Cesspools are cheap in first cost but high in maintenance costs and often become nuisances. They should be located at least 150 feet from wells, 15 feet from seepage pits and property lines, and 20 feet from dwelling foundations. They should never be used in the vicinity of shallow wells and, in any case, only where permitted by State regulations. The cesspool depends for its action upon seepage into the surrounding soil and consequently is particularly unsatisfactory in tight clay soils. In more open sand and gravel soils the seepage is reduced as the pores of the soil become clogged with particles of solids, until it stops entirely, and overflowing occurs. Emptying and then cleaning the walls and floor of a cesspool do not fully open up the clogged soil pores, and overflowing can be expected to occur soon again. Solids in cesspools must be removed from time to time by bailing or pumping and should then be buried 18 to 24 inches deep in a trench where the water supply will not be endangered. Caustic potash (lye) will to some extent liquefy solids in a cesspool. This treatment does not eliminate the necessity of removing the contents when periodic inspection shows that the cesspool is nearly full. Caustic potash converts the greases into soft soap, whereas caustic soda forms a hard soap that does not readily dissolve. The chemical treatment is not effective in liquefying solids in the pores of the soil surrounding the cesspool. Figure 13.—A neat, whitewashed lattice along the paved walkway provides protection from cold wind and rain and gives added privacy. When clogging continues and cannot be corrected, in most cases the best solution to the problem would be to abandon the cesspool and install a septic-tank system with tile disposal field. The cesspool should be completely filled with stones, earth, or other solid materials to avoid possible cave-ins. |