Ahin', behind. Auld-farrant, sagacious, cunning. Baudrons, a cat. Beltane, the 1st of May. Bield, shelter. Bink, a bank of earth. Birk, birch. Blae, blue. Blaud, a flat piece of anything, to slap. Blinket, looked kindly. Bonnie, beautiful. Burnie, a small rivulet. Byke, a bee-hive. Cannily, gently, dexterously. Cauldrife, coldish. Chanter, the drone of a bagpipe. Cleugh, a cliff. Clutch, seize. Coble, a fishing-boat. Couthilie, kindly. Crack, to converse. Cuiff, a blockhead. Daffin', diversion. Dautit, fondled, caressed. Dighted, wiped. Doited, very stupid. Donnart, stupified. Dow, wither. Dowie, sad, worn with grief. Dree, suffer, endure. Dreich, tedious. Dunt, a knock. Eerie, dreading things supernatural. Fashious, troublesome. Fause, false. Ferlies, wonders. Flate, scolded. Flow, a small quantity. Gar, compel. Gauds, trinkets. Gawkie, a thoughtless person. Gif, if. Gilphie, a half-grown person, a romping lad. Glaiks, foolish talk. Gowd, gold. Gree, agree. Greet, weep. Haddin, a farmer's stock. Haffit-links, a necklace. Haflins, nearly half, partly. Haps, outer garments. Haud, hold. Hinnied, honied. Hodden, a coarse kind of cloth. Hummel, humble. Kame, comb. Ken, know. Kilt, to truss up the clothes. Kye, cattle. Laigh, low. Leal, loyal, true. Lear, learning. Lick, wipe, beat. Lift, the sky. Litheless, listless. Loonie, a little fellow. Loupin', leaping. Losh, an exclamation of surprise. Lowne, warm. Maen, moan, complain. Mailin, a tax, a rent. Maw, to mow, the stomach. Meikle, much. Mim, prim. Mirk, dark. Muter, multure, ground corn. Neivefu', a handful. Newfangled, newfashioned. Nit, a nut. Owre, over. Pow, the head. Pree, to taste, to kiss. Puirtith, poverty. Racket, stretched. Scaur, to scare, a wound. Scoured, burnished, ran. Scunner'd, disgusted. Shiel, a temporary cottage or hut. Siccan, such. Siching, sighing. Skailt, emptied, scattered. Souch, the sighing of the wind, the breathing of a tune. Speer'd, inquired. Steer, stir. Syne, then, since. Tauld, told. Tentie, heedful, cautious. Tentin', leading. Tint, lost. Trantlooms, odds and ends. Wauken, awaken. Waukrife, watchful, sleepless. Waunert, wandered. Wean, a child. Wee, little. Weel-faur'd, well-favoured. Weir, war, to herd. Whusslit, whistled. Wooster-trystes, wool-markets. Yird, earth, soil. END OF VOL. III. EDINBURGH: PRINTED BY BALLANTYNE AND COMPANY. 'Of moving incidents by flood and field, Of hair-breadth 'scapes i' the imminent deadly breach.' And of his own brave doings on the tented field, 'at Minden and at Dettingen,' particularly when seated round a bowl of his favourite cold punch, made with limes from his own estate in Trinidad, and with water newly drawn from the Westport well." It remains to be added, that this "prince of worthy fellows" died in July 1807, at the age of sixty-eight. |