

Adam in Eden, 167Aemilius Macer, 42, 43, 228

Aggregator de Simplicibus, 8, 226

Agrimony, 43

Albertus Magnus, 45, 46, 63, 110, 209, 226

Aldrovandus, 111

Alfred, King, 3, 6, 7, 36

Alliterative lay in the Lacnunga, 18, 19, 35

American Physitian, The, 137, 217

Amulets, Herbs used as, 27 et seq., 72, 107 et seq., 155

Ander, George, 76

Andrew, Laurence, 69, 74, 208

Anemone, 146

Angelica, 108

Anglo-Saxon gardens, 9

——herbals, 1 et seq.

——plant-names, 9

Animals, Herbs used by, 170

Anne of Denmark, 102

Antonius Musa, 29

Apple, 49, 50

Aquinas, Thomas, 45, 46

Arber, Dr., 67

Arbolayre, 227

Archer, John, 164, 217

Ariel, 15

Aristotle, 47, 71

Art of Simpling, The, 167 et seq.

Artemisia, 72

Askham, Antony, 59, 61, 62, 206

Asser, 7

Assyrian eye-charm, 28

Asterion, 62

Astrological lore in herbals, 38, 43, 63, 165, 171

AthenÆ Oxonienses, 76

Attila, 2

Avicenna, 66, 69

Babylonian incantation for toothache, 19

Bacon, Roger, 46, 110

Bald, 6 et seq.

Baker, George, 102

Balm, 105

Banckes’s Herbal, 44, 55 et seq., 204 et seq.

Barber-Surgeons’ Company, 101, 102

Barham, Henry, 223

Barlow, H.M., 59, 67, 204

Barnacle geese, 109

BartholomÆus Anglicus, 44 et seq., 66, 155, 203, 204, 225

“BartholomÆus minid senis,” 67

Bartram, John, 77

Basil, 105

BassÆus, Nicolas, 103

Batman, 45

Bauhin, Gaspard, 234

——Jean, 83, 93, 151, 235

Bay, 87, 155

Bearfoot, 90

Beauty recipes in herbals, 23, 90, 156, 157

Beauvais, Vincent de, 46

Bee-lore, 154, 155

Bede, 3, 7

Beowulf, 2 Berkeley, Lord, 46

Betony, 16, 22, 29, 72, 114

Birch, 53, 89

Birckman, Arnold, 82, 209

Blackwell, Elizabeth, 220, 221

Blair, Patrick, 220

Bock, Hieronymus, 83, 230

Boece, Hector, 111

Boke of secretes of Albartus Magnus, The, 63, 64

Bologna, 76

Boniface, 1

Borage, 106, 146, 156

Boston, 133

Botanic gardens, 77

Box, 51Braunschweig, Hieronymus, 69, 74, 228

Bridwell, Stephen, 104

Britons, herb-lore of the ancient, 8

Broom, 50

Brunfels, Otto von, 229

Brunswick, Jherome of. See Braunschweig.

Buckingham, Duke of, 143

Bugloss, 72, 106, 114, 160

Bullein, Williyam, 209, 210

Burleigh, Lord, 101, 102

Bydell, John, 81

Cacao kernels used as tokens, 138

——plantations, 138

CÆdmon, 15

CÆsar, Julius, 88, 91

Cambridge, 75, 76

Camomile, 9, 18, 24, 88

Camus, Professor Giulio, 66

Cary, Walter, 58, 59, 206

Caxton, 47, 154

Celandine, 43, 50, 63

Centaury, 43, 64

Ceremonies in picking and administering herbs, 36 et seq.

Charles I., 142

Charms, 5, 31 et seq.

Chervil, 106

Chocolate, 138, 139

Cholmeley, Mary, 174

Christian rites in picking and administering herbs, 3, 16, 17, 27, 34, 36

Cild, 5

Circa Instans, 66 et seq.

Citron, 92, 93

Clayton, Thomas, 153

Cloudberry, 114

Coles, William, 105, 167, 215, 216

Cologne, 77, 78, 83, 91

Colonna, Fabio, 234

Columbus, Christopher, 122

Copland, William, 57 et seq., 63, 205, 206

Corbichon, Jehan, 46, 225

Cotton plant, 144 et seq.

Counting out charms, 32, 33

Country customs recorded in herbals, 89, 90, 157 et seq.

Cowslip, 90

Cratevas, 10

Cruÿdtboeck, 93, 94, 95

Cudweed, 89, 112

Culpeper, Nicholas, 163 et seq., 168, 214, 215

Cynewulf, 2

Daisy, 89, 113

“danyel bain,” 44

Das puch der natur, 225

Delphinium, 114

Demeter, 5

Demoniac possession, herbs used against, 21

De historia Stirpium, 82

De Proprietatibus Rerum, 45 et seq., 203, 204, 225

Digby, Sir Kenelm, 177, 181 et seq.

Dionysius, 10

Dioscorides, 8, 11, 47, 69, 85, 88, 94, 96

Dodoens, Rembert, 58, 83, 86, 93, 94, 96, 97, 98, 100, 103, 104, 211, 212, 230

Druids, Sacred herbs of the, 29, 30, 31

Dun, 7

Earth, prayer to, 40

Easter, 3

Edwards, John, 223

Egbert, Archbishop of York, 37

Elf-shot, doctrine of the, 14

Elizabeth, Queen, 78, 85, 86, 96, 101, 102, 114, 162

Ellacombe, Canon, 118

Eloy, Saint, 37, 38

Elves, 13 et seq., 37, 186, 187

English Physician Enlarged, 163 et seq.

Eostra, 3, 37

Erce, 38, 39

Fairfax, Henry, 174, 175

Fairies, 187

Falconer, John, 84

Fennel, 18, 43, 150

Fetter Lane, 98, 101

Flax, 51, 52

Flemish herbals, 82, 83, 93

“Flying venom,” 17 et seq.

Formori, 15

Frampton, John, 121 et seq., 211

Fuchs, Leonhard, 82, 83, 86, 93, 95, 229

Fumigating with herbs, 26, 27, 72

Galen, 47, 69, 85

Gardening, joys of, 172, 173

Gariopontus, 12

Garret, James, 104, 105

Gerard, John, 29, 61, 71, 93, 98 et seq., 142, 151, 213

Gesner, Conrad, 77, 102, 229

Ghini, Luca, 76

Gibson, Thomas, 69

Gillyflowers, 147

Glastonbury, 5

Goats-beard, 113

Goblins, 16

Gourd, 91, 108

Gray’s Inn Lane, 101

Green, Thomas, 224

Grete Herball, The, 55, 62, 65 et seq., 83, 207, 208

Guthrie, Dr., 177

Hainault, Countess of, 44, 56

Helenium, 16, 22

Helias, Patriarch of Jerusalem, 6

Henrietta Maria, Queen, 143

Herba britannica, 88

Herball, The Grete, 55, 62, 65 et seq., 83, 207, 208

Herbarium of Apuleius, 1, 8, 9, 21, 28, 29, 36, 226

Herbarius, The Latin, 8, 226, 227

Herbarius zu Teutsch, 8, 66 et seq., 83, 227

Herb bath, 22

Herbs, bound on with red wool, 28

——ceremonies in picking and administering, 36 et seq.

——charms and incantations used with, 31 et seq., 37

——Christian prayer for a blessing on, 38

——Christian rites in picking and administering, 3, 16, 17, 27, 34, 36, 43

——effect of, on the mind, 72, 156

——fumigating the sick with, 26, 72

————cattle and swine with, 27

——hung up over doors, etc., 28

——introduced into America by the early colonists, 135

——Old English names of, 9, 112 et seq.

——used as amulets, 27 et seq., 72, 107 et seq., 155

——used by Red Indians, 125 et seq., 138

——used by animals, 170, 171

——used in beauty recipes, 23, 90, 156, 157

——used in magic practices, 63, 64, 152, 171

——used in sun worship, 38

Hesketh, Thomas, 104, 114

Hill, “Sir” John, 222

Holborn, 101, 103

Holly, 30

Honey, 71

Hound’s tongue, 64 Hrede, 3, 37

Humphreys, A.L., 58

Hughes, William, 137, 217

Hyssop, 88, 150

Incantations, 31 et seq., 37

Italian herbalists, 93, 230, 233, 234

Jackson, B.D., Dr., 76, 104

James I., 94, 102, 103, 142

Johnson, Thomas, 142, 213

Josselyn, John, 133, 216

“Joy of the Ground,” 9, 44

Kele, Richard, 59

Kent, Countess of, 174, 180, 181

Kitson, Anthony, 59

Knotweed, 9

KreÜter Buch, 83

Kynge, Jhon, 69

Lacnunga, 1, 12, 18, 19, 20, 27, 30, 32, 33, 34

Lady Sedley, her receipt book, The, 177, 178

Langham, William, 212

Larch, 91

Latimer, Hugh, 76

Laurel, 51

Lavender, 135, 136, 149, 156

Leech Book of Bald, 1, 5 et seq., 19, 20, 21, 32, 36

Le Grant Herbier, 66 et seq., 227

Lelamoure, John, 42, 43

Leleloth, 32

l’Escluse, Charles de, 93, 94, 121, 232

Lete, Nicholas, 104, 145

Libellus de re herbaria novus, 81

Liber de arte distillandi, 69

Lignamine, J.P. de, 9

Lilumenne, 32

Lily, 10, 43, 48, 86

Lindley, John, 224

l’Obel, Matthias de, 77, 93, 94, 103, 104, 111, 210, 232

Lodestone, 71

London gardens, 115

L’OpÉra SaleritanaCirca Instans,” 66 et seq.

Louis XIII, 94

Lovell, Robert, 216

LÖwenbeck, M., 11

Lynacro, Dr., 57

Lyte, Henry, 58, 83, 93 et seq., 211, 212

Lytes Cary, 58, 96

Macer, see Aemilius Macer.

Mallt-y-nos, 15

Mandeville, Sir John, 144

Mandrake, 11, 21, 50, 73, 91, 92, 109, 161

Maplet, John, 210

Marie de’ Medici, 182

Marigold, 43, 90, 112, 113, 147

Marjoram, 105, 149

Marshall, William, 104

Mary, Queen, 78, 79

Mary Doggett: Her Book of Receipts, 178

Mason, Alexander, 101

“Master Tuggie,” 116, 117, 147

Mattioli, Pierandrea, 83, 230

Mayerne, Sir Theodore, 143

Maythen, 9, 18, 24

Meadowsweet, 106, 107

“Mechoacan,” 125 et seq.

Melissus, 85

Melroset, 60

Metrodorus, 10

Meyrick, William, 223

Mierdman, Steven, 82

Miller, Joseph, 220

Mind, effect of herbs on the, 72, 105, 106, 156

Mistletoe, 30

Monardes, Nicolas, 120 et seq., 211, 231

Monmouth, Duke of, 178

Moray, Sir Robert, 111

Morison, Robert, 217

Mugwort, 18, 28, 29, 30, 108

Mullein, 114, 156, 162

“Mummy,” 70 Munster, Sebastian, 110

Musk, 72

Names of herbes, The, 81

Narrative charms, 33 et seq.

Nature worship, 36 et seq.

Nettle, 9, 18, 31, 135

Neue Kreuterbuch, 82

New England’s Rarities discovered, 133, 216

Newton, James, 221

Newton, Thomas, 213

Nicot, John, 131

Nidad, 35

Niewe Herball, 83

Nightmare, 16

Noble experyence of the virtuous Handy-worke of Surgery, The, 74

Northumberland, 88, 89

Norton, John, 103

Notes and Queries, 58

Numbers in herbal prescriptions, 35

Old English names of plants, 9, 112 et seq.

Ortus Sanitatis, 66, 67, 228

Oxa, 7

Oxford, 77, 78, 143

——physic garden, 153

Paracelsus, 231

Paradisus, 116, 142 et seq., 213

Parkinson, John, 29, 83, 90, 116, 142 et seq., 213, 214

Parsley, 90

Passionarius, 12

Payne, Dr. J.F., 6

Pechey, John, 218

Pemell, Robert, 214

Pemptades, 93, 98, 103, 104

Pena, Pierre, 93, 94, 210

Pennyroyal, 65, 87, 107

Peony, 29, 30, 107

?e?? ??da????, 1 et seq., 11

Periwinkle, 9, 21, 43, 44, 63

Petiver, James, 139 et seq., 219

Petrocellus, 11

Petronius, 11

Philippa, Queen, 44, 56

Physical Directory, The, 163

“Picielt,” 128 et seq.

Pimpernel, 43

Pinax, 151

Plantain, 9, 18, 29, 30, 135

Plantarum seu Stirpium historia, 94

Plantin, Christophe, 93, 94, 96

Platearius, Matthaeus, 66, 69

Pliny, 8, 10, 31, 88, 89

Plukenet, Leonard, 218

Pocahontas, Princess, 98

Porta, Giambattista, 233

Potato, 103, 116, 138

Practica Petrocelli Salernitani, 11

Priest, Dr., 98, 103

Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine, 59

Pulteney, Richard, 94

Purfoot, Thomas, 94

Raleigh, Sir Walter, 105

Ram’s little Dodoen, 96, 212

Raspberry, 100

Ray, John, 81, 217

Red Indian plant-lore, 120, 125 et seq.

Red wool, binding on herbs with, 28

Rhine, 77

Ridley, Nicholas, 76

“Rind from Paradise,” 24

Robin, Jean, 102, 105

Rolfe, Dorothy, 98

Rose, 43, 48, 49, 60, 64, 117, 156, 180, 184, 185

Rose honey, 49

——water, 61

Rosemary, 44, 56, 57, 72, 106, 135, 148

Roses, oil of, 61

——syrup of, 60

Rue, 43, 108

Saffron, 92

Sage, 43, 44, 156 Salerno, 6, 11

Salimbene, 45, 46

Salisbury, Earl of, 102, 103

Salmon, William, 219

Samphire, 88

Sassafras, 132, 133

Scabious, 113, 114, 161

Scandinavian rune-lays, 32

Sceaf, 36

Scents, value of herbal, 61

Schott, Gaspar, 111

“Scythian Lamb,” 143 et seq.

Sedley, Lady, 177, 178

Selago, 30

“Sene,” 63

Seville, 124, 131, 133

Shakespeare, 15, 118, 119

Sheldrake, Timothy, 222

Short, Thomas, 221

Signatures, doctrine of, 168 et seq., 231

Silverweed, 114

Singer, Dr. Charles, 19, 40

“Smell-feast,” 160, 161

Smiths, 34, 35

Solomon, King, 84

Solomon’s seal, 107, 157

Somerset, Duke of, 78, 83, 86

Sorbus aucuparia, 31

Southernwood, 73, 135, 136, 156

South-Sea Herbal, The, 139 et seq., 219

Sowerby, Leonard, 214

Spindle-tree, 90

Stars, mystic communion between flowers and, 187, 188

Stephens, Dr., 177

Still-room books, 174 et seq.

Stirpium Adversaria Nova, 94, 103, 104

Stirpium historiÆ pemptades sex sive libri triginta, 94, 111

Stokes, Jonathan, 224

Sugar, 138

Sun worship, 38

Sweet potato, 116

Swiss herbalists, 82, 83, 234, 235

TabernÆmontanus, 103, 234

Teazle, 75, 89

Theatrum Botanicum, 93, 142, 143, 144, 151 et seq., 214

Theobalds, 101

Thor, 3, 28

Thornton, Robert, 224

Thyme, 101, 150

Tiecon, 32

Tobacco, 128 et seq.

——origin of the name, 131

——used as a wound herb in Europe, 131

——used by American Indians in religious ceremonies, 129, 130

Tradescant, John, 143, 148

Treffry, Sir John, 70

Treveris, Peter, 65, 69, 70, 74, 207

Trevisa, John de, 46

Tryon, Thomas, 181

Tulip, 146

Tunstall, Thomasin, 148

Turner, Peter, 80, 81

Turner, William, 75 et seq., 208, 209

Typographical Antiquities, 58

“UnfortrÆdde,” 9

Vapour bath, 22

“Vegetable Lamb,” 143 et seq.

Vertuose boke of Distillacyon of the waters of all maner of Herbes, The, 69, 74, 208

Vervain, 29, 30, 43, 44, 64, 72, 106, 107, 113

Vineyards, 52

Violet, 43, 49, 61, 73, 99, 134, 147, 158

“Virginian potato,” 103, 116

Walnut, 92

Water, 71

Water crowfoot, 62

Waybroad, 9, 18, 29, 30

Weeds introduced into America with the early colonists, 135

Wells, 78, 79 Wentworth, Lord, 75, 85

“Wergulu,” 9, 18

Westmacott, William, 218

Weyland, 35

Widsith, 2

Wild flower life in London in Elizabeth’s reign, 114

William the Silent, 94

Witchcraft, herbs and, 109

Woad, 89, 154, 159

Woden, 2, 3, 20, 35, 36, 37

Woods, 52, 53

Wood-sorrel, 62

Worde, Wynken de, 47, 54, 57

Worm, Doctrine of the, 20

Wormwood, 16, 24, 135, 167

Wyer, Robert, 57, 205

Wyrd, 37

Yarrow, 29, 30, 64

Yew, 16, 100, 101

Yule, 37

Zouche, Lord, 94, 104

Transcriber's Note

Archaic spelling is preserved as printed.

Inconsistent hyphenation is preserved as printed.

Minor punctuation and accent usage errors have been repaired.

The following amendments have been made:

Page 56—theee amended to thee—"... and it shale make thee light and merrie."

Page 66—the footnote marker for note 53 was omitted. The transcriber has added it in what appeared to be the appropriate place.

Page 67—B. amended to M.—"... and Mr. H.M. Barlow[2] supports the deduction that ..."

Page 104—Zouch amended to Zouche—"Lord Zouche sent him rare seeds from Crete, Spain and Italy."

Page 178—presumaby amended to presumably—"Lady Sedley, the first owner, and presumably author of the book, ..."

Page 234F?????S???S originally had a roman C as the final letter. This has been amended.

The following items were of note:

Page 197—the word me in "Agnus castus ys an herbe that me clapys Tustans or Porke levys" may be a typographic error for me. As it is quoted material, and the transcriber has been unable to confirm one way or the other, it has been preserved as printed.

Page 226—it appears that the word 'cetera' has been omitted following a Tironian et. This has been preserved as printed—"1484. Herbarius Maguntie impressus. Anno [et] CLXXXIV."

The frontispiece has been moved to follow the title page. Other illustrations have been moved where necessary so that they were not in the middle of a paragraph.

Alphabetic links have been added to the index for ease of navigation.


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