tm.html#Page_103" class="pginternal">103 Champagne Standard, The, 147 Chaperons, 381, 393 Chatham and American manufactures, 375 Cheques, cashing, 383 Chicago, pride in itself, 163; pigs in, 177 Civil War, the navy in the, 64; causes of, 11; magnitude of, 186; its value to the people, 188, 218 Classics, American reprints of English, 174 Cleveland, Grover, on Venezuela, 43, 109 Climate, the English, 121, 350 Co-education, its effect on the sexes, 127; in America, 142 Colonies, destiny of British, 94 Colquhoun, A. R., 113 Commercial morality, 308 Concord school, the, 157 Congress, corruption in, 244; compared with Parliament, 246, 249; more honest than supposed, 252; powers of, 289; best men excluded from, 345 Congressmen, how influenced, 247, 251; how elected, 247; log-rolling among, 249; hampered by the Constitution, 402 Conkling, Roscoe, 148 Constitution, U. S., growth of, 6; interpretation of, 288; and Congress, 402 Consular service, the American, 78 Contract, a proposed international, 338 Convention, a National Liberal, 270 Copyright laws, English, faulty, 221 Corporations, Mr. Roosevelt and the, 296; persecuted by individual States, 403 Corruption, in municipal affairs, 232, 239, 242; in national affairs, 234; in State legislatures, 235; in English counties, 237; in Congress, 244; in the railway service, 361 Court, U. S. Supreme, 400 Criticism, English, of America, 116, 157; American, of England, 117 Croker, Richard, 278 Cromwell as a fertiliser, 190 Crooks, William, elected Premier, 414; preoccupation of, 433 "Grieg, the American," 200 H Hague, Conference at The, 17 Hanotaux, Gabriel, on American commerce, 378 Harrison, Benjamin, 47 Hays, C. M., 310 Hearst, W. R., and England, 46; bad influence of, 282; inventor of the yellow press, 342 (note) Hell-box, the, 281 Helleu, Paul, 196 Higginson, T. W., on American temperament, 2 Hill, James J., 310 Hoar, U. S. Senator, on England, 1; on the hatred of the British, 57 Homer as a Tory, 257 Homogeneousness of the American people, 83, 211, 451 Hotel, the Fifth Avenue, 122 Hotels, ladies' entrances to, 120 Howells, W. D., 147 Hughitt, Marvin, 311, 359 Humour, American and English, 152 I Ideals, American devotion to, 10 Illinois and the Federal Government, 262 Immigration problem, the, 81 India, 112 Indians, red, regard of, for Englishmen, 349; in the war of Independence, 350 (note); Turkish baths of, 363 Individuality, American insistence on, 382, 391 Insularity, English and American, 145 International sentiments, how formed, 291 Ireland, Burke's feeling for, 101 Irish, the influence of, against England, 58, 444; attitude towards women, 140; vote in politics, 227; as a corrupting influence, 252; non-Anglo-Saxon, 254; lack independence, 255; in New York, 277 Irving, Washington, on frontiersmen, 381 Italians, in municipal politics, 241, 253; lynched in New Orleans, 262 J James, Henry, 155 Japan, England's alliance with, 8; its eclectic method, 193; Mr. Gladstone on, 205; and California, 263, 287; tin-tacks for, 375 Japanese, in California, 263; British admiration of, in England and America, 329, 334, 391; beneficial, 406 U Unit rule, the, 267, 270 United States, the, has become a world-power, 6; in danger of war, 8; power of, 14; expansion of, 24; further from England than England from it, 50; the future of, 90; size of, 94; the equal of Great Britain, 163; unification of, 217; politics in, 227; Congress of, 244; and Italy, 262; and Japan, 263; its treaty relations with other powers, 286; a peerage in, 310; its reckless youth, 323; has sown its wild oats, 324; growth of, 364; commercial power of, 371; a debtor nation, 384 Universities, American and English, 167 Usurpation by the general government, 289 V Van Horne, Sir William, 310 Venezuelan incident, the, 43, 156 Verestschagin, Vasili, 197, 202 Vigilance Committees, 302, 364 Vote, foreign in America, the, 227 Voting, premature, 227 W Wall Street methods, 326 War stores scandal, 341 Washington, Booker, 305 Wealth, President Roosevelt and, 296; its diffusion in America, 330; no counterpoise to, in U. S., 335; purchasing power of, in England and America, 335 (note); prejudice against, 403 Wells, H. G., on American "sense of the State," 89; on the lack of an upper class in America, 309 (note); on trade, 404 West, the feeling of, for the East, 73; English ignorance of, 200; Yankee distrust of, 369 West Indies, transfer to the U. S., 32 West Point, incident at, 41 Whiskey and literature, 175 Wild-fowling, 418 Winter, E. W., 359 Woman, an American, in England, |