CHAPTER I THE ANGLO-SAXON HERBALS CHAPTER II LATER MANUSCRIPT HERBALS AND THE EARLY PRINTED HERBALS CHAPTER III TURNER'S HERBAL AND THE INFLUENCE OF THE FOREIGN HERBALISTS CHAPTER V HERBALS OF THE NEW WORLD CHAPTER VI JOHN PARKINSON, THE LAST OF THE GREAT ENGLISH HERBALISTS CHAPTER VII THE LATER SEVENTEENTH-CENTURY HERBALS BIBLIOGRAPHIES I MANUSCRIPT HERBALS, TREATISES ON THE VIRTUES OF HERBS, ETC. Transcriber's Note This text uses some uncommon characters, in particular yogh (ȝ), apostrophus (Ɔ) and y, m and n with a macron (ȳ, m̄ and n̄ respectively). There are also some astronomical symbols (♄, ♃, ♂, ⊙, ♀, ☿, ☽). If these do not display correctly, you may need to adjust your browser settings. There is also some Greek text, e.g. Περὶ Διδαξέων. A transliteration is included, and is indicated with a faint dotted red underline; hover your mouse over the word(s) to see it. Tironian ampersands are indicated as [et]. A q with a small c above is indicated as [qui]. THE OLD |