1789.—Silhouette of Beethoven at eighteen years. (Beethoven's house at Bonn; reproduced in Frimmel's Biography, page 16). 1791-2.—Miniature of Beethoven by Gerhard von KÜgelgen. (In the possession of George Henschel, London; reproduced in "Musical Times" of December, 1892, page 8). 1801.—Drawing by G. Stainhauser, engraved by Johann Neidl. (Reproduced in "Les Musiciens," celebres by Felix Clement, 1878, page 267; Frimmel, page 28). 1802.—Engraving by Scheffner, after Stainhauser. (Beethoven's house at Bonn; reproduced in "Die Musik," of March 15th, 1902, page 1145). 1802.—Miniature of Beethoven, by Christian Hornemann. (In the possession of Madame de Breuning at Vienna; reproduced in Frimmel, page 31). 1805.—Portrait of Beethoven by W. J. Mahler. (In the possession of Robert Heimler, Vienna; reproduced in "Musical Times," December, 1892, page 7; "Frimmel," page 34). 1808.—Drawing by L. F. Schnorr de Carolsfeld, lithographed by J. Bauer. (Beethoven's house at Bonn). 1812.—Cast of Beethoven, modelled by Franz Klein. 1812.—Bust of Beethoven, by Franz Klein, from the cast. (Belonging to E. Streicher, piano manufacturer, in Vienna; reproduced in Frimmel, page 46; "Musical Times," December, 1892, page 19). 1814.—Drawing by L. Letronne, engraved by Blasius Hoefel. (The finest portrait of Beethoven; Beethoven's house at Bonn contains the original, which he offered to Wegeler; reproduced in Frimmel, page 51; "Musical Times," December, 1892, page 21). 1815.—Drawing by L. Letronne, engraved by Riedel. (Reproduced in "Die Musik," page 1147). 1815.—Second portrait of Beethoven, by Mahler. (In the possession of Ignace von Gleichenstein of Fribourg-en-Brisgau. Reproduction in Beethoven's house at Bonn). 1815.—Portrait of Beethoven, by Christian Heckel. (In the possession of J. F. Heckel, of Mannheim; reproduction in Beethoven's house at Bonn). 1818.—Engraving from the drawing of Beethoven by Aug. von Kloeber. (Reproduced in "Musical Times," December, 1892, page 25). The original drawing by Kloeber is in the collection of Dr. Erich Prieger at Bonn. 1819.—Portrait of Beethoven by K. Joseph Stieler. 1821.—Bust of Beethoven by Anton Dietrich. (In the possession of Leopold Schrotter, of Kristelli; reproduction in Beethoven's house at Bonn). 1824-6.—Caricatures of Beethoven walking, by J. P. Lyser. (Original in the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde, Vienna; reproduced in Frimmel, page 67; "Musical Times," December, 1892, page 15). 1823.—Caricatures of Beethoven walking, by Jos. van Boehm. (Reproduced in Frimmel, page 70). 1823.—Portrait of Beethoven by Waldmueller. (Belonging to Messrs. Breitkopf and Haertel, Leipzig; reproduced in Frimmel, page 72). 1825-6.—Drawing of Beethoven by Stepan Decker. (In the possession of George Decker, Vienna; reproductions in Beethoven's house at Bonn). 1826.—Drawing of Beethoven by A. Dietrich, lithographed by Jos. Kriehuber. (Reproduced in Frimmel, page 73). 1826.—Bust of Beethoven a la antique, by Schaller. (The property of the Philharmonic Society of London; copy in Beethoven's house at Bonn; reproduced in Frimmel, page 74, and in "Musical Times," December, 1892). 1827.—Sketch of Beethoven on his death-bed, by Jos. Danhauser. (In the possession A. Artaria, Vienna; reproduced in the "Allgemeine Musik-Zeitung" of April 19th, 1901). 1827.—Three sketches of Beethoven on his death-bed, by Teltscher. (In the possession of Dr. Aug. Heymann; published by Frimmel; reproduced in the "Courier Musical" of November 15th, 1909). 1827.—Mask of Beethoven dead, modelled by Danhauser. (Beethoven's house at Bonn). Numerous portraits of Beethoven have been made since his death. The most remarkable work which has been dedicated to his memory is the monument of Max Klinger (Vienna, 1902). CLASSIFICATION OF BEETHOVEN'S PIANOFORTE SONATAS |