I. Operas | In chronological order, with the dates and places of the first performance. | (The figures in brackets refer to the number of the Volume in the Complete Edition of Handel’s Works.) | 1. | Almira (55) | Hamburg,1705. | 2. | Nero (lost) | ”1705. | 3. | Florinda (lost) | ” about 1706. | 4. | Daphne (lost) | ” about 1706. | 5. | Roderigo (56) | Florence,1707. | 6. | Agrippina (57) | Venice,1708. | 7. | Rinaldo (58) | London,1711. | 8. | Il Pastor Fido (59) | ”1712. | 9. | Teseo (60) | ”1713. | 10. | Silla (61). Never performed in public (probably privately performed at Canons). | 11. | Amadigi (62) | London,1715. | 12. | Radamisto (63) | ”1720. | | (There are three versions.) | 13. | Muzio ScÆvola (64) | ”1721. | 14. | Floridante (65) | ”1721. | 15. | Ottone (66) | ”1723. | 16. | Flavio (67) | ”1723. | 17. | Giulio Cesare (68) | ”1724. | 18. | Tamerlano (69) | ”1724. | 19. | Rodelinda (70) | London,1725. | 20. | Scipione (71) | ”1726. | 21. | Alessandro (72) | ”1726. | 22. | Admeto (73) | ”1727. | 23. | Riccardo Primo, Re d’Inghilterra | ”1727. | 24. | Siroe (75) | ”1728. | 25. | Tolomeo, Re d’Egitto (76) | ”1728. | 26. | Lotario (77) | ”1729. | 27. | Partenope (78) | ”1730. | 28. | Rinaldo (new version) (58) | ”1731. | 29. | Poro (79) | ”1731. | 30. | Ezio (80) | ”1732. | 31. | Sosarme (81) | ”1732. | 32. | Orlando (82) | ”1733. | 33. | Arianna (83) | ”1734. | 34. | Terpsichore (84) | 35. | Ariodante (85) | ”1735. | 36. | Alcina (86) | ”1735. | 37. | Atalanta (87) | ”1736. | 38. | Giustino (88) | ”1737. | 39. | Arminio (89) | ”1737. | 40. | Berenice (90) | ”1737. | 41. | Faramondo (91) | ”1738. | 42. | Serse (92) | ”1738. | 43. | Imeneo (93) | ”1740. | 44. | Deidamia (94) | ”1741. | 45. | Jupiter in Argos (MS. Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge. Advertised but never performed),1739. | 46. | Tito. Unperformed and unpublished. | 47. | Alfonso Imo. Unperformed and unpublished. | 48. | Flavio Olibrio. Unperformed and unpublished. | 49. | Honorius. Unperformed and unpublished. | 50. | An unnamed opera (MS. Fitzwilliam Museum). | 51. | Eleven Pasticcios, arranged at various times between 1730 and 1747. |
II. Oratorios | 1. | Passion according to St. John (9) | Hamburg. 1704. | 2. | Resurrezione (32) | Rome. 1708. | 3. | Il Trionfo del Tempo (24) | ” 1708. | 4. | The Passion of Christ (15) | Hamburg. 1717. | 5. | Esther (First Version) | Canons. 1720. | 6. | Esther (Second Version) | King’s Theatre, London,1733. | 7. | Deborah (29) | King’s Theatre, London,1733. | 8. | Athaliah (5) | Oxford. 1733 | 9. | Saul (13) | King’s Theatre, London,1739. | 10. | Israel in Egypt (16) ” | ”1739. | 11. | Messiah | Dublin,1742. | 12. | Samson (10) | Covent Garden,1743. | 13. | Joseph (42) ” | ”1744. | 14. | Belshazzar (19) | King’s Theatre,1745. | 15. | Occasional Oratorio (43) | Covent Garden,1746. | 16. | Judas MaccabÆus (22) | ””1747. | 17. | Joshua (17) | ””1748. | 18. | Alexander Balus (33) | ””1748. | 19. | Solomon (26) | ””1749. | 20. | Susanna (1) | ””1749. | 21. | Theodora (8) | ””1750. | 22. | Jephtha (44) | ””1752. | 23. | Triumph of Time and Truth (20) | ””1757. | III. Odes, Serenatas, and Occasional Pieces | 1. | Acis, Galatea e Polifemo (53) | Naples. 1708. | 2. | Birthday Ode for Queen Anne (46a) | St. James’ Palace,1713. | 3. | Acis and Galatea (3) | Canons,1720. | 4. | The Alchemist | Covent Garden,1732. | 5. | Il Parnasso in Festa (54) | King’s Theatre,1734. | 6. | Alexander’s Feast (12) | Covent Garden,1736. | 7. | Ode for St. Cecilia’s Day (23) | Lincoln’s Inn Fields,1739. | 8. | Praise of Harmony | ””about 1739. | 9. | L’Allegro, Il Penseroso ed Il Moderato (6) | Lincoln’s Inn Fields,1740. | 10. | Hymen | Dublin,1742. | 11. | Semele (7) | Covent Garden,1744. | 12. | Hercules (4) | King’s Theatre,1745. | 13. | Alceste (46b). Incidental music to play. (Never performed) | 1749 or 1750. | 14. | Choice of Hercules (18). An Interlude | Covent Garden,1751. | IV. Church Music | 1. | Laudate Pueri in F | Halle,1702. | 2. | Dixit Dominus (38) | Rome,1707. | 3. | Nisi Dominus (38) | Rome or Halle. | 4. | Laudate Pueri in D (38) | Rome,1707. | 5. | Silete venti (38) | ”1708. | 6. | Six Alleluias (38). For voice and harpsichord. | 7. | Utrecht Te Deum and Jubilate (31) | St. Paul’s Cathedral,1713. | 8. | Te Deum in D (37) | About 1714. | 9. | Fifteen Chandos Anthems (34). For chorus, organ | Canons,1716-18. | 10. | Te Deum in B flat (37) | 1716-18. | 11. | Four Coronation Anthems (14). For seven-part chorus and large orchestra | Westminster Abbey,1727. | 12. | Te Deum in A (37) | About 1727. | 13. | O Praise the Lord, Ps. CIII., etc. (36). Anthem for chorus and orchestra. | 14. | Wedding Anthem, Ps. XLV., etc. (36). Eight-part chorus, solos, orchestra, and organ | Wedding of Princess Anne,1734. | 15. | Wedding Anthem, Ps. LXVIII., etc. Chorus, solos, and orchestra | Wedding of the Prince of Wales,1736. | 16. | Funeral Anthem (II) | Death of Queen Caroline,1737. | 17. | Dettingen Te Deum (25) | 1743. | 18. | Dettingen Anthem, Ps. X. and XI., | 1743. | 19. | Foundling Hospital Anthem, Ps. XLI., etc. (36) | 1749. | 20. | Three Hymns. MS. in Fitzwilliam Museum. Words by the Rev. C. Wesley. “Sinners, obey the Gospel word,” “O Love divine, how sweet thou art,” “Rejoice, the Lord is King.” | V. Vocal Chamber Music | 1. | Seventy-two Solo Cantatas for one or two voices with instruments (52 a, b, c). Italian. No. 8 is English; No. 18 is Spanish with guitar accompaniment. | 2. | Twenty-two Italian Duets and two Trios with harpsichord and violoncello (32). | 3. | Seven Italian Sonatas. Unpublished. MSS. in Fitzwilliam Museum. |
VI. Instrumental Music | 1. | Six Sonatas for two oboes with thorough-bass for harpsichord (73) | 1696. | 2. | Sonata for viola-da-gamba and cembalo concertata in C (48) | Hamburg,1705. | 3. | Klavierbuch aus der Jugendzeit (48) | 1710. | 4. | Three Sonatas for flute and harpsichord (48) Probably Hanover, | about 1710. | 5. | Water Music (47) | 1715. | 6. | Suites de piÈces pour clavecin (2) | Published1720. | 7. | Fifteen Solos for a German flute, oboe or violin, with a thorough-bass for harpsichord or bass violin (27) | 1724. | 8. | Six Concertos (21), Op. 3. Concerti grossi con due violini e violoncello di concertino e due altri violini, viola e basso di concerto grosso ad arbitrio, known as the Oboe Concertos | Walsh,1729. | 9. | Nine Sonatas or Trios for two violins, flutes, or oboes, with a thorough-bass for harpsichord or violoncello, Op. 2 (27) | Walsh,1733. | 10. | Suites de piÈces pour clavecin (2). Second volume pilfered by Walsh in 1733. | 11. | PiÈces pour clavecin (2). Five pieces Witvogel in Amsterdam,1733. Several clavecin pieces still remain in MS. at Buckingham Palace and Fitzwilliam Museum. | 12. | Overture for the pasticcio Oreste (48) | 1734. | 13. | Six “Fugues or Voluntaries for the organ or harpsichord,” Op. 3a (2) | Walsh,1735. | 14. | Overture in G minor for the pasticcio Alessandro Severo (48) | 1738. | 15. | Six Organ Concertos, Op. 4 (48) | Walsh,1738. | 16. | Seven Sonatas or Trios for two violins or German flutes, with a thorough-bass for the harpsichord or violoncello, Op. 5 (27) | Walsh,1738. | 17. | Hornpipe, composed for the concert at Vauxhall (48). For strings in three parts | 1740. | 18. | Six Concertos for organ arranged by Walsh from the Orchestral Concertos | 1740. | 19. | Twelve Grand Concertos, Op. 6a (30). For strings only, in seven parts | Walsh,1740. | 20. | PiÈces pour le clavecin (2) | Cluer,1742. | 21. | Forest Music (47) | 1742. | 22. | Fire Music (47) | 1749. | 23. | Concerto for two organs and orchestra in D minor (48). Movement only exists. | 24. | Overture in B minor (48). Adapted by Walsh from the Overture to Trionfo del Tempo. | 25. | Organ Concerto in D minor (48). Two movements. | 26. | Organ Concerto in F (48). | 27. | Partita in A (48). | 28. | Six little Fugues. (Dubious.) | 29. | Concerto for trumpets and horns. | 30. | Concerto for horns and side-drums. | 31. | Sinfonie diverse (48). Eight short pieces for orchestral instruments. | 32. | Overture in five movements (incomplete) for two clarionets and corno di caccia. MS. in Fitzwilliam Museum. | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The COMPLETE HANDEL EDITION contains as supplements several volumes of works by various Italian and German composers, which Handel has utilised in his compositions, namely:— - 1. Magnificat said to be by Erba.
- 2. Te deum said to be by Urio.
- 3. Serenata by Stradella.
- 4. Duetti by Clari.
- 5. Componimenti musicali by G. Muffat.
- 6. Octavia by Reinhard Keiser.