The Funnel of Death Frontispiece
Futen, God of the Winds 14
There, Before the Flood, Stood Anton's House 30
The Edge of a Tornado's Whirl 38
In the Path of the Lightning 46
In the Path of the Tornado 46
Facing a Climb on Snow-Shoes 56
Twenty-Five-Foot Drift a Mile Long 56
Forest Ranger in Idaho 56
Observer Among the Quaking Aspens 56
No Peak Too Lofty for a Weather Station 68
Wall and Upright Sun-Dials 86
The First Line of Defence Against the Tempest 98
Solar Halo Seen in the United States 110
Solar Halo Seen in Russia 110
The Dust that Makes Red Sunsets 122
An Army Destroyed by Weather 138
Types of Upper Clouds 152
Types of Lower Clouds 152
Types of Rain Clouds 152
Kite-Flying—The New Way 162
Kite-Flying—The Old Way 162
The Explorer of the Upper Air 172
Snow-Flakes from the Upper Regions of the Air 186
Snow-Flakes from the Middle Regions of the Air 186
Snow-Flakes from the Lower Regions of the Air 186
Ringing the Frost Alarm 192
Fighting Frost in an Orchard—Night 206
Fighting Frost in an Orchard—Dawn 206
Bucking a Snow-Drift 212
Clear the Way! 212
Measuring the Blizzard's Rage 224
Signals on Delaware Breakwater 236
Signal Tower for Storm Warnings 236
Thermometers and Rain-Gauge 246
Pencil Drawings of Tornado in Dakota 256
True Tornado Forming in Advance of a Dust Whirl 268
Tornado Dropping Towards Ground 268
Tornado Wrecking a Farm 276
Tornado Whirling Sidewise 276
Galveston Causeway Before and After the Hurricane 286
Shot from the Gun of a Hurricane 296
Scale of Winds, Illustrated by Clipper Ships



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