Picture | Market opens steady and firm at yesterday's closing quotations. |
Pigment | Market firm. |
Pigmy | Market a shade firmer. |
Pilaster | Market firmer, but not quotably higher. |
Pilfer | Market firmer, with indications of an advance. |
Pilgrim | Market firm, but unchanged. |
Pilgrimage | Market firm, good shipping demand. |
Pillow | Market firm, good shipping and speculative demand. |
Pillowed | Market firm, owing to light receipts. |
Pilot | Market firm, with upward tendency. |
Piloting | Market firmer on better foreign advices. |
Pimple | Market firm at full quotations. |
Pippin | Market firm at the advance. |
Pistol | Market very firm. |
Pitcher | Market very firm, with strong upward tendency. |
Pitfall | Market very firm, notwithstanding the heavy receipts. |
Pitiful | Market firmer; prices a shade higher. |
Pitifully | Market firmer in anticipation of light receipts. |
Pitiless | Market in seller's favor. |
Pitman | Market active. |
Pity | Market very active. |
Placard | Market active at the advance. |
Plague | Market active, and still advancing. |
Plainly | Market active, but holders sell freely. |
Plaintiff | Market active and excited, and prices higher. |
Plaintive | Market steadier, with firm feeling. |
Plantain | Market steady. |
Plantation | Market is improving. |
Plaster | Market is strong. |
Plate | Market is very strong. |
Plating | Market is advancing rapidly. |
Platform | Market has advanced. |
Platinum | Market advancing owing to local speculation. |
Platoon | Market excited, and so unsettled accurate quotations cannot be given. |
Plausible | Market is very sensitive. |
Play | The market has been largely oversold. |
Playful | Market is cornered. |
Playfully | Holders are very firm. |
Playmate | Holders are firmer in their views and are not disposed to sell freely even at the advance. |
Plaything | Holders are asking higher prices. |
Plead | Holders are now asking ____ |
Pleader | Demand is chiefly to fill short contracts. |
Pleasant | Demand is purely speculative. |
Please | Buyers are giving a decided preference for future delivery. |
Pleasing | Buyers at last quotations, but holders demand an advance. |
Pleasure | More buyers than sellers. |
Plebian | Short sellers are buying freely. |
Pledge | Everything offered is being taken. |
Pledging | More disposition to buy. |
Plentiful | Everything on the market has been taken. |
Plenty | Good enquiry and few sellers. |
Pliable | Good enquiry. |
Plow | Active demand for immediate delivery. |
Pluck | Unfavorable weather is causing a firmer feeling. |
Plucked | Receipts continue large, but do not exceed the demand and prices rule firm. |
Plucking | Under influence of firm advices from New York, this market has stiffened. |
Plumage | Eastern and foreign advices being decidedly more favorable, speculators bought freely. |
Plumb | Strong efforts are being made to advance prices. |
Plumber | The advance caused by reported heavy failure. |
Plumply | The advance caused by reported damage to crops. |
Plunder | The advance caused by local manipulation. |
Plunge | Canadians buying largely causes the advance. |
Plunging | Large purchases being made for future delivery. |
Plural | Large purchases being made for shipment. |
Poach | General tendency upward, owing to confidence in prices. |
Polar | The stock is mostly in second hands, and is firmly held. |
Polish | Packers buying freely. |
Polished | The greater part of the stock being in few hands, the short sellers find it very difficult to cover. |
Polishing | Demand is chiefly on Eastern orders. |
Polite | The recent decline has caused an active demand for shipment. |
Politely | Good shipping demand. |
Politeness | Good demand. |
Political | Speculation is encouraged by the easy money market. |
Polka | At one time sales were made as high as ____ |
Pollute | Strong feeling; indications of better market to-morrow. |
Polluting | Closes steady and firm at quotations. |
Pollution | Closes very firm with buyers at quotations. |
Pomade | Opened dull, but closed with a better demand. |
Pomp | Closed much firmer. |
Pontiff | Held firmly at the close at ____ |
Pontoon | ...... |
Poodle | ...... |
Popular | ...... |
Populate | ...... |
Portable | ...... |
Portico | ...... |
Portion | ...... |
Portrait | ...... |
Position | ...... |
Possess | ...... |
Possible | ...... |
Postal | ...... |
Postman | ...... |
Postpone | ...... |
Potash | ...... |
Potato | ...... |