T —— L—— lived near Derby. Hers was a sad case—deaf, dumb, and so nearly blind that she had to be led about; moreover, she suffered from extreme weakness in the legs, and was delicate on the chest. Her father being dead, it was difficult for her to obtain the necessaries of life, and it was thought the workhouse must be her future home. The case was brought under the notice of the Committee of the Deaf and Dumb Institution at Derby, who decided not to let her go into the workhouse without trying what could be done for her. Accordingly she came under their care, and gradually became stronger; but the difficulties in the way of her education, owing to her sight, were not easily overcome, in fact she had to be taught as one perfectly deaf, dumb, and blind. She however made good progress, and is now a good tempered, hard working girl, actually earning her own living. She can wash and scour and knit and sew quite as well as many persons blessed with the senses of sight and hearing. She frequently attends the meetings for the adult deaf and dumb, and always has something interesting to say, especially on religious subjects.