WHEAT. Aground | No. 1 Chicago Spring Wheat. | Ahead | No. 2 Chicago Spring Wheat. | Ail | No. 1 Milwaukee Spring Wheat. | Ailment | No. 2 Milwaukee Spring Wheat. | Aimless | No. 1 Northwestern Spring Wheat. | Aisle | No. 2 Northwestern Spring Wheat. | Ajax | No. 1 Minnesota Spring Wheat. | Akin | No. 2 Minnesota Spring Wheat. | Alabaster | No. 3 Spring Wheat. | Alamode | Rejected Spring Wheat. | Albino | No. 1 White Winter Wheat. | Album | No. 2 White Winter Wheat. | Albumen | No. 1 Red Winter Wheat. | Alchemy | No. 2 Red Winter Wheat. | Alcove | Rejected Winter Wheat. | Alder | No. 1 Amber Wheat. | Alderman | No. 2 Amber Wheat. | Alert | No. 3 Amber Wheat. | Alertness | California White Wheat. | Algebra | California Club. | Accost | No. 1 Northern Spring Wheat. | Accosted | No. 2 Northern Spring Wheat. | Accosting | No. 1 White Spring Wheat. | Accostable | No. 2 White Spring Wheat. | Accountant | No. 3 White Spring Wheat. | Accouple | No. 1 Spring Wheat. | Accretion | No. 2 Spring Wheat. | Accrue | No. 4 Spring Wheat. | Accrument | No Grade Spring Wheat. | Accumb | Black Sea and Flinty Pfife Wheat. | Accumbent | Rice Wheat. | Accurate | No. 1 Hard Winter Wheat. | Accursed | No. 2 Hard Winter Wheat. | Acetic | No. 3 Hard Winter Wheat. | Acid | No. 3 White Winter Wheat. | Acidity | No. 4 White Winter Wheat. | Acidulate | No. 3 Red Winter Wheat. | Acnode | No. 4 Red Winter Wheat. | Aconite | No. 1 Long Red Winter Wheat. | Acolyte | No. 2 Long Red Winter Wheat. | Acoustic | No Grade Winter Wheat. | Acoustical | No. 1 Colorado Wheat. | Acquitted | No. 2 Colorado Wheat. | Acrobatic | No. 3 Colorado Wheat. | Across | No. 2 Kansas City Hard Winter Wheat. | Acrostic | No. 3 Kansas City Hard Winter Wheat. | CORN. Alienate | White Corn. | Alight | Yellow Corn. | Alighting | No. 1 Corn. | Alike | High Mixed Corn. | Alkali | No. 2 Corn. | Alkaline | Rejected Corn. | Allay | No. 2 Kiln Dried Corn. | Allege | New Corn. | Actable | No. 1 Yellow Corn. | Acted | No. 2 Yellow Corn. | Actively | No. 3 Yellow Corn. | Actless | No. 1 White Corn. | Acumen | No. 2 White Corn. | Acutely | No. 3 White Corn. | Adamite | No. 3 Corn. | Adamic | No. 4 Corn. | Adaunt | No Grade Corn. | Adaptly | No. 2 Kansas City Corn. | Addressed | Ear Corn. | Addressing | ...... | Affair | ...... | Affiance | ...... | Affirmed | ...... | Affirming | ...... | Affix | ...... | OATS. Allegiance | No. 1 Oats. | Alliance | No. 2 White Oats. | Alligator | No. 2 Oats. | Allot | Rejected Oats. | Allotted | Choice White Oats, by sample. | Allotting | Choice Mixed Oats, by sample. | Allotment | Fair White Oats, by sample. | Allowance | Fair Mixed Oats, by sample. | Affixed | No. 1 White Oats. | Affixing | No. 3 White Oats. | Affuse | No. 3 Oats. | Affusion | No Grade Oats. | African | No. 3 Oats (White). | Agedness | No. 1 White Clipped Oats. | Aggrieve | No. 2 White Clipped Oats. | Agile | White Clipped Oats ____ lbs. | Agility | Mixed Clipped Oats ____ lbs. | RYE. Allspice | No. 1 Rye. | Allude | No. 2 Rye. | Alluding | Rejected Rye. | Agitator | No. 3 Rye. | BARLEY. Allurement | No. 1 Barley. | Allusion | No. 2 Barley. | Almanac | No. 3 Barley. | Almighty | Rejected Barley. | Agleam | No. 4 Barley. | Agog | No. 5 Barley. | Agonize | No Grade Barley. | Agnostic | No. 1 Scotch Barley. | Agreeably | No. 2 Scotch Barley. | Aided | No. 3 Scotch Barley. | Aiding | No. 1 Bay Brewing Barley. | Aidful | No. 2 Bay Brewing Barley. | Aidless | No. 3 Bay Brewing Barley. | Akimbo | No. 1 Chevalier Barley. | Alarm | No. 2 Chevalier Barley. | Alarmed | No. 3 Chevalier Barley. | Alarming | Feed Barley. | Alarmist | Malting Barley. | Alas | Barley Screenings. | Albatross | Malt Skimmings. | SEEDS. Almond | Prime Timothy Seed. | Almost | Good Timothy Seed. | Alms | Common Timothy Seed. | Alone | Prime Clover Seed. | Along | Good Clover Seed. | Aloof | Common Clover Seed. | Aloud | Flax Seed. | Alpaca | Hungarian Seed. | Albedo | No. 1 Northwestern Flax Seed. | Albiness | No. 1 Duluth Flax Seed. | Albion | No. 2 Duluth Flax Seed. | Alcade | No. 1 Flax Seed. | Alcadia | Rejected Flax Seed. | Alchemist | No Grade Flax Seed. | Alcoholic | Fair to Good Timothy Seed. | Alcoran | Strictly Prime Timothy Seed. | Aldermanic | Choice Timothy Seed. | Aldine | Contract Prime Timothy Seed. | Alembic | Fair to Good Clover Seed. | Alfalfa | Strictly Prime Clover Seed. | Algebraic | Choice Clover Seed. | Algerine | Good Hungarian Seed. | Algonkin | Prime Hungarian Seed. | Alhambra | Common Millet. | Alibi | German Millet. | Alien | ...... | Alimony | ...... | Alkaloid | ...... | MILL FEED. Allegory | Winter Wheat Bran in Bulk. | Allegretto | Winter Wheat Bran in Sacks. | Allegro | Spring Wheat Bran in Bulk. | Allemande | Spring Wheat Bran in Sacks. | Allopath | Fancy White Middlings in Bulk. | Allow | Fancy White Middlings in Sacks. | Allowing | Choice White Middlings in Bulk. | Allusive | Choice White Middlings in Sacks. | Alluvial | Flour Middlings in Bulk. | Almoner | Flour Middlings in Sacks. | Alps | Standard Fine Middlings in Bulk. | Alpen | Standard Fine Middlings in Sacks. | Alpha | Coarse Middlings in Bulk. | Alphabet | Coarse Middlings in Sacks. | Already | Mixed Feed in Bulk. | Altimeter | Mixed Feed in Sacks. | Altiscope | Red-dog Flour in 100 lb. Sacks. | Altissimo | Red-dog Flour in 140 lb. Sacks. | Alto | Rye Feed in Bulk. | Aluminus | Rye Feed in Sacks. | Always | Hominy Chop, or Meal in Bulk. | Ambassage | Hominy Chop, or Meal in 100 lb. Sacks. | Ambassy | Linseed Oil Meal in 100 lb. Sacks. | Amber | Cotton Seed Oil Meal in 100 lb. Sacks. | Ambergris | ...... | Ambient | ...... | Ambitious | ...... | Amble | ...... | Ambling | ...... | Amblingly | ...... | Ambrose | ...... | Ambrosia | ...... |