however, well-marked spasmodic contractions come on and obliterate such gradual working of the poison. In all cases irritability of all parts of the animal persists for a long time after entire cessation of spontaneous movements—perhaps for three or four minutes in not over-poisoned animals; but eventually it too disappears. On being now transferred to normal sea-water, the process of recovery is slower than it is after anÆsthesiation by chloroform. It is interesting, moreover, to observe, that just as the power of co-ordination was the first thing to be 3. Caffein.—The effects of caffein on Sarsia may be best studied by immersing the animals in a saturated sea-water solution of the substance. In such solutions the MedusÆ float to the surface, in consequence of their lower specific gravity. I therefore used shallow vessels, in order that the margins of the nectocalyces might rest in the level of the water that was thoroughly saturated. The immediate effect of suddenly immersing Sarsia in such a solution is very greatly to increase the rate of the pulsations, and, at the same time, to diminish their potency. The appearance presented by the swimming motions is therefore that of a fluttering nature; and such motions are not nearly so effectual for progression as are the normal pulsations in unpoisoned water. This stage, however, only lasts for a few seconds, after which the spontaneous motions begin gradually to fade away. Soon they altogether cease, though occasionally one among a number of SarsiÆ confined in the same saturated solution will continue, even for several minutes after the first immersion, to give one or two very feeble contractions at long intervals. Eventually, however, all spontaneity ceases on the part of all the specimens, and now the latter will continue for a very long time to be sensitive to stimulation. At first several feeble locomotor contractions will be given in response to each stimulus; and as on the one hand these contractions never originate spontaneously, while, on the other hand, paralyzed An interesting point with regard to caffein-poisoning of Sarsia is, that as soon as spontaneity ceases the tentacles and manubrium lose their tonus and become relaxed to their utmost extent. This is not the case with anÆsthesiation by chloroform, even when pushed to the extent of suspending irritability. If, however, SarsiÆ which have been anÆsthesiated to this extent in chloroform be suddenly transferred to a solution of caffein, the tentacles and manubrium may soon be seen to relax, and eventually these organs lose their tonus as completely as if the anÆsthesia had from the first been produced by the caffein. Moreover in this experiment the irritability, which had been destroyed by the chloroform, returns in the solution of caffein—provided the latter be not quite saturated—though spontaneity of course remains suspended throughout. The effects of graduating the doses of caffein may be stated in connection with another species, viz. Tiaropsis diademata. In a weak solution the effects are a quickening of the pulsations (e.g. from 64 to 4. Strychnia.—The species of covered-eyed Medusa which I shall choose for describing the action of strychnia is CyanÆa capillata, which is most admirably adapted for experiments with this and some of the other alkaloid poisons, from the fact that in water kept at a constant temperature its pulsations are as regular as are those of a heart. After CyanÆa capillata has been allowed to soak for ten minutes or so in a weak sea-water solution of strychnia, unmistakable signs of irregularity in the It seems desirable to supplement these remarks with a few additional ones on the effects of this poison on the naked-eyed MedusÆ. In the case of Sarsia the symptoms of strychnia poisoning are not well marked, from the fact that in this species convulsions always take the form of locomotor contractions. The symptoms, however, are in some respects anomalous. They are as follows. First of all the swimming motions become considerably accelerated, periods of quiescence intervening between abnormally active bouts of swimming. By-and-by a state of continuous quiescence comes on, during which the animal is not responsive to tentacular irritation, but remains so to direct muscular irritation, giving one response to each direct stimulus. The tentacles and manubrium are much relaxed. In a sea-water solution just strong enough to taste bitter, this phase may continue for hours; in fact, till a certain opalescence of the contractile tissues—which it is a property of strychnia, as of most other reagents, to produce—has advanced so far as to place the tissues beyond recovery. If the exposure to such a solution has not been very prolonged, recovery of the animal in normal water is rapid. In a specimen exposed for two and a half hours to such a solution, recovery began in half an hour after restoration to normal water, but was never complete. In all cases, if the poisoning is allowed to pass beyond the stage at which response to direct muscular irritation ceases, the animal is dead. In the case of Tiaropsis diademata the action of strychnia is very similar, with the exception that there is no continuous spasm, although occasional ones occur amid the twitching convulsions. After a time, however, all convulsions cease, and the animal remains quiescent. While in this condition its reflex excitability is abnormally increased, as shown by the fact that even a gentle touch will 5. Veratrium.—In Sarsia the first effect of this poison is to increase the number and potency of the contractions; but its later effect is just the converse, there being then prolonged periods of quiescence, broken only by very short swimming bouts consisting of feeble contractions. The feebleness of the contractions gradually becomes more and more remarkable, until at last it is with great difficulty that they can be perceived at all; indeed, the progressive fading away of the contractions into absolute quiescence is so gradual that it is impossible to tell exactly when they cease. During the quiescent stage the animal is for the first time insensible both to tentacular and to direct stimulation of the contractile tissues. That the gradual dying out of the strength of the contractions is not altogether due to the progressive advance of central paralysis, would seem to be indicated by the fact that contractions in response to direct stimulation of the contractile tissues are no more powerful, at any given stage of the poisoning, than are either responses to tentacular stimulation or the spontaneous contractions. Still, as we shall immediately The convulsions due to the action of veratrium are well marked in the various species of the genus Tiaropsis. They consist of violent fluttering motions without any co-ordination; but there are no spasms, as in the case of strychnia poisoning. After the convulsions have lasted for some time, a quiescent stage comes on, during which the animal remains responsive to stimulation, though not abnormally so. Recovery in unpoisoned water is rapid, the movements being at first marked by an absence of co-ordination. 6. Digitalin.—The first effect of this poison on Sarsia is to quicken the swimming motions, and then to enfeeble them progressively till they degenerate into mere spasmodic twitches. The manubrium and tentacles are now strongly retracted, while the nectocalyx is drawn together so as to assume an elongated form. The latter is now no longer responsive either to tentacular or to direct stimulation; but the tentacles and manubrium both remain responsive to stimuli applied either directly to On the various species of Tiaropsis, digitalin at first causes acceleration of the swimming movements, with great irregularity and want of co-ordination. Next, strong and persistent spasms supervene, which give the outline of the nectocalyx an irregular form; and every now and then this unnatural spasm gives place to convulsive swimming motions. Evidently, however, the spasm becomes quite persistent and excessively strong. The manubrium of Tiaropsis indicans crouches to its utmost, and the animal dies in strong systole. 7. Atropin.—In the case of Sarsia atropin causes convulsive swimming motions. The systoles next become feeble, and finally cease. The nectocalyx is now somewhat drawn together in persistent systole, with the manubrium and tentacles strongly retracted. Muscular irritability remains after tentacular irritability has disappeared, but it is then decidedly enfeebled. In the various species of Tiaropsis the convulsions are strongly pronounced. They begin as mere accelerations of the natural swimming motions, but soon grow into well-marked convulsions, consisting of furious bouts of irregular systoles following one another with the utmost rapidity, and wholly without co-ordination. Occasionally these 8. Nicotin.—On dropping Sarsia into a sea-water solution of nicotin of appropriate strength, the animal immediately goes into a violent and continuous spasm, on which a number of rapidly succeeding minute contractions are superimposed. The latter, however, rapidly die away, leaving the nectocalyx still in strong and continuous systole; tentacles and manubrium are retracted to the utmost. Shortly after cessation of spontaneity, the bell is no longer responsive to tentacular stimulation, but remains for a considerable time responsive to direct stimulation of its own substance; eventually, however, all irritability disappears, while the tentacles and manubrium relax. On transferring the animal to normal water, muscular irritability first returns, and then central, as shown by the earlier response of the bell to direct than to tentacular stimulation; but if the animal has been poisoned heavily enough to have had its muscular irritability suspended, it is a long time before central irritability returns. Soon after central irritability has returned, the animal begins to show feeble signs of spontaneity, the motions being exceedingly weak, with long intervals of repose; but the degree of such feebleness depends on the length of time during which the animal has previously been exposed to the poison; thus in a specimen which had been removed from the poison immediately after the disappearance of reflex In Tiaropsis the symptoms of nicotin poisoning are also well marked. When gradually administered, the first effect of the narcotic is a complete loss of co-ordination in the swimming motions. A slight increase of the dose brings about a tonic spasm, which differs from the natural spasm of these animals—(a) in being stronger, so that the nectocalyx becomes bell-shaped rather than square, (b) in being much more persistent, and (c) in undergoing variations in its intensity from time to time, instead of being a contraction of uniform strength; thus the spasm temporarily affects some parts of the nectocalyx more powerfully than other parts, so that the organ may assume all sorts of shapes. Such distortions proceed even further under the influence of nicotin than under that of strychnine, etc. Sometimes, for instance, one quadrant will project in the form of a pointed promontory; at other times two adjacent or opposite quadrants will thus project, and occasionally all four will do so, the animal thus becoming star-shaped. Sometimes, again, one quadrant will be less contracted than the other three, while at other times more or less slight relaxations affect numerous parts of the bell, its margin being thus rendered sinuous, though more or less violently contracted in all its parts. This state of violent spasm lasts for several minutes, when it gradually passes off, the nectocalyx relaxing into the form of a deep bowl and remaining quite 9. Morphia.—The anÆsthesiating effects of morphia are as decided as are those of chloroform. I shall confine myself to describing the process of anÆsthesiation in the case of Aurelia aurita in an extract from my notes. "A very vigorous specimen, having twelve lithocysts, was placed in a strong sea-water 10. Alcohol.—The solution must be strong to cause complete intoxication. The first effect on Sarsia is to cause a great increase in the rapidity of the swimming motions—so much so, indeed, that the bell has no time to expand properly between the occurrence of the successive systoles, which, in consequence, are rendered feeble. These motions gradually die out, leaving the animal quite motionless. The nectocalyx is now responsive to stimuli applied at the tentacles, and sometimes two or three contractions will follow such a stimulus, as if the spontaneity of the animal were slightly aroused by the irritation. Soon, however, only one contraction is given in response to every tentacular irritation, and by-and-by this also ceases—the Medusa The above remarks apply also to Tiaropsis. In Tiaropsis indicans the manubrium recovers in normal water sooner than the nectocalyx. Both in Sarsia and Tiaropsis the manubrium and tentacles are retracted while exposed to alcohol, and, after transference to normal sea-water, the animals float on the surface, presumably in consequence of their having imbibed some of the spirit. The period during which flotation lasts depends, (a) on the strength of the alcohol solution used, and (b) on the time of exposure to its influence. It may last for an hour or more; but in no case is recovery complete till some time after the flotation ceases. 11. Curare.—Curare had already been tried upon MedusÆ, and was stated to have produced no effects; it is therefore especially desirable that I should first of all describe the method of exhibiting it which I employed. Having placed the MedusÆ to be examined in a flat-shaped beaker, I filled the latter to overflowing with sea-water. I next placed the beaker in a The results obtained by this method were most marked and beautiful. Previous to the administration of the poison both halves of the MedusÆ were of course contracting vigorously, waves of contractile influence now running from the half in the beaker to the half in the basin, and now vice versÂ. But after the half in the beaker had become effectually poisoned by the curare, all motion in it completely ceased, the other, or unpoisoned half, continuing to contract independently. I now stimulated the poisoned half by nipping a portion of its margin with the forceps. Nothing could be more decided than the result. It will be remembered that when any part of Staurophora laciniata is pinched with the forceps or otherwise irritated, I also tried the effect of this poison on the covered-eyed MedusÆ, and have fairly well satisfied myself that its peculiar influence is likewise observable in the case of this group, although not in nearly so well-marked a manner. It has further to be stated that when the poisoned half is again restored to normal sea-water, the effects of curare pass off with the same rapidity as is observable in the case of the other poisons which I have tried. Thus, although an exposure of half an hour to the influence of curare of the strength named is requisite to destroy the motor power in the case of Staurophora laciniata, half a minute is sufficient to ensure its incipient return when the animal is again immersed in unpoisoned water. 12. Cyanide of Potassium.—On Sarsia the first effect is to quicken the contractions and then to enfeeble them. The animal assumes an elongated form, as already described under atropin. Spontaneity ceases very rapidly even in weak solutions; and for an exceedingly short time after it has done so, the bell continues responsive both to tentacular and to direct stimulation. For a long time after the bell ceases to respond to any kind of stimulation, the nervous connections between the tentacles and between the tentacles and manubrium remain intact, as also do the nervous connections of these organs with all parts of the bell. This interesting fact is rendered apparent, first, by stimulating a tentacle and observing that all the four tentacles and the manubrium respond; and, second, by irritating any part of the neuro-muscular sheet of the bell, and observing that while the latter does not respond both the tentacles and the manubrium retract. Recovery from this stage occupies several hours. In the case of Tiaropsis the convulsions are, as usual, more pronounced, being marked by the occurrence Remarks.The above comprises all the poisons which I have tried, and I think that all the observations taken together show a wonderful degree of resemblance between the actions of the various poisons on the MedusÆ and on the higher animals—a general fact which is of interest, when we remember that in these nerve-poisons we possess, as it were, so many tests wherewith to ascertain whether nerve-tissue, where it first appears upon the scene of life, presents the same fundamental properties as it does in the higher animals. And these observations show that such is the case. When the physiologist bears in mind that in Sarsia we have the means of testing the comparative influence of any poison on the central, peripheral, and muscular systems respectively,[31] he will not fail to appreciate the significance of these observations. In reading over the whole list he will meet with an anomaly here and I may further observe that in the case of all poisons I have tried, the time required for recovery after the animal is restored to normal water varies immensely. The variations are chiefly determined by the length of time during which the animal has been exposed to the influence of the poison, but also, in a lesser degree, by the strength of the solution employed. To take, for instance, the case of caffein or chloroform, if SarsiÆ are transferred to normal water after they first cease to move, a few seconds are enough to restore their spontaneity; whereas, if they are allowed to remain in the poisoned water for an hour, they may not move for one or two hours after their restoration to unpoisoned water. In consequence of such great variations occurring from these causes, I was not able to compare the action of one poison with that of another in respect of the time required for effects of poisoning to pass away. The contractile wave may be blocked by poisons in another way. A glance at Fig. 11 will show that a circumferential strip cut from the umbrella of Aurelia aurita is pervaded transversely by a number of nutrient tubes, which have all been cut through by the section. At the side of the strip, therefore, furthest from the margin there are situated a number of open ends of these nutrient tubes. Now, on injecting any of the narcotic poisons into A glance at Fig. 10, again, will show that each lithocyst is surrounded by one of these nutrient tubes. Upon injecting this tube, therefore, in a contractile strip, the effect of the poison may be exerted on the lithocyst more specially than it could be by any other method of administration. In view of recent observations concerning the effects of curare on the central nervous masses of higher animals, it may be worth while to state that a discharging lithocyst of Aurelia aurita, when thus injected with curare, speedily ceases its discharges. This fact alone, however, would not warrant any very trustworthy conclusions as to the influence of curare upon discharging centres; for it is not improbable that the paralyzing effects may here be due to the influence of the poison on the surrounding contractile tissue. It is interesting to observe that if the discharging lithocyst be injected with chloroform, or a not too strong solution of morphia, it recovers in the course of a night. With alcohol the first effects of the injection are considerably to accelerate the frequency and to augment the potency of the discharges; but the subsequent effects are a gradual diminution in the frequency and the vigour of these discharges, until eventually total quiescence supervenes. In the course of a few hours, however, the torpidity wears As fresh water exerts a very deadly influence on the MedusÆ, this seems the most appropriate place for describing its action. Such a description has already been given by Professor L. Agassiz, but it is erroneous. He writes, "Taking up in a spoonful of sea-water a fresh Sarsia in full activity, when swimming most energetically, and emptying it into a tumbler full of fresh water of the same temperature, the little animal will at once drop like a ball Thinking it a curious circumstance that the mere absence of the few mineral substances which occur in sea-water should exert so profound and deadly an influence on the neuro-muscular tissues of the MedusÆ, I was led to try some further experiments to ascertain whether it is, as Agassiz affirms, to the mere difference in density between the fresh and the sea water, or to the absence of the particular mineral substances in question, that the deleterious influence of fresh water is to be ascribed. Although I first tried dissolving chloride of sodium in fresh water till the latter was of the same density as sea-water. SarsiÆ dropped into such a solution continued to live for a great number of hours; but they were conspicuously enfeebled, keeping for the most part at the bottom of the vessel, and having the vigour of their swimming motions greatly impaired. The tentacles and manubrium were strongly retracted, as in the case of exposure to fresh water, and the tissues also became slightly opalescent. Thinking that perhaps a fairer test would be only to add as much chloride of sodium to the fresh water as occurs in sea-water, I did so; but the results were much the same. On now adding sulphate of magnesium, however, to the amount normally present in sea-water, the SarsiÆ became more active. I next tried the effects of chloride of sodium dissolved in fresh water to the point of saturation, or nearly so. The SarsiÆ, of course, floated to the surface, and they immediately began to show symptoms of torpidity. The latter became rapidly more and more pronounced, till spontaneity was quite suspended. The animals, however, were not dead, nor did they die for many hours, their irritability continuing unimpaired, although their spontaneity had so completely ceased. The tentacles and manubrium were exceedingly relaxed, which is an interesting fact, as being the converse of that which occurs in water containing too small a proportion of salt. Lastly, to give the density hypothesis a still The Fresh-water Medusa.On June 10, 1880, it was noticed that the fresh water in the large tank of the lily-house of the Royal Botanical Society, Regent's Park, was swarming with a small and active species of Medusa, previously unknown to science—it being, indeed, at that time unknown to science that any species of Medusa inhabited fresh water, although it was well known that some of the other Hydrozoa do so. Examination showed that the new species belonged to the order TrachomedusÆ, and the PetasidÆ of Haeckel's classification—its nearest known relative, according to Professor Ray Lankester, being the genus Aglauropsis, which occurs on the coast of Brazil. The Medusa was called (Limnocodium ????, a pond, and ??d??, a bell) sorbii by Professors Allman and Lankester. I am indebted to the kindness of Professor Allman for permission to reproduce his drawing of the animal. (Fig. 31.) It is remarkable that, although this Medusa has reappeared every June in the same tank, no one has yet succeeded in tracing its life-history. Nor is it known from what source the tank first became impregnated with this organism. No doubt the germs must Fig. 31. I shall now proceed to give an account of my "The natural movements of the Medusa precisely resemble those of its marine congeners. More particularly, these movements resemble those of the marine species which do not swim continuously, but indulge in frequent pauses. In water at the temperature of that in the Victoria lily-house (85° Fahr.), the pauses are frequent, and the rate of the rhythm irregular, suddenly quickening and suddenly slowing even during the same bout, which has the effect of giving an almost intelligent appearance to the movements. This is especially the case with young specimens. In colder water (65° to 75°) the movements are more regular and sustained; so that, guided by the analogy furnished by my experiments on the marine forms, I infer that the temperature of the natural habitat of this Medusa cannot be so high as that of the water in the Victoria lily-house. In water of that temperature the rate of the rhythm is enormously high, sometimes rising to three pulsations per second. But by progressively cooling the water, this rate may be progressively lowered, just as in the case of the marine species; and in water at 65°, the maximum "The animal seeks the sunlight. If one end of the tank is shaded, all the MedusÆ congregate at the end which remains unshaded. Moreover, during the daytime they swim about at the surface of the water; but when the sun goes down they subside, and can no longer be seen. In all these habits they resemble many of the sea-water species. They are themselves non-luminous. "I have tried on about a dozen specimens the effect of excising the margin of the nectocalyx. In "A point of specially physiological interest may be here noticed. In its unmutilated state the fresh-water Medusa exhibits the power of localizing with its manubrium a seat of stimulation situated in the bell; that is to say, when a part of the bell is nipped with the forceps, or otherwise irritated, the free end of the manubrium is moved over and applied to the part irritated. So far the movement of localization is precisely similar to that which I have previously described as occurring in Tiaropsis indicans (Phil. Trans., vol. clxvii.). But further than this, I find a curious difference. For while in Tiaropsis indicans these movements of localization continue unimpaired after the margin of the bell has been removed, and will be ineffectually attempted even after the bell is almost entirely cut away from its connections with the manubrium, in the fresh-water Medusa these movements of localization "In pursuance of this point, I tried the experiment of cutting off portions of the margin, and stimulating the bell above the portions of the margin which I had removed. I found that in this case the manubrium did not remain passive as it did when the whole margin of the bell was removed; but that it made ineffectual efforts to find the offending body, and in doing so always touched some part of the margin which was still unmutilated. I can only explain this fact by supposing that the stimulus supplied to the mutilated part is spread over the bell, and falsely referred by the manubrium to some part of the sensitive—i.e. unmutilated—margin. "But to complete this account of the localizing movements, it is necessary to state one additional fact which, for the sake of clearness, I have hitherto omitted. If any one of the four radial tubes is irritated, the manubrium will correctly localize the seat of irritation, whether or not the margin of the bell has been previously removed. This greater case, so to speak, of localizing stimuli in the course of the radial tubes than anywhere else in the nectocalyx, except the margin, corresponds with what I found to be the case in Tiaropsis indicans "On the whole, therefore, contrasting this case of localization with the closely parallel case presented by Tiaropsis indicans, I should say that the two chiefly differ in the fresh-water Medusa, even when unmutilated, not being able to localize so promptly or so certainly, and in the localization being only performed with reference to the margin and radial tubes, instead of with reference to the whole excitable surface of the animal. "All marine MedusÆ are very intolerant of fresh water, and, therefore, as the fresh-water species must presumably have had marine ancestors,[36] it seemed an interesting question to determine how far this species would prove tolerant of sea-water. For the sake of comparison, I shall first briefly describe the effects of fresh water upon the marine species.[37] If a naked-eyed Medusa which is swimming actively in sea-water is suddenly transferred to fresh water, it will instantaneously collapse, become motionless, and sink to the bottom of the containing vessel. There it will remain motionless until it dies; but if it be again transferred to sea-water it will recover, provided that its exposure to the fresh water has not been of too long duration. I have never known a naked-eyed Medusa survive an exposure of fifteen minutes; but they may survive "Turning now to the case of the fresh-water species, when first it is dropped into sea-water at 85° there is no change in its movements for about fifteen seconds, although the tentacles may be retracted. But then, or a few seconds later, there generally occurs a series of two or three tonic spasms, separated from one another by an interval of a few seconds. During the next half-minute the ordinary contractions become progressively weaker, until they fade away into mere twitching convulsions, which affect different parts of the bell irregularly. After about a minute from the time of the first immersion all movement ceases, the bell remaining passive in partial systole. There is now no vestige of irritability. If transferred to fresh water after five minutes' exposure, there immediately supervenes a strong and persistent tonic spasm, resembling rigor mortis, and the animal remains motionless for about twenty minutes. Slight twitching contractions then begin to display themselves, which, however, do not affect the whole bell, but occur partially. The tonic spasm continues progressively to increase in severity, and gives the outline of the margin a very irregular form; the twitching contractions become weaker and less frequent, "If the exposure to sea-water has only lasted two minutes, a similar series of phenomena is presented, except that the spontaneous twitching movements supervene in much less time than twenty minutes. But an exposure of one minute may determine a fatal result a few hours after the Medusa has been restored to fresh water. "Contact with sea-water causes an opalescence and eventual disintegration of the tissues, which precisely resemble the effects of fresh water upon the marine MedusÆ. When immersed in sea-water this Medusa floats upon the surface, owing to its smaller specific gravity. "In diluted sea-water (fifty per cent.) the preliminary tonic spasms do not occur, but all the other phases are the same, though extended through a longer period. In sea-water still more diluted (1 in 4 or 6) there is a gradual loss of spontaneity, till all movement ceases, shortly after which irritability also disappears; manubrium and tentacles expanded. After an hour's continued exposure, intense rigor mortis slowly and progressively developes itself, so that at last the bell has shrivelled almost to nothing. An exposure of a few minutes to this strength places the animal past recovery when restored to fresh water. In still weaker mixtures (1 in 8, or 1 in 10) spontaneity persists for a "It will be seen from this account that the fresh-water Medusa is even more intolerant of sea-water than are the marine species of fresh water. Moreover, the fresh-water Medusa is beyond all comparison more intolerant of sea-water than are the marine species of brine; for I have previously found that the marine species will survive many hours' immersion in a saturated solution of salt. While in such a solution they are motionless, with manubrium and tentacles relaxed, so resembling the fresh-water Medusa shortly after being immersed in a mixture of one part sea-water to five of fresh; but there is the great difference that, while this small amount of salt is very quickly fatal to the fresh-water species, the large addition of salt exerts no permanently deleterious influence on the marine species. "We have thus altogether a curious set of cross relations. It would appear that a much less profound physiological change would be required to transmute a sea-water jelly-fish into a jelly-fish adapted to inhabit brine, than would be required to enable it to inhabit fresh water. Yet the latter is the direction in which the modification has taken place, and taken place so completely that the sea-water is now more poisonous to the modified species |