

Picture Market opens steady and firm at yesterday's closing quotations.
Pigment Market firm.
Pigmy Market a shade firmer.
Pilaster Market firmer, but not quotably higher.
Pilfer Market firmer, with indications of an advance.
Pilgrim Market firm, but unchanged.
Pilgrimage Market firm, good shipping demand.
Pillow Market firm, good shipping and speculative demand.
Pillowed Market firm, owing to light receipts.
Pilot Market firm, with upward tendency.
Piloting Market firmer on better foreign advices.
Pimple Market firm at full quotations.
Pippin Market firm at the advance.
Pistol Market very firm.
Pitcher Market very firm, with strong upward tendency.
Pitfall Market very firm, notwithstanding the heavy receipts.
Pitiful Market firmer; prices a shade higher.
Pitifully Market firmer in anticipation of light receipts.
Pitiless Market in seller's favor.
Pitman Market active.
Pity Market very active.
Placard Market active at the advance.
Plague Market active, and still advancing.
Plainly Market active, but holders sell freely.
Plaintiff Market active and excited, and prices higher.
Plaintive Market steadier, with firm feeling.
Plantain Market steady.
Plantation Market is improving.
Plaster Market is strong.
Plate Market is very strong.


Market is advancing rapidly.
Platform Market has advanced.
Platinum Market advancing owing to local speculation.
Platoon Market excited, and so unsettled accurate quotations cannot be given.
Plausible Market is very sensitive.
Play The market has been largely oversold.
Playful Market is cornered.
Playfully Holders are very firm.
Playmate Holders are firmer in their views and are not disposed to sell freely even at the advance.
Plaything Holders are asking higher prices.
Plead Holders are now asking ____
Pleader Demand is chiefly to fill short contracts.
Pleasant Demand is purely speculative.
Please Buyers are giving a decided preference for future delivery.
Pleasing Buyers at last quotations, but holders demand an advance.
Pleasure More buyers than sellers.
Plebian Short sellers are buying freely.
Pledge Everything offered is being taken.
Pledging More disposition to buy.
Plentiful Everything on the market has been taken.
Plenty Good enquiry and few sellers.
Pliable Good enquiry.
Plow Active demand for immediate delivery.
Pluck Unfavorable weather is causing a firmer feeling.
Plucked Receipts continue large, but do not exceed the demand and prices rule firm.
Plucking Under influence of firm advices from New York, this market has stiffened.
Plumage Eastern and foreign advices being decidedly more favorable, speculators bought freely.
Plumb Strong efforts are being made to advance prices.
Plumber The advance caused by reported heavy failure.
Plumply The advance caused by reported damage to crops.


The advance caused by local manipulation.
Plunge Canadians buying largely causes the advance.
Plunging Large purchases being made for future delivery.
Plural Large purchases being made for shipment.
Poach General tendency upward, owing to confidence in prices.
Polar The stock is mostly in second hands, and is firmly held.
Polish Packers buying freely.
Polished The greater part of the stock being in few hands, the short sellers find it very difficult to cover.
Polishing Demand is chiefly on Eastern orders.
Polite The recent decline has caused an active demand for shipment.
Politely Good shipping demand.
Politeness Good demand.
Political Speculation is encouraged by the easy money market.
Polka At one time sales were made as high as ____
Pollute Strong feeling; indications of better market to-morrow.
Polluting Closes steady and firm at quotations.
Pollution Closes very firm with buyers at quotations.
Pomade Opened dull, but closed with a better demand.
Pomp Closed much firmer.
Pontiff Held firmly at the close at ____
Pontoon ......
Poodle ......
Popular ......
Populate ......
Portable ......
Portico ......


Portrait ......
Position ......
Possess ......
Possible ......
Postal ......
Postman ......
Postpone ......
Potash ......
Potato ......

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