
1Thomas Linacre, Linacre Lecture, 1908, St. John’s College, Cambridge, by William Osler, M.D., F.R.S., Cambridge University Press, 1908.

2Life of Thomas Linacre, by John Noble Johnson, M.D., p. 344, 1835.

3De Temperamentis, Galeni Pergamensis, etc. (translated by Thomas Linacre), by J.F. Payne, p. 5, Cambridge, 1881.

4The fourth of the five epidemics of the remarkable disease the English Sweating Sickness between 1486 and 1551 occurred in 1528–1529, and is regarded by Dr. F.G. Crookshank as influenza [Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., 1922, xv. (Sect. Hist. Med.) 27].

5The portrait of Heberden in his 86th year was painted by Sir William Beechey, R.A., who when he got to Windsor found he had forgotten his canvas and sent for a shirt on which he painted the picture, now in the dining-room of the Master’s Lodge, St. John’s College, Cambridge; there are two copies in the possession of the Heberden family, and one in the Censors’ room of the Royal College of Physicians. For some of this information I am indebted to Mr. W.B. Heberden and to Mr. W. Fleming, Bedell of the Royal College of Physicians of London.

6The Cambridge University Press, 1913.

7Vide Gentleman’s Magazine, 1851, N.S., xxxv. part i. 205.

8G??????a as????? or The Pourtract of Old Age wherein is contained a Sacred Anatomy, both of Soul and Body, and a Perfect Account of the Infirmities of Age Incident to them Both, by John Smith, M.D., London, 1665.

9Maupas, Arch. de zool. expÉr., 1899.

10Woodruff, L.L., Proc. Nat. Acad. Sc., Washington, D.C., 1921, vii. 43.

11Woodruff and Erdmann, Proc. Soc. Exper. Zool., N.Y., 1913–14, xi. 73.

12Child, C.M., Senescence and Rejuvenescence, p. 310, Chicago, 1915.

13Huxley, J.S., Journ. Microscop. Sc., 1921, lxv. 643.

14Robertson, T.B., and Ray, L.A., Journ. Chem. Biol., 1919, xxxvii. 455.

15Drummond and Cannan, Biochem. Journ., Cambridge, 1922, xvi. 53.

16Sisson and Broyles, Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Baltimore, 1921, xxxii. 22.

17Hopkins, G., Journ. Physiol., Cambridge, 1912, xliv. 425.

18Osborne, T.B., and Mendel, L.B., Journ. Biol. Chem., 1915, xxiii. 439.

19Metchnikoff, The Nature of Man, English translation, 1903, p. 272.

20Browne, T., Pseudodoxia Epidemica, p. 396, 6th edition, 1672.

21Eugenius Philalethes, junior, F.R.S., Long Livers: A curious History of such Persons of both sexes who have liv’d several Ages, and Grown Young again, 1722, p. 27.

22Hufeland, C.W., The Art of Prolonging Life, vol. i. p. 121, English translation, 1797.

23Mahaffy, J.P., John Stearne, An Address at the Bicentenary of the Medical School of Trinity College, Dublin, July 1912.

24Bacon, R., The Cure of Old Age and Preservation of Youth, p. 63, 1683. Translated by R. Browne.

25Hufeland, C.W., Art of Prolonging Life, 1797, vol. i. p. 176.

26Flourens, De la longÉvitÉ humaine ou de la quantitÉ de vie sur la globe, 1856.

27Cornaro, L., Discourses on a Sober and Temperate Life, p. 101, English translation, 1779, London.

28Metchnikoff, The Nature of Man, p. 278.

29Lankester, E. Ray, The Advancement of Science, p. 237, 1890, London.

30Easton, J., Human Longevity, 1799, Salisbury.

31The Observer of March 26, 1922, contained a note on the discovery of a tombstone in the graveyard of Lamas Street Welsh Congregational Chapel, Carmarthen, recording the death on Nov. 14, 1831, of Ann David, aged 181 years.

32Sinclair, J., The Code of Health and Longevity, Frontispiece to vol. i., account in vol. ii. p. 274, 1807.

33King, G., Census of England and Wales, 1911, vol. vii. p. xlvi.

34Hufeland, C.W., The Art of Prolonging Life, 1797, vol. i. p. 168.

35Humphry, G.M., Old Age, p. 126, 1889, Cambridge.

36Hall, G. Stanley, Senescence: The Last Half of Life, 1922, London and New York.

37Mendel, K., Neurol. Centralbl., 1910, xxix. 1124.

38Rankin, G., Brit. Med. Journ., 1919, i. 63.

39Waterhouse, B., Letter to Sir John Sinclair in the latter’s Code of Health and Longevity, 1807, i. 33.

40Holland, H., Med. Trans. Coll. Phys., London, 1813, iv. 316.

41Lacassagne, A., L’Homme vers la fin de sa vie, p. 7, 1919, Lyon.

42Nascher, I.L., Geriatrics: The Diseases of Old Age and their Treatment, p. 18, London, 1919.

43Gilford, Hastings, Med.-Chir. Trans., London, 1897, lxxx. 17. Disorders of Post-natal Growth and Development, 1911.

44Variot et Pironneau, Bull. Soc. pÉdiat. de Paris, 1910, xii. 307.

45Roy, D., ThÈse de Paris, No. 110, 1910.

46Lancet, 1889, ii. 349.

47Weber, Hermann, On Longevity and Means for the Prolongation of Life, 1919, 5th edition, by F.P. Weber, London.

48Brownlee, J., The Use of Death Rates as a Measure of Hygienic Conditions, p. 51. Special Report Series No. 60. Medical Research Council, 1922.

49Savage, G., Memorial to Sir William Osler, vol. i. p. 247, 1919, New York.

50Butler, S., Evolution, Old and New, p. 380, 1911.

51Weber, F.P., Med. Press, London, 1920, N.S., cix. 271.

52Compare Fischer, Martin H., The Unpopular Review, 1919, ix. 323.

53Paget, J., “Errors in the Chronometry of Life,” in Studies of Old Case Books, p. 92, 1891, London.

54Osler and McCrae, The Principles and Practice of Medicine, p. 834, 1920, New York and London.

55Clifford Allbutt, Diseases of the Arteries including Angina Pectoris, vol. i. pp. 164–7, 1915, London.

56Lancet, 1922, i. 874.

57On the Handicapping of the First-Born, Eugenics Lecture Series, x., 1914.

58Noirot, L., L’Art de vivre longtemps, p. 195, 1868, Dijon.

59Laurent, O., Bull. Acad. de mÉd., Paris, 1919, lxxxi. 835.

60Annuaire internationale de statistique, Part II., Europe, Movement of the Population, Table 12, pp. 180–81.

61Statistiska Meddelanden, Ser. A., Band I. 1 DÖdlighets- och Lifslangdstabeller for Åren 1816–1910 af Kungl. Statistiska CentralbyrÅn, Stockholm, 1912, p. 28. (For this reference I am indebted to Dr. Major Greenwood.)

62Public Health Reports, Treasury Department, Washington, 1922, xxxvii. 487.

63Saundby, R., Old Age, Its Care and Treatment, p. 21, 1913, London.

64Easton, J., Human Longevity, p. xxvi, Salisbury, 1799.

65Browne, T., Christian Morals, Part I. Section XXXIII.

66Strachey, L., Books and Characters, p. 83, London, 1922.

67Finot, J., Rev. mondiale, Paris, 1922, xxxiii. 387.

68The Mirrors of Downing Street, by a Gentleman with a Duster, p. 165, 1920.

69Thompson, R.J.C., and Todd, R.E., Lancet, 1922, i. 874.

70Yeo, B., XIX. Century, 1883, xxiii. 390.

71Vide F. Adams, Genuine Works of Hippocrates, Sydenham Society, vol. i. p. 10, 1849.

72Drinkwater, H., Practitioner, London, 1914, xciii. 844.

73For a consideration of this subject see Sir Hermann Weber’s Means for the Prolongation of Life, and Dr. Lapthorn Smith’s book How to be Useful and Happy from 60 to 90, London, 1922.

74Compare Allbutt, C., St. George’s Hosp. Rep., 1870, v. 43, and C. Hilton Fagge, Principles and Practice of Medicine, 1886, vol. ii. p. 22, London.

75Lacassagne, A., L’Homme vers la fin de sa vie, p. 44, Lyon, 1919.

76Owen, I., Brit. Med. Journ., 1888, i. 1312.

77Allbutt, C., Diseases of Arteries, including Angina Pectoris, vol. i. p. 250, 1915, London.

78Robertson, T.B., and Ray, L.A., Journ. Biol. Chem., 1920, xlii. 71.

79Williams, L., Minor Ailments, p. 319, 1920, London.

80Sharpey-Schafer, E.A., Presidential Address, Brit. Assoc., 1912, Brit. Med. Journ., 1912, ii. 589.

81Salimbeni et Gery, Ann. Inst. Pasteur, Paris, 1912, xxvi. 577.

82Fischer, M.H., Oedema and Nephritis, 1921, New York.

83LumiÈre, A., RÔle des colloÏdes chez les Êtres vivants, 1921, Paris.

84Bechhold, H., Die Kolloide in Biologie und Medizin, Dresden, 1912.

85Marinesco, G., Études histologiques sur le mÉcanisme de la sÉnilitÉ, 1904; also Presse mÉd., Paris, 1922, xxx. 309.

86Campbell, H., Treatment, London, p. 153, 1909.

87Carrel, A., Journ. Exper. Med., Baltimore, 1913, xviii. 287.

88Loeb and Northrop, Journ. Biol. Chem., 1917, xxxii. 103.

89Carrel, A., and Ebeling, A.H., Journ. Exper. Med., Baltimore, 1921, xxxiv. 599.

90Robertson, T.B., and Ray, L.A., Journ. Biol. Chem., 1920, xlii. 71.

91Nathan, Ann. de mÉd., Paris, 1922, xi. 59.

92Drew, Brit. Journ. Exper. Path., London, 1922, iii. 20.

93Hufeland, C.W., The Art of Prolonging Life, 1797, vol. i. p. 227.

94Lorand, A., Old Age Deferred, pp. 51, 114, Philadelphia, 1921.

95Biedl, A., Endocrinology, Los Angeles, 1921, v. 523.

96Berman, L., The Glands Regulating Personality, p. 260, The Macmillan Co., 1921, New York.

97Lydston, G.F., Journ. Amer. Med. Assoc., Chicago, 1919, lxxii. 396.

98Stanley and Kelker, Journ. Amer. Med. Assoc., Chicago, 1920, lxxiv. 1501.

99Stanley, Endocrinology, Los Angeles, 1921, v. 708.

100Gilford, H., The Disorders of Post-natal Growth and Development, p. 643, 1911, London.

101Bouin et Ancel, Compt. rend. Acad. Sc., Paris, 1903, cxxxvii. 1289, 1904, cxxxviii. 110.

102LipschÜlz, Ottow, Wagner, and Bormann, Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1922, ser. B, xciii. 132.

103Kuntz, A., Endocrinology, Los Angeles, 1921, v. 190.

104Nathan, Presse mÉd., Paris, 1922, xxx. 237.

105Sand, K., Journ. de physiol. et de path. gÉn., Paris, 1921, xix. 525.

106Blair Bell, The Sex Complex, p. 28, 1920.

107Sternberg, Berl. klin. Wehnschr., 1921, lviii. 556.

108Mott, F.W., Brit. Med. Journ., 1919, ii. 658; Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., 1922, xv. (Sect. Psychiat.), 1–30.

109Aron, Compt. rend. Soc. biol., Paris, 1921, lxxxv. 107.

110Retterer, E., Compt. rend. Soc. biol., Paris, 1919, lxxxii. 423.

111Walker, K., Brit. Med. Journ., 1922, i. 297.

112Steinach, E., VerjÜngung durch experimentelle Neubelebung der alternden PuberstÄtsdrÜsen, J. Springer, Berlin, 1920.

113Benjamin, H., New York Med. Journ., 1921, cxiv. 687.

114Simmonds (quoted by Marinesco), Deutsche path. Ges., Jena, 1921.

115Tiedje, H., Deutsche med. Wehnschr., 1921, xlvii. 35.

116Romeis, B., MÜnchen. med. Wehnschr., 1920, lxvii. 600, 1821.

117Marinesco, Presse mÉd., Paris, 1922, xxx. 309.

118Lenz, L., und Schmidt, P., Deutsche med. Wehnschr., 1921, xlvii. 327.

119Moullin, C.W.M., Enlargement of the Prostate, p. 194, 3rd edition, 1904.

120Harrower, Practical Hormone Therapy, p. 344, 1914.

121Frank, Journ. Amer. Med. Assoc., Chicago, 1922, lxxviii. 181.

122Marinesco, Études histologiques sur le mÉcanisme de la sÉnilitÉ, 1904.

123LÉri, Le cerveau sÉnile, 1906.

124Ribbert, H., Der Tod aus AlterswÄche, Bonn, 1908.

125Salimbeni et Gery, Ann. Inst. Pasteur, Paris, 1912, xxvi. 577.

126Lane, W.A., The Operative Treatment of Intestinal Stasis, 1918, London.

127Abernethy, J., The Constitutional Origin and Treatment of Local Diseases, 1811.

128Clarke, E., in The Operative Treatment of Intestinal Stasis, p. 246, London.

129Vide Saundby, Old Age, its Care and Treatment, pp. 5, 28, London, 1913.

130Pearson, K., Arch. Middlesex Hosp., 1902, ii. 127.

131Lazarus-Barlow, W.S., Ibid., 1905, v. 43.

132On analysis of the Registrar-General’s returns for England and Wales (1901–1909) C. Singer (Quart. Journ. Med., Oxford, 1911–12, v. 33), found that the incidence curves of carcinoma of the lip, face, and breast were exceptional in rising up to the highest age recorded (90).

133Laurent, O., Bull. Acad. de mÉd., Paris, 1919, lxxxi. 835.

134Gilford, H., The Disorders of Post-natal Growth and Development, 1911, London; and Brit. Med. Journ., 1913, ii. 1617.

135Goodpasture, E.W., Journ. Med. Research, Boston, 1918, xxxviii. 127.

136Oertel, H., Ibid., 485.

137Councilman, W.T., Contributions to Medical and Biological Research, dedicated to Sir William Osler, 1919, vol. ii. p. 918, New York.

138Kissmeyer and With, Brit. Journ. Dermat. and Syph., London, 1922, xxxiv. 175.

139Pringle, J.J., System of Medicine (Allbutt and Rolleston), 1911, ix. 549, London.

140Cheatle, G.L., West London Med.-Chir. Journ., 1921, xxvi. 154.

141Letter to a Friend, in Greenhill’s edition of Religio Medici, p. 135, Macmillan, 1898.

142Bacon, F., The History of Life and Death.

143Autobiography of Sir Charles Cameron, p. 137, 1920.

144Graves, R.J., Dublin Quart. Journ. Med. Sc., 1847, N.S., iii. 339.

145Quoted by D. Roy, ThÈse de Paris, No. 110, 1910.

146Sinclair, J., Code of Health and Longevity, 1807, i. 68.

147Boyd, R., Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., 1861, cli. 241.

148Monauni, Arch. d’opth., 1921, xxxviii. 180.

149Nascher, I.L., Geriatrics, p. 36, 2nd edition, 1919, London.

150Clarke, Ernest, in Operative Treatment of Intestinal Stasis, by W. A. Lane, p. 245, 1918, London.

151Hollis, W.A., Brit. Med. Journ., 1916, i. 677.

152Luciani, Text-book of Physiology, English translation, vol. v. p. 302, London.

153Salimbeni et Gery, Ann. Inst. Pasteur, Paris, 1912, xxvi. 577.

154Symmers, D., Arch. Int. Med., Chicago, 1909, iii. 270.

155Roussy, G., et Leroux, R., Ann. de mÉd., Paris, 1921, ix. 161.

156Durante, Manuel d’histologie pathologique (Cornil et Ranvier), 1902, ii.

157Jewesbury and Topley, Journ. Path. and Bacteriol., 1913, xviii. 432.

158Weber, F.P., System of Medicine (Allbutt and Rolleston), 1905, i. 185, London.

159Charcot, J.M., Clinical Lectures on Senile and Chronic Diseases, p. 28, New Sydenham Soc., 1881.

160Loc. cit.

161OphÜlz, W., Stanford Univ. Publications, Med. Sciences, 1921, vol. i. Part I. p. 31.

162Turnbull, H.M., Quart. Journ. Med., Oxford, 1913–14, viii. 201.

163Hansen, K.M., Ugsek. f. Laeger, Copenhagen, 1919, lxxxi. 1281.

164Macnaughton, F.G., Brit. Med. Journ., 1922, ii. 14.

165Rolleston, G., Brit. and For. Med.-Chir. Rev., 1863, xxxi. 505.

166Hammar, A., Endocrinology, Los Angeles, 1921, v. 543.

167Hale-White, W., Med.-Chir. Trans., 1888, lxxi. 181.

168Findlay, G.M., Journ. Path. and Bacteriol., Cambridge, 1920, xxiii. 482.

169Councilman, W.T., Contributions to Medical and Biological Research, Dedicated to Sir William Osler, 1919, vol. ii. p. 919, New York.

170Walker, K., Brit. Med. Journ., 1922, i. 297.

171Launois, “Appareil urinaire des vieillards,” ThÈse de Paris, 1885.

172Nemenow, M., Ztschr. f. Urol., Berl. und Leipz., 1921, xv. 45.

173Hertoghe, “L’Hypothyroidie bÉnigne chronique,” Bull. Acad. roy. de Belg., 1899.

174Mott, F.W., Brit. Med. Journ., 1919, ii. 658.

175Paul, F.T., Lancet, 1910, ii. 294.

176Haneborg, Acta Medica Scandinavica, 1921, Supplement I. p. 117.

177Bell, Lancet, 1922, i. 715.

178MacNider, Science, 1917, xlvi. 643.

179Rappleye, Boston Med. and Surg. Journ., 1918, clxxviii. 191.

180A Discourse Of The Preservation Of The Sight: Of Melancholic Diseases: Of Rheums and Of Old Age, composed by M. Andreas Laurentius, Ordinarie Phisition to the King and Publike Professor of Phisicke in the Universitie of Montpelier. Translated out of the French into English according to the last Edition by Richard Surphlet, Practitioner in Phisicke, p. 170, London, 1599.

181Aub and Dubois, Arch. Int. Med., Chicago, 1917, xix. 823.

182Gray, A.A., Diseases of the Ear, p. 335, 1910.

183The Gray Room, p. 261, 1922.

184Rivers, W.H.R., Instinct and the Unconscious, p. 148, 2nd edition, Cambridge University Press, 1922.

185Dupuis, Journ. de psychol., Paris, 1921, xviii. 481.

186Arnold, M., Essays in Criticism, Preface, p. x. 1886.

187Day, G.E., Domestic Management and Diseases of Advanced Life, p. 5, 1849, London.

188The Adventure of Death, p. 63, 1916, London.

189Hooker, D.R., Amer. Journ. Physiol., 1916, xl. 43.

190Thompson, R.J.C., and Todd, R.E., Lancet, 1922, ii. 503.

191Spence, J.C., Quart. Journ. Med., Oxford, 1920–21, xiv. 314.

192Carrel and Ebeling, Journ. Exper. Med., Baltimore, 1921, xxxiv. 599.

193Nascher, I.L., Geriatrics, p. 60, London, 1919.

194Williams, L., Minor Ailments, p. 332, 1920.

195The Gentle Cynic, being a Translation of the Book of Koheleth, commonly known as Ecclesiastes, stripped of later Additions, also its Origin, Growth and Interpretation, by Morris Jastrow, junior, 1919, J.B. Lippincott Co.

196Laurentius, A., A Discourse of the Preservation of the Sight; of the Melancholic Diseases; of the Rheums; and of Old Age, translated out of French into English by Richard Surphlet, 1599.

197Lowe, P., The Whole Course of Chirurgerie, 1612.

198Hall, J., Paraphrase upon the Hard Texts of the Whole Divine Scripture, 1633.

199Loc. cit., vide p. 8.

200Mead, R., Medica Sacra, translated from the Latin by Thomas Stark, 1775.

201Moon, R.O., The Relation of Medicine to Philosophy, p. 217, 1909, London.

202Paget, J., Studies from Old Case Books, p. 93, 1891, London.

203Charcot, J.M., Clinical Lectures on Senile and Chronic Diseases, New Sydenham Society, 1881, p. 33.

204Leclercq, A., Les maladies de la cinquantaine, 5 vols., 1922, Paris.

205Gowers, W.R., System of Medicine (Allbutt and Rolleston), 1910, viii. 473, London.

206Maclachlan, D., A Practical Treatise on the Diseases and Infirmities of Advanced Life, p. 213, London, 1868.

207Clarke, J.M., Brit. Med. Journ., 1915, ii. 665.

208Andrewes, F.W., St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., London, 1912, xlviii. 9.

209DuprÉ, E., Nouv. iconograph. SalpÊt., Paris, 1905, xviii. 88.

210Clouston, T., System of Medicine (Allbutt and Rolleston), London, 1910, viii. 935.

211Marie, P., et LÉri, SÉmÉiologie nerveuse, TraitÉ de mÉdecine (Gilbert et Thoinot), p. 450.

212Quesnel, M., ThÈse de Paris, 1920, No. 258.

213Charcot, J.M., Clinical Lectures on Senile and Chronic Diseases, New Sydenham Society, 1881, p. 239.

214Roussy, G., et Leroux, R., Ann. de mÉd., Paris, 1921, ix. 161.

215Allbutt, Clifford, System of Medicine (Allbutt and Rolleston) London, 1909, vi. 455.

216Nunneley, F.P., Aneurysm of the Abdominal Aorta, p. 8, London, 1906.

217Peabody, Trans. Assoc. Amer. Phys., Washington, 1891, vi. 170.

218Osler, W., Journ. Canad. Med. Assoc., 1911, N.S., i. 919.

219Fenwick, W.S., Lancet, 1909, ii. 1346.

220Hollis, W.A., Brit. Med. Journ., 1916, i. 677.

221Miles, W.E., Surg., Gyn., and Obstet., 1919, xix. 497.

222Roberts, W., System of Medicine (Allbutt and Rolleston), 1907, iii. 124, London.

223Llewellyn, L.J., Gout, 1920, London.

224Jardini, Nouv. iconograph. SalpÊtr., Paris, 1906, xix. 553.

225Garrod, A.E., Brit. Med. Journ., 1904, ii. 8.

226Hale-White, W., Quart. Journ. Med., Oxford, 1907–1908, i. 47.

227Lannelonge, Bull. Acad. de mÉd., Paris, 1903, 3e sÉr., xlix. 299.

228Fournier, Ibid., 1903, 3e sÉr., xlix. 522.


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