By FRANCIS ROLT-WHEELER Illustrations from photographs taken in work for U.S. Government Large 12mo Cloth $1.50 per volume "There are no better books for boys than Francis Rolt-Wheeler's 'U.S. Service Series.'"—Chicago Record-Herald. THE BOY WITH THE U.S. SURVEY The Boy With The U.s. Survey This story describes the thrilling adventures of members of the U.S. Geological Survey, graphically woven into a stirring narrative that both pleases and instructs. The author enjoys an intimate acquaintance with the chiefs of the various bureaus in Washington, and is able to obtain at first hand the material for his books. "There is abundant charm and vigor in the narrative which is sure to please the boy readers and will do much toward stimulating their patriotism by making them alive to the needs of conservation of the vast resources of their country."—Chicago News. THE BOY WITH THE U.S. FORESTERS The life of a typical boy is followed in all its adventurous detail—the mighty representative of our country's government, though young in years—a youthful monarch in a vast domain of forest. Replete with information, alive with adventure, and inciting patriotism at every step, this handsome book is one to be instantly appreciated. "It is a fascinating romance of real life in our country, and will prove a great pleasure and inspiration to the boys who read it."—The Continent, Chicago. THE BOY WITH THE U.S. CENSUS Through the experiences of a bright American boy, the author shows how the necessary information is gathered. The securing of this often involves hardship and peril, requiring journeys by dog-team in the frozen North and by launch in the alligator-filled Everglades of Florida, while the enumerator whose work lies among the dangerous criminal classes of the greater cities must take his life in his own hands. "Every young man should read this story from cover to cover, thereby getting a clear conception of conditions as they exist to-day, for such knowledge will have a clean, invigorating and healthy influence on the young growing and thinking mind."—Boston Globe. THE BOY WITH THE U.S. FISHERIES With a bright, active American youth as a hero, is told the story of the Fisheries, which in their actual importance dwarf every other human industry. The book does not lack thrilling scenes. The far Aleutian Islands have witnessed more desperate sea-fighting than has occurred elsewhere since the days of the Spanish buccaneers, and pirate craft, which the U.S. Fisheries must watch, rifle in hand, are prowling in the Behring Sea to-day. The fish-farms of the United States are as interesting as they are immense in their scope. "One of the best books for boys of all ages, so attractively written and illustrated as to fascinate the reader into staying up until all hours to finish it."—Philadelphia Despatch. THE BOY WITH THE U.S. INDIANS This book tells all about the Indian as he really was and is; the Menominee in his birch-bark canoe; the Iroquois in his wigwam in the forest; the Sioux of the plains upon his war-pony; the Apache, cruel and unyielding as his arid desert; the Pueblo Indians, with remains of ancient Spanish civilization lurking in the fastnesses of their massed communal dwellings; the Tlingit of the Pacific Coast, with his totem-poles. With a typical bright American youth as a central figure, a good idea of a great field of national activity is given, and made thrilling in its human side by the heroism demanded by the little-known adventures of those who do the work of "Uncle Sam." "An exceedingly interesting Indian story, because it is true, and not merely a dramatic and picturesque incident of Indian life."—N.Y. Times. "It tells the Indian's story in a way that will fascinate the youngster."—Rochester Herald. For sale by all booksellers or sent postpaid on receipt of price by the publishers LOTHROP, LEE & SHEPARD CO., BOSTON The Book of Athletics Edited by PAUL WITHINGTON With many reproductions of photographs, and with diagrams 8vo Net, $1.50 Postpaid, $1.70 Nearly thirty college stars and champions, men like Dr. Kraenzlein, Thorpe, Ketcham, "Sammy" White, "Eddie" Hart, Ralph Craig, "Hurry Up" Yost, Jay Camp, Horner, Jackson, F. D. Huntington, R. Norris Williams, "Eddie" Mahan, and many more tell the best there is to tell about every form of athletic contest of consequence. In charge of the whole work is Paul Withington, of Harvard, famous as football player, oarsman, wrestler and swimmer. "Here is a book that will serve a purpose and satisfy a need. Every important phase of sport in school and college is discussed within its covers by men who have achieved eminent success in their line. Methods of training, styles of play, and directions for attaining success are expounded in a clear, forceful, attractive manner." Harvard Monthly. "The book is made up under the direction of the best qualified editor to be found, Paul Withington, who is one of America's greatest amateur athletes, and who has the intellectual ability and high character requisite for presenting such a book properly. The emphasis placed upon clean living, fair play and moderation in all things makes this book as desirable educationally as it is in every other way." Outdoor Life. "That Mr. Withington's book will be popular we do not doubt. For it contains a series of expert treatises on all important branches of outdoor sports. A very readable, practical, well-illustrated book." Boston Herald. For sale by all booksellers or sent on receipt of postpaid price by the publishers LOTHROP, LEE & SHEPARD CO., BOSTON THE BOY ELECTRICIAN Practical Plans for Electrical Toys and Apparatus, with an Explanation of the Principles of Every-Day Electricity By ALFRED P. MORGAN Author of "Wireless Telegraphy Construction for Amateurs" and "Wireless Telegraphy and Telephony" 300 illustrations and working drawings by the author Net, $2.00 Postpaid, $2.25 This is the age of electricity. The most fascinating of all books for a boy must, therefore, be one dealing with the mystery of this ancient force and modern wonder. The best qualified of experts to instruct boys has in a book far superior to any other of its kind told not only how to MAKE all kinds of motors, telegraphs, telephones, batteries, etc., but how these appliances are used in the great industrial world. "Of all books recently published on practical electricity for the youthful electricians, it is doubtful if there is even one among them that is more suited to this field. This work is recommended to every one interested in electricity and the making of electrical appliances." Popular Electricity and Modern Mechanics. "This is an admirably complete and explicit handbook for boys who fall under the spell of experimenting and "tinkering" with electrical apparatus. Simple explanations of the principles involved make the operation readily understandable." Boston Transcript. "Any boy who studies this book, and applies himself to the making and operating of the simple apparatus therein depicted, will be usefully and happily employed. He will, furthermore, be developing into a useful citizen. For this reason we recommend it as an excellent gift for all boys with energy, application, and ambition." Electrical Record, N.Y. City. "A book to delight the hearts of ten thousand—perhaps fifty thousand—American boys who are interested in wireless telegraphy and that sort of thing. Any boy who has even a slight interest in things electrical, will kindle with enthusiasm at sight of this book." Chicago News. For sale by all booksellers or sent postpaid on receipt of price by the publishers LOTHROP, LEE & SHEPARD CO., BOSTON HANDICRAFT FOR HANDY BOYS Practical Plans for Work and Play with Many Ideas for Earning Money By A. NEELY HALL Author of "The Boy Craftsman" With Nearly 600 Illustrations and Working-drawings by This book is intended for boys who want the latest ideas for making things, practical plans for earning money, up-to-date suggestions for games and sports, and novelties for home and school entertainments. The author has planned the suggestions on an economical basis, providing for the use of the things at hand, and many of the things which can be bought cheaply. 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The story is based on the last desperate stand of the brave and warlike Sioux tribes against the resistless tide of white men's civilization, the thrilling scenes of which were enacted on the Minnesota frontier in the early days of the Civil War. "It is a book which will appeal to young and old alike, as the incidents are historically correct and related in a wide-awake manner."—Philadelphia Press. "It seems like a strange, true story more than fiction. It is well written and in good taste, and it can be commended to all boy readers and to many of their elders."—Hartford Times. THE SILVER ISLAND OF THE CHIPPEWA By D. 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For sale by all booksellers or sent postpaid on receipt of price by the publishers LOTHROP, LEE & SHEPARD CO., BOSTON PHILLIPS EXETER SERIES Cloth, 12mo Illustrated by Charles Copeland Price per volume, $1.25 FOLLOWING THE BALL Here is an up-to-date story presenting American boarding-school life and modern athletics. Football is an important feature, but it is a story of character formation in which athletics play an important part. "Mingled with the story of football is another and higher endeavor, giving the book the best of moral tone."—Chicago Record-Herald. MAKING THE NINE The life presented is that of a real school, interesting, diversified, and full of striking incidents, while the characters are true and consistent types of American boyhood and youth. The athletics are technically correct, abounding in helpfull suggestions, and the moral tone is high and set by action rather than preaching. "The story is healthful, for, while it exalts athletics, it does not overlook the fact that studious habits and noble character are imperative needs for those who would win success in life."—Herald and Presbyter, Cincinnati. IN THE LINE Tells how a stalwart young student won his position as guard, and at the same time made equally marked progress in the formation of character. Plenty of jolly companions contribute a strong, humorous element, and the book has every essential of a favorite. "The book gives boys an interesting story, much football information, and many lessons in true manliness."—Watchman, Boston. With Mask and Mitt While baseball plays an important part in this story, it is not the only element of attraction. While appealing to the natural normal tastes of boys for fun and interest in the national game, the book, without preaching, lays emphasis on the building up of character. 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THE PECKS IN CAMP The Pecks are twin brothers so resembling each other that it was almost impossible to tell them apart, a fact which the roguish lads made the most of in a typical summer camp for boys. THE HALF-MILER This is the story of a young man of positive character facing the stern problem of earning his way in a big school. The hero is not an imaginary compound of superlatives, but a plain person of flesh and blood, aglow with the hopeful idealism of youth, who succeeds and is not spoiled by success. He can run, and he does run—through the story. "It is a good, wholesome, and true-to-life story, with plenty of happenings such as normal boys enjoy reading about."—Brooklyn Daily Times. For sale by all booksellers or sent postpaid on receipt of price by the publishers LOTHROP, LEE & SHEPARD CO., BOSTON ST. DUNSTAN SERIES By WARREN L. 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DUNSTAN BOY SCOUTS There are no better stories for boys than the really clean tales of school life, and the boys of the school called "St. Dunstan" in this series are types of the best sort of American youth, good fellows and good students, in most cases, but not too good. They become interested in the "Boy Scout" movement and organize a company at the school. There is work for them of a mysterious and puzzling nature, and they acquit themselves well. In conclusion, they have a very enjoyable week's "hike." "Here is a thoroughly wholesome book for boys, filled with boy life from cover to cover." —Baltimore Sun. For sale by all booksellers or sent postpaid on receipt of price by the publishers LOTHROP, LEE & SHEPARD CO., BOSTON FOUR GORDONS By EDNA A. BROWN Illustrated Large 12mo Decorated Cover $1.50 Louise and her three brothers are the "Four Gordons," and the story relates their experiences at home and school during the absence of their parents for a winter in Italy. There is plenty of fun and frolic, with skating, coasting, dancing, and a jolly Christmas visit. The conversation is bright and natural, the book presents no improbable situations, its atmosphere is one of refinement, and it has the merit of depicting simple and wholesome comradeship between boys and girls. "The story and its telling are worthy of Miss Alcott. Young folks of both sexes will enjoy it."—N.Y. Sun. "It is a hearty, wholesome story of youthful life in which the morals are never explained but simply illustrated by logical results."—Christian Register. UNCLE DAVID'S BOYS By EDNA A. BROWN Illustrated by John Goss 12mo Cloth Price, Net, $1.00 Postpaid, $1.10 This tells how some young people whom circumstances brought together in a little mountain village spent a summer vacation, full of good times, but with some unexpected and rather mysterious occurrences. In the end, more than one head was required to find out exactly what was going on. The story is a wholesome one with a pleasant, well-bred atmosphere, and though it holds the interest, it never approaches the sensational nor passes the bounds of the probable. "A story which will hold the attention of youthful readers from cover to cover and prove not without its interest for older readers."—Evening Wisconsin. "For those young people who like a lively story with some unmistakably old fashioned characteristics, 'Uncle David's Boys,' will have a strong appeal."—Churchman. For sale by all booksellers or sent postpaid on receipt of price by the publishers LOTHROP, LEE & SHEPARD CO., BOSTON Transcriber's Note: The following typographical errors present in the original text have been corrected for this electronic edition. On the copyright page, "Norwood Perss" has been changed to "Norwood Press". In Chapter II, a missing period was added after "I don't claim to be amphibious, exactly". In the illustration captioned "Sliding Down to Work", "Lighthhouse-builders" was changed to "Lighthouse-builders". In Chapter III, "holdin on to him" was changed to "holdin' on to him", and "sixteeen per cent" was changed to "sixteen per cent". In Chapter IV, a comma was changed to a period following "rousted out the crew". In Chapter V, "come to live" was changed to "come to life". In Chapter VIII, "overwhemed by an avalanche" was changed to "overwhelmed by an avalanche". In Chapter X, "As the Miama neared her" was changed to "As the Miami neared her". In Chapter XI, "were sent abroad" was changed to "were sent aboard". |