| Facing page | Herbs being dug up and made into Medicines under the direction of a Sage | Frontispiece | Æsculapius Plato and a Centaur from the Saxon Translation of the “Herbarium of Apuleius” | 10 | Mandrake from a Saxon Herbal | 22 | (1) Artemisia and (2) Blackberry, from a Saxon Herbal | 30 | From a Saxon Herbal | 40 | Woodcut of Trees and Herbs from the Seventeenth Book of “De Proprietatibus Rerum” | 48 | Initial Letters from “Banckes’s Herbal” | 56 | Woodcut from the Title-page of the “Grete Herball” (1526) | 64 | Woodcut of Peter Treveris’ Sign of the “Wodows” from the “Grete Herball” (1529) | 70 | Woodcut from the Title-page of the Fourth Edition of the “Grete Herball” (1561) | 71 | Illustrations from Turner’s “Herball” | 88 | Portrait of John Gerard from the First Edition of the “Herball” (1597) | 104 | Illustrations of Sassafras and Tobacco from Nicholas Monardes’ “Joyfull Newes out of the Newe Founde Worlde” (1577) | 128 | Title-page of Parkinson’s “Paradisus” (1629) | 144 | Title-page of Parkinson’s “Theatrum Botanicum” (1640) | 152 | Portrait of John Parkinson from the “Paradisus” (1629) | 160 | Nicholas Culpeper from “The English Physician Enlarged” | 166 | Frontispiece of “The Curious Destillatory,” by Thomas Shirley, M.D., Physician in Ordinary to His Majesty (1677) | 174 |