| | PAGE | Introduction | | ix | | Matthew Arnold | The Function of Criticism | | 1 | | Sir Michael Foster | The Growth of Science in the Nineteenth Century | | 22 | | Thomas Huxley | Three Hypotheses Respecting the History of Nature | | 52 | On the Physical Basis of Life | | 69 | | John Tyndall | Scope and Limit of Scientific Materialism | | 93 | | John Henry, Cardinal Newman | Christianity and Physical Science | | 104 | | Robert Louis Stevenson | Pulvis et Umbra | | 108 | | John Ruskin | The Mystery of Life and its Arts | | 116 | | Matthew Arnold | Marcus Aurelius | | 146 | Dover Beach | | 170 | Morality | | 171 | Self-Dependence | | 172 | | Arthur Hugh Clough | All is Well | | 174 | To Spend Uncounted Years of Pain | | 174 | Say Not the Struggle Nought Availeth | | 175 | | Algernon Charles Swinburne | The Garden of Proserpine | | 176 | | Edward Fitzgerald | Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam | | 180 | | Robert Browning | Rabbi Ben Ezra | | 197 | An Epistle | | 204 | Caliban upon Setebos | | 214 | A Grammarian’s Funeral | | 224 | Why I am a Liberal | | 228 | Fears and Scruples | | 229 | Epilogue to “Asolando” | | 231 | Prospice | | 232 | | Alfred, Lord Tennyson | Wages | | 233 | The Higher Pantheism | | 233 | Flower in the Crannied Wall | | 234 | In Memoriam | | 235 | Crossing the Bar | | 239 | | George Meredith | Lucifer in Starlight | | 240 | | William E. Henley | Invictus | | 241 | | Thomas Hardy | New Year’s Eve | | 242 | |
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