I.I I saw her, though with earnest eyes bent low, Unheedful of the violets at her feet, That clustering in purple fragrance sweet Touched her white dress; absorbed in revery so, She knew not that the morning sunshine’s glow Was for her sake; and robins, fain to greet So fair a lady with a love-song meet, No recognition won from her below. O dreamer of a dream thy heart shall see Crowned with fulfillment when the dawn of day Has deepened into noontide’s richer gleam,— Lest I too rudely should awaken thee, With hushed and reverent step I steal away, Praying God bless the dreamer and the dream! II.I saw her with her tearful eyes raised high, Unheedful of the whirling flakes of snow, That flitting through the sad air to and fro Flecked her dark dress; cold from the leaden sky, The autumn winds came sobbing restless by, Wailing to find it still so cold below; While faded violets of a year ago, Pressed to her lips, hushed her own rising cry. O lonely dreamer of a dream long flown, I come to waken thee! for dying day In purple twilight shrouds the noontide gleam; And when the lovely visions that have grown So fair and dear flit vanishing away, |