A-B-C book, 101.
abracadabra, 88.
absey, 102.
Adam Bell, 203, 241.
Adonai, 245.
a-good, 236.
ale-tasters, 40.
Alveston, 28, 31.
Ambrose, Earl of Warwick, 75, 171.
amulets, 87.
amusements, indoor, 67.
Anne, Lady, 8.
apricocks, 208, 244.
archery, 142.
Arden, Forest of, 222.
Arden, Richard, 53.
articles (in grammar), 226.
Ascham, Roger, 96, 115, 143, 224.
ash-tree (in charms), 89.
Aubrey, John, 184, 236.
Avon, the, 24.
backgammon, 70.
bait (in hawking), 157.
ball-games, 123.
Bancroft, the, 45.
Barclay, Alexander, 126, 230.
barley-break, 124.
base-ball, 123.
bat-fowling, 153.
bay-leaf (as charm), 90.
Baynes, Professor, 145, 231.
Bear (of Warwick), 4.
bear-baiting, 132.
bearing-cloth, 82.
Beauchamp, Richard, 7, 9.
Beauchamp, Thomas, 7.
beer, 58.
bells (of hawk), 157.
beshrew, 223.
Bevis, 203, 241.
bewrayeth, 228.
bid a base, 125.
bird-bolt, 145.
blind-man's-buff, 122.
Bolingbroke, Henry, 15.
bone-fires, 187.
Book of Riddles, 67, 71.
Books of Nurture, 60.
books, popular, 71.
bordarii, 28.
bottom (of thread), 73.
boundary elm, 174.
brach, 231.
bread, 58.
bride-ale, 184.
Brinsley, John, 66, 109, 229.
broken coxcomb, 203, 242.
Browne, Sir Thomas, 173, 235.
Browne, William, 183, 235.
Bullein, William, 56, 219.
Burbage, Richard, 234.
Bursall, Thomas, 33.
Burton, Robert, 57, 90, 127, 219, 224.
Butler, Bishop, 127, 230.
butts, 41, 217.
caddises, 202, 240.
Cage, the, 172, 234.
caitch, 230.
calendars, 223.
cankers (=canker-worms), 79, 222.
cantabanqui, 203, 241.
cappers, 16, 215.
caps, statute, 41, 203, 242.
caraways, 62, 83, 219, 223.
card-playing, 69.
caret, 227.
Carew, Richard, 185, 236.
chambers (cannon), 170, 234.
changelings, 84.
chantry, 32, 216.
Chapel Lane, 45.
Charlecote Hall, 19.
charms, 87.
chess, 71, 221.
chiding, 231.
children, training of, 60.
chimneys, 51.
chrisom, 81.
Christ Cross row, 101.
christenings, 80.
christening shirts, 82.
Christmas, 190.
clap in the clout, 144.
Clopton House, 192.
Clopton, Hugh, 33, 192.
Clopton, William, 193, 238.
closely (=secretly), 161.
Clymme of the Clough, 203, 241.
cock-fighting, 136.
cock-throwing, 138.
Colbrand, 10, 11.
coldest fault, 231.
Colet, Dean, 136, 231.
compass of a pale, 209, 244.
conceit (=intellect), 229.
confound (=ruin), 209, 244.
Corporation, Stratford, 39.
correctors for the print, 228.
Coryat, Thomas, 55, 219.
Cotgrave, Randle, 156, 232.
Cotsall, 147.
cottagers (feudal), 28.
counters, 239.
countervail, 229.
coursing, 147.
Coventry, 4, 14.
Coventry churches, 215.
coxcomb (=head), 203, 242.
craft-guilds, 34.
craven, 137.
cried upon it, 232.
cross-row, 101.
curtsy, 61, 219.
dagswain, 54.
deer-stealing, 21.
detest (=detested), 220.
dill (in magic), 222.
discovered (=uncovered), 162.
Drayton, Michael, 3, 123, 213.
drink-hael, 192.
drinks, 58.
ducking-stool, 40.
Dudley, Ambrose, 75, 171, 234.
Dudley, Robert, 7, 12.
Dugdale, William, 4, 16, 213.
dun cow, the, 10, 214.
Dun in the mire, 127.
dwelling-houses, 49.
Dyer, John, 193, 238.
Easter, 172.
elder-tree (in charms), 89.
Ellacombe, H. N., 209, 244.
Elohim, 245.
embossed, 231.
enfranchisement, 228.
English, neglect of, 106.
entend, 228.
enter children, to, 220.
E. R., 21, 244.
erring, 222.
Eton, May-day at, 178.
Eton, whipping at, 114.
evil eye, the, 85.
extravagant, 222.
eyas, 154.
fairing, 204.
fairs, 30, 198, 201.
fairy rings, 222.
falconet, 156.
featliest, 235.
fern-seed, 188.
Field, Henry, 53.
fill-horse, 240.
filliping the toad, 139.
fishing, 132.
flawns, 239.
flewed, 231.
flight (arrow), 145.
fond (=foolish), 117.
food, 57.
fool (a dish), 239.
fool (in pity), 231.
foot-ball, 125.
forehand shaft, 144.
forked heads (of arrows), 231.
forks, 55, 66.
Forman, Simon, 22, 215.
Four Sons of Aymon, The, 67, 71.
fowling, 151.
Friar Tuck, 179, 180, 221.
frumenty, 239.
furmenty, 239.
furniture, household, 52.
Furnivall, F. J., 66, 194.
games and sports, 121.
garden-craft in Shakespeare, 208.
gardens, Stratford, 51.
Gastrell, Rev. Francis, 51, 218.
George, Duke of Clarence, 9, 38.
Gesta Romanorum, 77, 221.
Gifford, William, 127, 230.
Giletta of Narbonne, 76, 221.
glisters, 232.
Godiva, 19.
gospel-trees, 174.
gossips' feast, 82.
Grammar School, Stratford, 38, 95.
Greene, Robert, 90, 224.
Guild chapel, 37, 96, 102, 202.
Guild, the Stratford, 34.
Guy of Warwick, 5, 9, 67, 71, 203.
Guy's Cliff, 9.
haggard (noun), 154.
handkerchiefs, 65.
handy-dandy, 129.
hang-hog, 226.
hare-hunting, 150.
Harrison, William, 52, 54, 58, 199, 218.
harry-racket, 122.
Harsnet, Samuel, 224.
harvest-home, 195.
hawking, 153.
Hell-mouth, 17.
Hentzner, Paul, 196, 239.
Herod (in old plays), 17, 215.
Heron, Robert, 86, 223.
Herrick, Robert, 196, 206, 240.
herse, 214.
Heywood, John, 190, 236.
hide-and-seek, 122.
hock-cart, 197.
hooded (hawk), 156.
hoodman-blind, 122, 230.
raisins o' the sun, 239.
Ralph of Stratford, 31, 33.
rear-suppers, 58.
reredos, 52.
Rhodes, Hugh, 60, 219.
riffeling, 185.
ringlets (=fairy rings), 222.
rip up, 228.
Robert of Stratford, 31, 37, 244.
Robin Goodfellow, 74, 221.
Rother Market, 30, 50.
rushes (for floors), 54, 56, 218.
Sackerson, 135.
Saint George's Day, 167.
Saint John's wort, 189.
Saint Mary's Church, Warwick, 6.
sanctuary, 230.
sanded, 231.
school discipline, 113.
school life, 109.
school morals, 112.
Schoole of Vertue, The, 60.
Scot, Reginald, 90, 189, 224.
Seager, Francis, 60, 219.
sequestered, 231.
Shakespeare Birthplace, 49, 217.
Shakespeare mulberry-tree, 51, 218.
Shakespeare, Henry, 207.
Shakespeare, John, 26, 40, 53.
Shakespeare, Mary, 84.
sheep-shearing, 193.
Sheffield whittles, 240.
Shenstone, William, 101, 226.
Ship of Fools, The, 67, 200.
Shottery, 4.
shove-groat, 67.
shovel-board, 68.
shrewd (=evil), 112, 245.
Siddons, Mrs., 12.
Sir (title of priests), 226.
Skelton, John, 232.
slide-thrift, 67.
slip-groat, 67.
slipping a hawk, 156.
Smithe, Ralph, 142.
spoons, apostle, 80.
spoons, Latin, 81.
sprag, 227.
statute-caps, 41,