Treasure-ships, bearing richer cargoes than any galleons that crossed the Spanish Main, still sail over the ocean to-day, but we call them fishing smacks; heroism equal to that of any of the pioneer navigators of old still is found beneath oilskins and a sou'wester, but the heroes give their lives to gain food for the world instead of knowledge; and the thrilling quest of piercing the mysteries of life has no greater fascination than when it seeks to probe the unfathomed depths of that great mistress of mysteries—the Ocean. Just as to save life is greater than to destroy it, so is the true savior of the seas the Fisheries craft, not the battleship; so is the hatchery mightier than the fortress, the net or the microscope a more powerful weapon for good than the torpedo or the Nordenfeldt. The Bureau of Fisheries for the United States Government, Mr. Chas. Frederick Holder and his associates for the anglers of America, and the sturdy and honorable class of commercial fishermen are raising to the utmost of dignity and value one of the oldest and greatest of all industries. Not till the waste of waters is tamed as has been the wilderness of land will their work be done, and the Fisheries Bureau must ever remain in the forefront of such endeavor. To reveal the incalculable riches of this vast domain of rivers, lakes, and seas; to show the devotion of those whose lives are spent amid its elemental perils and to point out a way where courage, skill, and youth may find a road to serve America and all the world beside, is the aim and purpose of The Author. |
Marooned by a Whale | 1 | |
The Fight of the Old Bull Seals | 39 | |
Attacked by Japanese Poachers | 75 | |
Catching the Sea Serpent | 112 | |
Clutched by a Horror of the Deep | 152 | |
Defeated by a Spotted Moray | 195 | |
Harpooning a Giant Sea Vampire | 234 | |
Finding a Fortune in a Pearl | 278 | |
A Tussle with the Monarch of the Sea | 314 | |
Run down During a Squall | 359 |
Stripping Cod at Sea on a Winter Morning | ||
Whale Harpoon Gun Loaded Finback Whale Being Struck | 14 | |
Finback Whale Sounding Lancing Finback Pumping Carcass with Air Dead Finback Set Adrift | 28 | |
Spearing Seals at Sea | 46 | |
Holluschickie Hauling Up Old Bull Seals Fighting | 64 | |
Bull Fur Seal Charging Snapshotting an Old Beachmaster | 78 | |
Haul of Herring at Gastineau Channel, Alaska | 90 | |
Typical Seal Rookery Half Abandoned | 102 | |
Native Salmon Trap Modern Salmon Trap | 116 | |
Trout Fry. "Millions of These Hatched Yearly" | 128 | |
Hatcheries for Landlocked Salmon | 138 | |
Atlantic Salmon Leaping Pacific Salmon Leaping | 146 | |
Sea-Serpent Caught by Colin Sea-Serpent Stranded | 154 | |
Where the Big Tuna was Caught The Largest Sunfish | 170 | |
Octopus Caught at Santa Catalina Squid Caught at Santa Catalina | 190 | |
Headquarters of Fisheries Bureau Largest Seine in World | 202 | |
The Pool Where the Dog Was Devoured | 224 | |
Early Bird Passing the Aquarium | 238 | |
The Gorgeous Submarine World The Gardens of the Sea | 250 | |
Young Sponge on Cement Disk Sheepswool Sponge | 264 | |
Manta or Giant Sea-Devil | 276 | |
Winter on the Great Lakes Winter Work on Inland Streams | 284 | |
Clamming on the Mississippi Barge-loads of Mussels | 296 | |
Landing the Paddle-fish | 306 | |
Climbing up the Wheel Biggest Fresh-water Fish in America | 318 | |
The Blue Wing at the Fish Trap | 328 | |
Hatchery, Woods Hole Residence, Woods Hole | 336 | |
"What Shall We Get this Time?" "Here's a New One, Boys!" | 346 | |
Catching Swordfish with Rod and Reel | 356 | |
Clammer Raking for Quahaugs Oysterman Tonging | 370 | |
Testing the Ocean's Crop | 378 |