Uneasy | The Hogs arriving are very heavy in weight. | Unequal | The Hogs arriving are heavier than usual. | Unrobe | The Hogs arriving are mostly light in weight. | Unroll | Very few of the Hogs now arriving are heavy enough for Mess Pork. | Unruly | The Hogs now arriving will average about ____ lbs. net. | Unsaddle | Dressed Hogs arriving are too soft to ship. | Unseen | Dressed Hogs arriving are in good condition. | Unsettle | Dressed Hogs arriving are in fair shipping condition. | Unsightly | The Hogs now arriving are heavier than those received earlier in the season. | Unstable | The Hogs now arriving are not as heavy as those received earlier in the season. | Unspotted | The weather is cold and favorable for packing operations. | Untimely | The weather is unfavorable for packing operations. | Untold | The Hogs thus far received will average about ____ lbs. net. | Untrue | The cutting is principally into ____ | Untruth | The packing to the present time is about ____ | Untwist | The packing season is expected to be short. | Unwell | The packers expect to stop cutting for the season ____ | Unwind | The packing season may now be considered closed. | Unwise | The number of Hogs packed amount to ____ | Unworthy | Packers will not guarantee any foreign inspection. | Upbraid | ...... | Upcast | ...... | Upheave | ...... | Uphill | ...... | Uphold | ...... | Upholding | ...... |