es@24800@24800-h@24800-h-1.htm.html#page_24" class="pginternal">24- 26; empirical rules of, 33-40; Darwin on, 35, 36, 39,40; form of, a nexus or tree, 29-32; of organic forms like that of languages, 32; single characters in relation to, 37; aggregates of characters in relation to, 35-37; adaptive and non-adaptive characters in relation to, 34, 35, 38, 39; chains of affinities in relation to, 39-40; biological differs from astronomical, 43. Cockerell, on vegetable galls, 447, 448. Colours, of plants and animals in relation to the theory of natural selection, 317-332; Colouring, see Recognition marks, Protective, Seasonal, Warning, and Mimicry. Congenital characters, see Characters. Conjugation, of Protozoa, 115-117. Continuity, principle of, in nature, 15-21. Contrivance, Darwin’s use of the word, 281. Co-operation, mutual, of species alleged, 445-448. Co-operative instincts, due to natural selection, 267, 269. Cope, Professor, his table of geological formations, 163, 164; - his table of palÆontological development of feet, vertebral column, and brain, 197.
Correlation of growth, 357-362. CossonidÆ, 233. Courtship, see Sexual Selection. Crabs, 62-65, 139. Cuttle-fish, 317. Cuvier, on method in natural history, 3-4; Cyst, see Encystation. D. Darwin, Charles, his influence on ideas of method, 1-9; - on classification, 35, 36, 39, 40;
- on vestigial characters in man, 77, 86, 146, 147, 150, 151.
- Gill-slits, 146, 147, 150-153.
- Gills, of young salamanders, 102;
- origin of, in embryo, 144;
- of fish, 150, 152.
- Giraffe, neck of, in relation to Lamarck’s theory, 254.
- Glacial periods, effects of, on distribution of plants and animals, 209, 210, and Appendix.
- Goose, Frizzled, portrait of, 304.
- Gorilla, see Apes.
- Gray, Professor Asa, 337
- Great-toe, in man and apes, 79-81.
- Grouse, 317-319
- Growth, correlation of, 357, 362.
- Gymnotus, 365, 367.
- H.
- HÄckel, on analogy between species and languages, 32;
- on reproduction as discontinuous growth, 105, 106;
- his ideal primitive vertebrate, 143, 144.
- Hair, vestigial characters of, in man, 89-92.
- Hales, 3.
- Haller, 3.
- Hamilton, Sir William, 272.
- Hands, 51-55, 66, 80-82, 174-192.
- Hare, 318, 319.
- Hartmann, on flattening of early human tibiÆ, 96.
- Harvey, on Lord Bacon’s writings, 2.
- Heart, development of, 154.
- Heilprin, on skulls of deer, 198, 199;
- Hen, ovum of, 122.
- Heredity, in relation to classification, 28-31;
- in relation to embryology, 98-102;
- chromatin-fibres in relation to, 134;
- in relation to theories of organic evolution, 253-255, 260-264, 377.
- Hermit-crabs, 62-65, 184, 185.
- Phylogeny, see Ontogeny.
- Physiological selection, 376.
- Pig, embryology of, 153;
- feet of, 176, 187;
- portraits of wild and domesticated, 312.
- Pigeons, portraits of, 298, 299;
- Pilot fish, 289.
- Planorbis, transmutations of, 200, 201.
- Pleasure and pain, in relation to the theory of evolution, 417.
- Plica semilunaris, 75.
- Pliohippus, 189.
- Polar bear, skeleton of, 174;
- Polar bodies, 125, 126.
- Polar star, 129.
- Polyps, 114.
- Porpoises, 24, 25, 50.
- Poulton, E. B., on warning colours, 325, 326;
- Poultry, portraits of, 300-302.
- Pronucleus, 126-128.
- Prophetic types, 272, 351-362.
- Prophysema primordiale, 140.
- Protective colouring, 317-323.
- Protohippus, 189.
- Protozoa, 104.
- Ptarmigan, 317, 318.
- Pterodactyl, wing of, 56.
- Purpose, Darwin’s use of the word, 281, 340.
- Puss moth, larva of, 325, 326.
- Python, 66, 67.
- Q.
- Quadrumana, muscles of, 76, 82, 83;
- perforations of humeri of, 94, 95;
- hair on phalanges of, 91.
- R.
- Rabbit, embryology of, 153;
- multiplication of, in Australia, 286;
- portraits of wild and domesticated breeds of, 308;
- protective colouring of, 3
- palÆontology of horses’, 189-191.
- Temperature, sense of, probable origin of that of sight, 353, 354.
- Tennyson, 266.
- TibiÆ, flattening of, 95, 96.
- Tissue-cells, see Cell.
- Toes, 79, 80; see also Feet.
- Tomes, C. S., on molar teeth of man and apes, 94.
- Torpedo, 365, 367.
- Tortoise, embryology of, 152, 154.
- Toxopneustes variegatus, and T. lividus, 122.
- Transport of organisms, means of, 207, 216-218.
- Tribal fitness, as distinguished from individual, 267-269.
- Trout, ovum of, 122.
- Turtle, eye of, 75.
- Tylor, Alfred, on colouration of animals, 448-450.
- Type, preserved by natural selection, 264-269;
- Types, as simple and generalized, 33.
- U.
- Unicellular organisms, 104.
- Uraster, 138.
- Utility, of specific characters, 274, 275;
- of incipient characters, 351-363;
- of electric organs, 365-373.
- V.
- Variation, in relation to natural selection, 263, 335-340, 377.
- Verification, 6-9.
- Vertebral column, embryology of 145, 146;
- Vertebrated animal, ideal primitive, 143, 144;
- Vespa vulgaris, 331.
- Vestigial organs, 65-97.
- Volucella inans, and V. bombylans, 329.
- W.
- Wagner, Moritz, on geographical distribution, 216.
- Wallace, A. R., on origin of species as coincident in time and space with pre-existing and allied species, 22;