Ponteach, | Indian Emperor on the Great Lakes. | Philip and Chekitan, | Sons of Ponteach. | Tenesco, | His chief Counsellor and Generalissimo. | Astinaco, | } | Indian Kings who join with Ponteach. | The Bear, | The Wolf, | Torax and Monelia | Son and Daughter to Hendrick, Emperor of the Mohawks. | Indian | Conjurer. | French | Priest. | Sharp, | } | Three English Governors. | Gripe, | Catchum, | Colonel Cockum, | } | Commanders at a Garrison in Ponteach's Country. | Captain Frisk, | M'Dole and Murphey, | Two Indian Traders. | Honnyman and Orsbourn, | Two English Hunters. | Mrs. Honnyman, | Wife to Honnyman, the Hunter. | Warriors, Messengers, &c.