Babbler | Ann Arbor. | Babbling | Atlanta, Birmingham and Atlantic. | Babyish | Atlantic Coast Line. | Baccarat | Baltimore, Chesapeake and Atlantic. | Baccate | Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburg. | Bacillus | Canadian Northern. | Bacteria | Central of Georgia. | Backbone | Central R. R. of New Jersey. | Badly | Central Vermont. | Badness | Chesapeake and Ohio. | Bagatelle | Chicago and Alton. | Bagpipe | Chicago and Illinois Western. | Bailiwick | Chicago Great Western. | Bailment | Chicago, Indiana and Southern. | Bakery | Chicago Junction. | Baking | Chicago, Milwaukee and Puget Sound. | Balconet | Chicago Union Transfer. | Balefully | Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton. | Ballastic | Colorado and Southern. | Balloonist | Colorado Midland. | Balmy | Erie. | Balustrade | Florida East Coast. | Bandana | Frisco Lines. | Bandbox | Galveston, Harrisburg and San Antonio. | Banded | Gulf Air Line. | Bandelet | Hocking Valley. | Bandoleer | Houston and Texas Central. | Bandoline | Houston, East and West Texas. | Bandsaw | Illinois Terminal. | Baneful | Indiana Harbor Belt. | Banefully | International and Great Northern. | Banished | Kansas City Southern. | Banishing | Missouri, Oklahoma and Gulf. | Banjo | National Railway of Mexico. | Banking | Norfolk and Western. | Banter | New Orleans Great Northern. | Bantering | New Orleans, Mobile and Chicago. | Baptistry | Northwestern Pacific. | Baptized | Oregon Short Line. | Barbarian | Oregon-Washington R. R. and Navigat'n Co. | Barbaric | Pennsylvania. | Barbarism | Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington. | Barbecue | Pere Marquette. | Barbette | Pittsburg and Lake Erie. | Barbican | Quebec Central. | Bardism | Queen and Crescent Route. | Barbatine | Rio Grande and Western. | Barnacle | Rutland. | Barology | Star and Crescent Route. | Baronage | Sunset Route. | Baronial | Seaboard Air Line. | Baroscope | St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern. | Barque | Texas Midland. | Barracan | Toledo, St. Louis and Western. | Barricade | Western Maryland. | Barrister | Western Virginia. | Basaltic | West New Jersey and Sea Shore. | Bascule | Wheeling and Lake Erie. | Basket | Yazoo and Mississippi Valley. | Bassinet | Western Pacific. | Beatify | ...... | Beatitude | ...... | Beckon | ...... | Becloud | ...... | Becoming | ...... | Bedraggle | ...... | Bedrench | ...... | Beehive | ...... | Beetle | ...... | Beginning | ...... |