Later Additions to Weismann’s System up to the year 1892. I have now furnished as complete a rÉsumÉ as seems desirable for present purposes of Weismann’s theory of germ-plasm, considered both as a theory of heredity and as a sequent theory of organic evolution. But before proceeding to examine this elaborate system as a whole, I must devote another chapter to a further statement of certain later additions to—and also emendations of—the system as it was originally propounded. These additions and alterations have reference only to the theory of heredity: they do not affect the theory of organic evolution as originally deduced therefrom. Moreover they have all been due to our more recently acquired knowledge touching the morphology and physiology of cell-nuclei: it is for the purpose of bringing his theory of germ-plasm into accord with these results of later researches that Weismann has thus modified the theory as it originally stood. For my own part, I do not see that very much is gained by these newer additions and modifications; but, be this as it may, they are certainly very complicated, and on this account I have thought it best to devote a separate chapter to their consideration. Furthermore, First of all, Weismann has of late years considerably modified his original view touching the relation of germ-cells to body-cells. For while he originally supposed the fundamental distinction in kind to obtain as between the whole contents of a germ-cell and the whole contents of a somatic-cell, he now regards this distinction as obtaining only between the nucleus of a germ-cell and the nucleus of a somatic-cell. In other words, he regards the whole of a germ-cell, with the exception of its nucleus, as resembling the whole of any other cell, with the exception of its nucleus. It is the nucleus of a germ-cell alone that contains germ-plasm: all the rest of such a cell being “nutritive, but not formative.” This transference of the peculiar or hereditary powers of a germ-cell from the cell as a whole to the nucleus, necessitates certain emendations of the original theory of germ-plasm. In particular, the broad distinction between the whole contents of a germ-cell as “germ-plasm,” and the whole contents But it is evident that the nucleo-plasm of a germ-cell must differ from the nucleo-plasm of a somatic-cell, in that it not only “controls” the growth, &c. of its own cell, but likewise presents all the additional characters peculiar to a germ-cell. That is to say, the nucleo-plasm of a germ-cell resembles the nucleo-plasm of a somatic-cell in that it is nourished by, and exercises control over, the cytoplasm of its own particular cell; but it differs from the nucleo-plasm of a somatic-cell in admitting of fertilization, in the capability of reproducing an entire organism, in the endowing of that organism with all its hereditary characters, and, lastly, in providing for its own reproduction in the next generation. Thus it is evident, as Weismann puts it, that the nucleo-plasm of a germ-cell must be of two kinds—one being concerned with the formation and control of the germ-cell only, while the other has to do with the construction of an entire future organism, and the subsequent reproduction thereof. But not only so; for at each stage in the construction of this future organism, all the somatic-cells, as successively constructed, must Hence, the nuclear contents (nucleo-plasm) of every cell, whether germinal or somatic, present two substances, which we may, in the absence of any better terms supplied by Weismann himself, respectively designate “idio-plasm-A” and “idio-plasm-B.” Idio-plasm-A is the substance which has to do only with the formation and control of the individual cell in which it resides, like a mollusc in its shell. Idio-plasm-B is the substance out of which future cells are to be formed and controlled, when in due course either of ontogeny or phylogeny this idio-plasm-B becomes converted into idio-plasm-A,—i.e., into each subsequently developing tissue or organism, as the case may be. I say ontogeny or phylogeny, and tissue or organism, because, where a germ-cell is concerned, idio-plasm-B is capable of reproducing entire organisms of its own and of subsequent generations; whereas, Thus, idio-plasm-B of an unsegmented germ-nucleus is germ-plasm. But as soon as the germ-nucleus has undergone its first nuclear division, its nucleo-plasm is no longer germ-plasm, inasmuch as each of the half-portions is now no longer capable of reproducing an entire organism—unless it be in the case of identical twins. Similarly in the second nuclear division, each of the four resulting idio-plasms-B is still further removed from the pristine character of Now, it is evident that not all the idio-plasm-B of a germ-cell which thus passes over into the nuclei of somatic-cells can be represented by the idio-plasm-B of those cells. At every stage of successive cell-formation a certain part of the original idio-plasm-B of the germ-cell must become the idio-plasm-A of somatic-cells distinctive of that stage. For, supposing that at its differentiation stage 99 the original germ-plasm (now somatic-idio-plasm-B of 99th stage) has reached a phase of ontogeny where the formation of tissue m has next to be followed by the formation of tissue n, then there still remain the further differentiation stages 101, 102, 103, &c., to be provided for, which, when their time arrives, will go to form the still later tissues o, p, q, &c. Consequently the idio-plasm-B of stage 100 cannot be all consumed in making the tissue n. There must be a residual portion which will afterwards be called upon to form successively the idio-plasm-A of o, p, q, &c. Where, then, is this residual portion of idio-plasm posited? Clearly it must be posited in the nuclei of n. Thus it is that, as we began by stating, all the nuclei of any given tissue n really contain two kinds of substance,—(1) their own idio-plasm-A, which was part of idio-plasm-B of the preceding tissue, m; and (2) the idio-plasm-B, which is destined to become idio-plasms-A of succeeding tissues o, p, q, &c. Thus it follows also that the more the original idio-plasm-B is differentiated Finally, it is evident that, at each stage of the differentiation of idio-plasm-B into idio-plasms-A, the portion concerned must be capable of self-multiplication to an almost incalculable extent,—yet this only as idio-plasm-B of the particular kind required for constructing the idio-plasm-A which is appropriate to the particular stage. Such is a necessary deduction from the terms of Weismann’s theory, inasmuch as we know that at each of the ontogenetic stages there is an incalculable multiplication of cells belonging to that stage—cells, the “cytoplasm” of which necessarily presupposes for its formation its own appropriate idio-plasm in both kinds, and this in similarly increased quantities. From the above theory it follows that an explanation can be given of the healing of wounds (as in ourselves), of the regeneration of lost parts (as the limb of a newt), or even of the reproduction of an entire organism from a mere fragment of somatic-tissue But, it is almost needless to observe, this kind of transmission of idio-plasm-B from one stage of ontogeny in an unaltered condition to subsequent stages, is not to be confused with the other kind of transmission It will be observed that all this elaboration of the original theory of germ-plasm—an elaboration which is largely derived from the speculative writings of NÄgeli—serves no other purpose than that of indicating what Professor Weismann now regards as the most probable mode in which germ-plasm undergoes its modification into the various kinds of somatic-cells. For, inasmuch as the idio-plasms-B of all somatic-cells are originally derived from that of the germ-cell, and inasmuch as each expends its formative energies exclusively in constructing and controlling the cells which, as idio-plasms-A, they respectively inhabit, it is still the germ-plasm of the original germ-cell that is finally converted into the various tissues which together constitute the soma—notwithstanding that, in order thus to become transmuted into body-substance, or somato-plasm,it must pass through the sundry intermediate stages of idio-plasm-B, idio-plasm-A, and cytoplasm, of any given ontogenetic stage. Hence Before quitting this somewhat complicated addition to the original theory of germ-plasm, I must briefly allude to the descriptions and illustrations of karyokinesis which were given in Part I of Darwin and after Darwin, for the prospective benefit of any general readers who might afterwards be sufficiently interested in Weismann’s speculations to desire a statement of the main facts on which this further development of his theory rests. It seemed undesirable to burden the present volume with an account of recent investigations so well known to naturalists, while, on the other hand, it was clearly desirable that such an account should be given somewhere, if the speculations in question were to be rendered intelligible to anybody else. Therefore I must here request those of my readers who are not already acquainted with the matter to consult pp. 128-134 of Part I. It will there be seen how enormously complex are the visible processes which take place in the nucleus of a germ-cell (and likewise of a somatic-cell), preparatory to its division; and therefore, supposing that the nucleus alone contains the material concerned in the phenomena of heredity, We now arrive at the last of those features in Weismann’s theory of heredity, the importance of which necessitates mention in such a mere statement of the theory as the present chapter is concerned with. According to Weismann’s own view of his theory, two objections have to be met. In the first place, there is the objection that all individuals which are born of the same parents are not exactly alike, as the theory might have expected they would be, seeing that the admixture of identical germ-plasms has been concerned in the formation of the whole progeny. In the second place, and quite apart from this objection, there is the difficulty that, if every act of fertilization essentially consists in a fusion of one mass of germ-plasm belonging to a male germ-cell with another mass belonging to a female germ-cell, at each generation the mass of germ-plasm contained in an egg-cell must be doubled—with the result that ova must progressively increase in size during the course of phylogeny. But ova do not thus progressively increase in size. Therefore, if the imperishable nature of germ-plasm is to be theoretically sustained, it is necessary to show some means whereby ova and spermatozoa are able to get rid of at least one half of their respective germ-plasms in each generation—i.e., before each act of impregnation. Weismann meets both these difficulties by an appeal to the following facts. It is well known that the ripe ovum extrudes two The nucleus of the fully-formed ovum having thus got rid of all its superfluous idio-plasm-A by throwing off the first polar body, is supposed henceforth to That he thus meets the second of those difficulties—i.e., concerning the otherwise perpetual accumulation of germ-plasm—is evident without explanation. That he likewise meets the first—i.e., concerning the non-resemblance of individuals born of the same parents—is scarcely less evident. For it is hardly conceivable that such a complex mass of germ-plasms as the nucleus of a fertilized ovum must be could ever present in any two eggs precisely the same proportional representation of the “carriers of heredity,” after one half of each set had been thus discharged from each egg. Therefore, if the second polar body removes from each egg one half of the ancestral germ-plasms, “every egg will contain a somewhat different combination of hereditary tendencies, and thus the offspring which arise from the different germ-cells of the same mother can never be identical Such, then, is Weismann’s theory of the physiological To begin with, as regards the first polar body, one would like to know more clearly why it is necessary that this residuum of merely “ovogenetic idio-plasm” (or idio-plasm-A of the egg-cell) has to be got rid of before the germ-plasm can proceed to discharge its physiological functions. Seeing that both these (hypothetically) very different materials occur in the self-same nucleus, some very delicate mechanism must be needed for their separation; and it is not apparent why such a mechanism should have been evolved, rather than what would have been the simpler plan of adapting the germ-plasm to hold its own against the idio-plasm-A, even if one could see that any interference between these very different substances is in any way probable. For my own part, at all events, I cannot see why this microscopical atom of “ovogenetic idio-plasm” should not simply be left to be absorbed among the millions of cells that afterwards go to form the foetus. Again, as regards the second polar body, Weismann’s theory of it is framed to explain, (a) how the excess of germ-plasm is got rid of in each ontogeny, and (b) why However, Weismann takes a widely different view of the matter. For while he allows that “such an early reducing division would offer advantages in that nothing would be lost, for both the daughter nuclei would (? might) become eggs, instead of one of them being lost as a polar body”—while he allows this, he nevertheless rejects the possibility of “such an early reducing division.” But I do not see that the First, he says that if this were the way in which the superfluous germ-plasm of each generation were got rid of, far too much provision has been made for the purpose,—seeing that the practically indefinite number of nuclear divisions which the immature germ-cells undergo would cause a much “greater decrease of the ancestral idio-plasms of each than could afterwards be compensated by the increase due to fertilization.” But this rejoinder is of cogency only if it be supposed that at each nuclear division of an immature ovum, “the ancestral idio-plasms” (germ-plasm) are incapable of the power of self-multiplication which soon afterwards becomes one of its most essential characters. Why, then, should we suppose this substance to be totally incapable of increase in the multiplying ova of ontogeny, when at the same time we are to suppose the same substance capable of any amount of increase in the multiplying ova of phylogeny? To this obvious question no answer is supplied: in fact the question is not put. Secondly, Weismann says that in parthenogenetic ova only one polar body is extruded. This he regards as equivalent to the first polar body of a fertilizable ovum (i.e., as composed of ovogenetic nuclear substance); and hence he argues that the second polar body of a fertilizable ovum must be regarded as composed of germ-plasm. But even supposing that he is right as to the fact that parthenogenetic ova invariably extrude but one polar body, his argument from this fact would only be available after we had already accepted his view touching the character of the For these reasons I cannot see that the subordinate theory of polar bodies is required in the interests of the general theory of germ-plasm. The difficulties which it is adduced to meet do not appear to me to be any difficulties at all. Therefore, in now proceeding to consider what in my opinion are the real difficulties which lie against the major theory of germ-plasm, I shall not again allude to the minor—and, in this connexion, superfluous—theory of polar bodies. Such, then, is Professor Weismann’s theory of heredity in its original and strictly logical form. In the course of our examination of it which is to follow in Chapter III and IV, we shall find that in almost every one of its essential features, as above stated, the theory has had to undergo—or is demonstrably destined to undergo—some radical modification. But I have thought it best to begin by presenting the whole theory in its completely connected state, as it is in this way alone that we shall be able to disconnect what I regard as the untenable parts from the parts which still remain for investigation at the hands of biological science. Such, indeed, is the only object of my “Examination of Weismannism.” For, rightly or wrongly, it appears to me that the unquestionable value of his elaborate speculations is seriously |