al">92 ageing of, 67, 88 carcinoma in relation to, 86–89 causes and significance of, 67 senility in relation to, 86, 88 changes in, infections causing, 43, 44 changes in old age, 64 colloidal changes in, 64, 68 cultivation of, 66 degeneration of, 62, 92, 135 intestinal bacteria causing, 82, 83 infections and intoxications producing changes in, 44 life cycle of, 63, 65, 88, 89 factors influencing, 65 on what dependent, 68 thyroid deficiency influencing, 72 limited vitality of, 62 sequels of, 64 products inimical to life of, 65 senile changes due to injury to, 30, 31, 67 time-rate of, 36 vital phenomena of, 63, 88, 89 Census returns, 41, 43 Centenarianism, 19 heredity in relation to, 19 Centenarians, 20, 33, 34 age exaggeration by, 20, 21 among Churchmen, 50 among doctors, 52 among professional men, 50 census returns of, 20, 21 family incidence of, 32, 33 in California, statistics, 41 in England and Wales, statistics, 40, 41 in Ireland, statistics, 40 medical, 52 personal habits of, 56, 57 rarity of cancer among, 87 sex statistics of, 21, 22 smoking among, 58 statistics of, 42 Extra-systoles, 124 Eyes, senile disorders of, 117 Facial appearance, 93 changes in, 93 causes of, 118 Fads, 121 Faintness, 151 Fat, reduction of, 92 subcutaneous, disappearance of, 94 Fatigue, excessive, danger of, 54 physical and mental, 119, 120 psychical, 122 Fatty degeneration of arteries, 106 of heart, 104 of muscles, 103 Femur, fracture of, 99, 127 Fertility, age limit of, in women, 26 average, estimation of, 24 old age in relation to, 23, 24, 26 social conditions influencing, 24 Fibrosis, 91, 92 Fibrositis, 155 Fibrous tissues, atrophy of, 91 Finot, J., 49 First-born, handicapping of, 38 longevity in relation to, 38 Flourens, on the duration of life, 18 Food, excess of, 56 Fractures, delay in healing of, 126, 127 tendency to, 99 France, longevity in, 40 Functional activity, danger of excess of, 54 influencing longevity, 46, 55 progressive diminution in, 115, 119, 135 Gait, disordered, 122, 147 Galileo, 53 Gallstones, 153 Gangrene, diabetic, 142 senile, 142 pipe-stem arteries with, 106 Garrod, A.E., 155 Gastric juice, composition, changes in, 115 lack of, 101 Gastro-intestinal tract, changes in, 101 Generation. See Reproductive power Generative organs, internal secretion of, 70, 73–80 Genitals, external, atrophy of, 114 Giantism, 88 Mammae, involution changes in, 114 Mania, senile, 145, 146 Mansell-Moullin, C.W., 78 Mansfield, Lord, octogenarian, 51 Marasmus, senile, 139 Marie, P., 146 Marinesco, 64, 78, 83, 97 Marx, K., 47 Mead, Richard, 131 Medical men, centenarians among, 52 duration of life of, 52, 53 Melancholia, senile, 146 Memory, impairment and loss of, 120, 122 Menopause, onset of old age at the, 26 ovarian changes at, 63, 79 Mental activity, influence on old age, 47, 48, 50, 54 unimpaired, in advanced age, examples of, 50, 51, 53 Mental deterioration, 49, 119, 122, 145, 146 causes of, 47, 48, 49 onset of, 53 Mental fatigue, tendency to, 120 Mental state, 119, 122, 123 and the physical, want of harmony between, 123 influence of, 48–50 Metabolism, disordered, 115, 116, 117, 154 gland therapy stimulating, 72, 81 Metchnikoff, E., 8, 13, 18, 82–86, 91, 97, 123 Methuselah, 14 Michael Angelo, mental activity at advanced age, 53 Micturition, disorders of, 153 Middle ear lesions, 143 Migraine, 140 Miles, W.E., 153 Mind, 144 causes of, 144 senile tremor compared with, 143 Paraplegia, senile, 138, 146 causes of, 146, 147 varieties of, 147 Parathyroids, 110 Parietal bones, changes in, 100 Parkinsonian syndrome, 144 Parr, Thomas, centenarian, 20 Pathological old age, 53, 82, 90 Patriarchal ages, length of the calendar during, 16 Patriarchs, explanation of reputed old age of, 15, 16 Pearson, K., 38, 86 Pecten band, 152, 153 Penis, changes in, 114 Pennington, Isaac, 6 Peristalsis, failure of, 152 Philalethes, Eugenius, on old age, 15 Phlebitis, 151 Phlebosclerosis, 107 Physical and mental states, want of harmony between, 123 Physiological life of man, 19 Physiological old age, 90 and morbid senility, distinction between, 135–138 Physiology of old age, 115–128 Pigmentation, cellular, 103 cutaneous, 93 Piles, 153 Pitman, Henry, medical centenarian, 52 Pituitary extract, influence on weight and growth, 12 rejuvenescence in relation to, 12, 80 Pityriasis versicolor, 141 Planarian flat worms, experimental modification of life cycle and growth of, 11 Plasma, vital phenomena of, 65–67, 88 Plethora, senile, 124 Pneumonia, 147, 148 disposition to, 140 sudden death from, 117 Premature senility, 30 causes of, 48 hot climates predisposing to, 26, 36 syphilis producing, 45 Presbyopia, 117 Pringle, J.J., 94 Prior, Matthew, 3 Professional men, age of retirement of, 54 76 rejuvenescence following, 71, 78 Veins, changes in, 108 Venous thrombosis, 151 Vertebrae, changes in shape of, 99 Vertigo, causes of, 143 Visceral degeneration, 102, 103 Visceroptosis, 102 Vitality, danger of excess of, 54 loss of, 115, 119, 135 waning of, 139 Vitamins, influence on growth, 13 Voltaire, mental activity at advanced age, 53 Voronoff, testicular grafting by, 78 Walker, Kenneth, on changes in the testes, 112 on prostatic enlargement, 112, 113 Walking, functional disturbances in, 147 Waterhouse, B., on the onset of old age, 27 Watson, Thomas, Linacre Lecturer, 5 Weber, Hermann, 8, 34, 43, 57, 119 Weber, Parkes, 35, 104 Weissmann, 9, 16 “Will to live,” 35, 47 Will power, failure of, 122 Williams, Leonard, 61, 113, 128 Wilson, S.A.K., 144 Wounds, healing of, 126 Wrinkles, cause of, 93 Yeo, B., 50 Zorten, Petrasch, centenarian, 20 THE END Printed in Great Britain by R. & R. Clark, Limited, Edinburgh. By SIR HUMPHRY ROLLESTON, K.C.B., M.D. DISEASES OF THE LIVER, GALL-BLADDER AND BILE-DUCTS Second Edition. Illustrated. 8vo. 31s. 6d. net. LANCET.—“An admirable work of reference in every sense. It presents all the information obtainable from a very wide experience and an encyclopaedic acquaintance with the literature of the subject in a practical, interesting, and readily available manner.... We feel confident that it will long remain the standard work of reference upon the subjects of which it treats.” BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL.—“This is the most considerable work on diseases of the liver which has appeared since the classical treatise of Murchison. It fully deserves to take a high place among modern text-books, and we heartily congratulate Dr. Rolleston on his success.” EDINBURGH MEDICAL JOURNAL.—“This compendious treatise is a veritable mine of information on diseases of the liver and biliary passages. 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