The following index is intended to contain the name of every man, in any way connected with the Regiment; those of others encountered during the nearly three years of service; also the events and incidents of individual as well as common experience. Titles in small capitals indicate heads of the several divisions of the history and, in enumerating regiments from the different states, full faced type represents the number of the organization, other the page.
m.html#Page_368" class="pginternal">368 Boonsboro, 84 Bond, Dudley, 368 Borden, C. P., 404 Boston, 19 Boston Herald, 225 Boston Journal, 27 Bottom's Bridge, 215 Bouldry, W. W., 427 Bounty, State, 25 Bounty-jumper Shot, 108, 109 Boutwell, Asa, 450 Bowen, E. J., 427 Bowen, S. C., 368 Bowker, E. H., 344 Boxes from Home, 102, 134, 135 Boxford, 18, 24 Boxford to Washington, 26 Boyden, S. A., 438 Boydton Plank Road, 261, 280 Boynton, Wm. F., 391 Brace, Dr., 58 Brackett, W. P., 380 Braddock, Wm., 404 Bradley, Lieut., 141 Bradley, G. C., 391 Bradley, T. H., 450 Bradshaw, Elb., 427 Bradshaw, Zeb., 326, 427 Braithwaik, Thos., 438 Brandy Station, 104 Brandy Station, 124 Brannagan, John, 450 Bread, Fresh, 64 Breathed's Battery, 184 Breck, E. F., 416 Brennan, Jas., 344 Brett, Chas. G., 344 Brewster, C. W., 404 Brigade Organized, 44 Briggs, A. M., 355 Briggs, B. M., 368 Briggs, Col. H. S., 82, 83, 84, 94, 95, 96 Briggs, Preserved, 404 Brigham, A. M., 438 Brigham, E. H., 21, 22, 319, 323, 436 Bright, Wm., 416 Bristoe Station, 113, 115, 116 Brizzee, Lorenzo, 404 Broad Run, 121 B
htm.html#Page_22" class="pginternal">22 Choate, W. M., 451 Christian, J. B., 381 Christmas, '62, 54; '63, 135; '64, 268 Chubbuck, Eleazer, 416 Church-bell, 55 Churchill, G. A., 369 Churchill, Jas. T., 416 Churchill, Thad., 381 "City of New York", 27 City Point, 235, 247, 271 City Point Explosion, 239 Claffey, John, 428 Clapp, C. W., 417 Clapp, Geo. L., 369 Clapp, M. O., 369 Clark, G. A., 392 Clark, Wm. H., 428 Clarke, T. C., 339, 354, 356, 389 Clemmens, Jas., 392 Cleverly, Geo. F., 381 Clifford, J. A., 345 Clothing Allowance, 100 Clough, Wm. H., 439 Clumsy Christians, 247 Cochran, Matt., 405 Cochrane, Geo., 417 Coffin, P. G., 381 Colbath, C. E., 439 Colbath, Geo. A., 440 Colburn, Wm. E., 381 Cold Nights, 133 Cole, C. G., 392 Cole, Chas. H., 405 Coles, A. W., 392 Colby, F. E., 451 Colby, N. G., 451 Cold Harbor, 209 Cold Harbor Assault, 212 Cole, A. M., 440 Cole, Geo. W., 345 Coleman, Perry, 15, 145, 366 Colgate, C. H., 452 Collett, Herbert, 392 Collier, Geo. W., 381 Collins, J. J., 369 Collins, Michael, 381 Collins, Pat., 428 Collins, Wm., 440 Colored Troops, 240 Colors, Regimental, 252 Combs, E. N., 428 Company A, 12 " B, 13, 37, 173
51250@51250-h@51250-h-39.htm.html#Page_132" class="pginternal">132, 210, 228 Eaton, Cyrus A., 453 Eaton, Parker, 453 Echibach, Louis, 441 Eckenroth, C. H., 441 Edgecomb, Noah, 453 Edlefson, C. E., 393 Edmands, Thos., 357 Edward's Ferry, 37, 53 Egyptian Darkness, 199 Eighteenth Corps, 209 Eischman, John, 346 Ela, E. P. C., 383 Eldridge, Prince, Jr., 346 Elktown, 123 Eleventh Army Corps Goes West, 105 Elliot, A. L., 418 Elliot, G. A., 418 Ellicott's Mills, 30 Elliott's Salient, 236 Ellis, Benj. J., 370 Ellis, C. J., 429 Ellis, D. W., 346 Ellis, H. C., 370 Elms, C. O., 408 Elwell, D. R., 416 Ely's Ford, 150, 160 Emerson, Sam'l, 393 Emmitsburg, 41 Endicott, I. B., 441 Engine on City Point R. R., 258 Ensminger, John, 406 Ernest, Anet, 357 Esip, Francis, 441 Euderle, Jos. L., 383 Evans, Wm., 441 Evans, Wm. S., 346 Evans' Brigade, 291 Ewell, Gen'l R. S., 126, 163, 210 "Eyes & Ears", 184 F. F. V.'s, 90, 103 "Fagged Out Men", 199 Fairbanks, A. H., 453 Fairchild, W. C., 393 Falling Waters, 86 Fannon, John, 346 Farmville, 293 Farnham, Col. A. B., 324 Farrar, G. A., 222, 393 Farren, Jas., 429 Farrington, D. S., 429 Fast Day, '63, '64, 156, 238 Fauquier Co., 92 Fay, E. P., 21 Fay, Walter, 393 February 29, 389 Gill, A. L. B., 371 Gillard, Thos. H., 371 Gilligan, J. R., 454 Girls in Keystone State, 28 Give and Take, 261 Gleason, Albert, 454 Gleason, Edw, 371 Gline, David, 430 Glines, A. R., 418 Glines, Col. Edw., 5, 329 Glines, Fred. A., 5, 239; dies 303, 394 Glines' Diary, Corp. F. A., 299-303 "Go In", 237 Goodhue, L. K., 394 Goodhue, M. C., 430 "Good Marnin', Kurnel!", 63 Goodwin, Chas. M., 347 Goodwin, Thos., 418 Goose Creek, 91 Gordon's (J. B.), Corps, 292 Gordon, H. F., 358 Gordon, O. S., 371 Gordon, T., 17 Gorham, David, 394 Gorman, Michael, 418 "Go to Blazes", 247 Gould, Chas., 347 Gould, J. F., 383 Gould, Wm. A., 347 Gourley, Sam'l, 442 Graham, W. F. C., 394 Graham, W. W., 14, 173, 323, 353 Grand Review, 294 Graff, Fred'k, 371 Grant, Edw. L., 394 Grant, Fred., 155 Grant, Gen'l, 80, 153, 155, 160, 190, 214, 215, 227, 237, 240, 261; gets medal, 275; word to Lincoln, 287; letter to Lee, 290 Gravelly Run, 278, 279 Graves, Austin, 371 Gray, Dexter, 245, 394 "Great Eastern", 28 Great Falls, 48 Greeley's American Conflict, 385 Kelly, T. P., 396 Kelly, Thos., 464 Kelly, Wm., 408 Kelly, Wm. B., 408 Kelly's Ford, 112, 113, 124, 129, 133 Kemp, N. S., 443 Kendrick, C. C., 373 Kendrick, David, 396 Kendrick, E. T., 373 Kenneston, E. F., 396 Keniston, Wm. H., 432 Kennedy, John, 420 Kennedy, John, 396 Kenyon, Major, 60 Kerr, John, 432 Kettle Run, 121 Kilby St., 247 Killduff, Jas., 359 Killed and Wounded, 264, 274 Kilpatrick, Gen'l, 103 Kilpatrick's Raid, 150 Kimball, C. W., 432 Kimball, E. F., 432 King, A. F., 443 King, Edw., 408 Kingsbury, C. G., 385 Kingsbury, C. H., 456 Kimmings, F. M., 396 Kinsley, F. R., 17, 145, 159, 231, 254, 262; sketch of life, 337, 389 Kinsley, W. C., 17, 145, 146, 189, 220, 245; wounded, 281; comes back, 293, 389, 425, 449 Killridge, J. N., 385 Kling, Caspar, 464 Knapp, C. P., 348 Knapp, Geo. L., 408 Knapp, L. S., 408 "Knapsack Drill", 59 Knapsacks from Arlington, 39; from Funkstown, 100 Kraetzer, J. F., 348 Ladd, Lieut., 26 Ladd, Edward, 396 Lady in Camp, 142 Landers, Dan., 432 Land of Desolation, 374 McGlone, Michael, 385 McGoff,
ic@vhost@g@html@files@51250@51250-h@51250-h-25.htm.html#Page_49" class="pginternal">49 Offutt's Cross Roads, 47 O. & A. R. R., 93, 95, 104, 135 Oliver, F. J., 112, 398 Oliver, J. W., 112, 325, 398 On the March, 34 Orange Court House, 128, 162 Ord, John, 421 Ord, Gen'l E. O. C., 283, 291 "Order Arms!", 70 Order of Corps at Cold Harbor, 211 Order No. 26, 10 Ordway, L. E., 350 Osborn, A. W., 374 Osborne, Dr. Geo., 12 Osborne, Paul, 350 Otta, Antone, 398 Packard, S. C., 350 Packer, States, 410 Page, Surg. C. G., 99, 144, 338 Page, C. S., 434 Page, T. N., 113; Lee's Army, 138, 237; Paine, J. T., 398 Paineville, 289 Palmer, W. D., 398 Palmer, Wm., 434 Pamunkey River, 208 Paoli's Ford, 129 Park, J. C., 13 Parker, J. L., 324 Parker, T. M., 459 Parker, Theo. M., 459 Parkhurst, M. C., 353, 399 Parlin, Wm. D., 446 Parks, Chas. T., 459 Parks, Peter, Jr., 459 Parrott, Albert, 387 Parsons, J. G., 421 Parrott, L. H., 387 Patterson, Jas., 434 Patterson, J. R., 351 Paul, I. D., 18, 57, 122, 402 Paull, D. S., 410 Paull, T. W., 410 Pay, Advance, 26 Paymaster Comes, 60, 71, 75, 96, 104, 125, 295 Pryor, Roger A., 253 Pullen, Gilbert, 45, 136 Pullen, Sumner, 45, 136 Purcell, Geo. J., 351 Purington, W. E., 351 Putnam, Chas., 374 Putnam, Israel, 17 Pyne, Fred'k, 361 Quarles' Mills, 207 Quimby, I. B., 410 Quincy, 15, 324, 325, 328, 329 Quincy, Josiah, 15 Ragan, Michael, 446 Rainy March, A, 65 Ramsdell, E. W., 375 Ramsdell, J. F., 324, 460 Rand, Wm. L., 410 Randall, Geo. W., 399 Rapidan, 160 Rapidan, The, 106 Rappahannock River, 97, 129 Rappahannock Station, 95, 124 Rations Arrive, 218 Ream's Station, 242, 258 Reaney, Pat., 361 Rebel Deserters, 63, 157, 239 Reb. Fords Potomac, 39 Rebel Raiders, 51 Rebels Fed, 292 Reddy, Geo. H., 460 Redman, W. S. C., 375 Reed, J. D., 18, 379, 402, 436, 437 Reed, M. D., 468 Reed, Nathan, 446 Regor, H. B., 460 Regimental Roster, 330 Regimental Veteran Association, 322-330 Rendezvous, Points of, 10 Return from Appomattox, 292 Reunions, Regimental, 322-330 Revere Beach, 329 Reynolds, Gen'l, 153 Reynolds, Geo., 446 Reynolds, M., 351 Reynolds, W. H., 410 Rhodes, Rob't, 20, 425 Rice, G
@vhost@g@html@files@51250@51250-h@51250-h-77.htm.html#Page_363" class="pginternal">363 Stuart, Hosp. Stew., Geo. A., 340378 Weaver, P. Lyle, 264 Webb, Lemuel, 378 Webster, C. C., 413 Webster, H. K., 401 Webster, I. L., 448 Webster, S. D., 424 Weitzel, Gen'l Godfrey, 283; enters Richmond, 288 Welch, A. W., 424 Welch, Chas., 378 Weldon R. R., 231, 240-255; losses, 254 Wellman, John H., 388 Wentworth, A. P., 401 Wentworth, G. W., 448 Wescott, A. A., 413 West, Francis, 463 West, John, 448 Weston, C. B., 424 "Westward Ho!", 257 "What's Up, Sentry?", 77 Wheat Harvest, 88 Wheeler, C. E., 413 Wheeler, F. J., 436 Wheeler, Geo., 364 Wheeler, W. M., 448 Wheelock, Col. Chas., 252 Whiley, Jas., 436 "Whip, Hoe and Sword", 147 Whipple, Gen'l A. W., 73 Whipponock, 288 Whiskey Raid, 57 Whiskey Smuggled, 49 Whitcomb, Geo. F., 352 White, A. R., 413 White, B. S., 41 White, Gen'l Daniel, 252 White, Edw. E., 337 White, Geo. W., 424 White, J. C., 424 White, Wm. H., 365 White Frost, 114 White House, 209 White Oak Road, 280, 281 White Oak Swamp, 216 White Plains, 91 White Sulphur Springs, 113 White's Guerrillas, Capt., 48 Whiting, F. T., 424 Whiting, Geo. W., 424 Whiting, T. D., 425 Whiting, W. B., 353 Whitman, H. B., 365 Whitmore, J. W., 401 Whitmore, Jos., 112 Whitney, C. F., 50, 448 Whitney, John, 448 Whitney, Jophanus, 378 Whitney, L. I., [A] DECEASED Transcriber's Notes: Table of Contents was created by Transcriber and placed into the public domain. Every effort has been made to replicate this text as faithfully as possible, including obsolete and variant spellings, inconsistent punctuation that does not interfere with meaning, and other inconsistencies. Obvious punctuation and spelling errors and minor printer errors were corrected. p. 166: Left ‘till about 12 m.’ as printed, unclear what was intended p. 263: Changed sidenote to ‘64 (obvious typo) Text of handwritten letter (illustration in the chapter titled 'Regimental Veteran Association') was recorded by transcriber and placed in the caption text for that illustration. This text is placed into the public domain. p.326: Changed A VACATION IDYL to a section heading instead of chapter heading, due to context p.450: William T. Barrett’s birth date was printed as June 36. Corrected based on date on his gravestone p.470: Confusing index entry ‘Camp-vim, 111’ left as is, unclear what was intended ******* This and all associated files of various formats will be found in: /5/1/2/5/51250 Updated editions will replace the previous one--the old editions will be renamed.
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