- Abbotsbury, old swannery at, 229
- Africa, guinea fowl in, 202;
- African goose, 164;
- Age, of earth, 25;
- of fowls, 92;
- of geese, 169;
- of swans, 223;
- of ostriches, 232
- Agricultural experiment stations, interest of, in aviculture, 308
- Agricultural fairs, poultry exhibitions at, 292
- Aigret of peafowl, 208
- Albumen, formation of, in egg, 17
- Alfalfa, 140, 236
- American Wild Goose, 165;
- American Wild Pigeon, 241
- Amherst Pheasant, illustrated, 214
- Ancona, 64
- Andalusian, Blue, 49, 64
- Animal kingdom, place of birds in, 2
- Animals, having bird characters, 1;
- predacious, prevent use of colony system, 107
- Annual production of poultry and eggs in United States, 290
- Antwerp Homer Pigeon, 246
- Art, relation of, to poultry culture, 306
- Aseel, 50
- Ashes, use of, in poultry house, 75
- Asia, peafowl in, 208;
- Asiatic races of fowls, 49
- Australia, Black Swan discovered in, 223
- Austria, goose growing in, 167
- Aylesbury Duck, 129;
- as a market duck in America, 147
- Babylonians, knowledge of fowls among, 36
- Bache, importation of pheasants by, 212
- Bakubas, ducks among the, 127
- Bantams, 66;
- Barbs of feather, 9
- Barnum, P. T., promoter of an early poultry show, 53
- Barrel of dressed poultry iced for shipment, illustrated, 284
- Barring, quality in, 295
- Bat, a flying animal, 1
- Bath, for ducks, 139;
- for pigeons, 261;
- for canaries, 273
- Beard, of fowls, 10;
- Bedding for ducks, 138
- Beef scrap, 116, 7
- Dominique, 43, 55, 57;
- Dorking, 44, 55;
- Dove, origin and use of term, 240
- Dovecots, great number of, in England in medieval times, 252
- Down, defined, 8;
- replaced by feathers, 11;
- sometimes a disqualification, 299
- Dragoon pigeon, 251;
- Drawing poultry, 289
- Dressed poultry, 283;
- Dressed squabs, illustrated, 267
- Driving turkeys to market, illustrated, 199, 280, 281
- Droppings board, 75
- Duck farms, illustrated, 146, 147, 149, 150
- Dumb ducks, 127
- Dust bath for fowls, 76
- Dutch artists, paintings of poultry by, 48
- Dutch races of fowls, 47
- Dwarf fowls, 64
- Eared Pheasants, 216
- Earth, relation of age of, to evolution, 26
- East India Duck, 133
- Egg, description of, 16
- Eggs, uses of, 4;
- number of, set under hen, 95;
- boiled for chicks, 98;
- quality of ducks' and hens', compared, 124
- Egypt, fowls in ancient, 36;
- goose sacred in ancient, 166;
- pigeons in, 244;
- artificial incubation in, 305
- Egyptian Goose, 165
- Egyptian hieroglyphics, duck in, 127;
- Embryo, growth of, 16, 21
- Emden Goose, 158;
- England, colony poultry houses in, 107
- English Pheasant, 215
- English races of fowls, 46
- Evolution, theory of, 25
- Exhibition Game Bantams, 70;
- Exhibitions of poultry, illustrated, 292, 297
- Face of fowl, appearance of, 8
- Fancier, philosophy of the, 302
- Fanciers, influence of, on development of types, 58
- Java, peafowl in, 209
- Jersey Blue, 56
- Johnnycake for chicks, 98
- Journalism, 305
- Judging, 293, 304
- Kafirs, their method of pulling stumps of ostrich plumes, 238
- Kentucky, turkeys in, 189
- Killing poultry, 284
- Land plaster, use of, in poultry houses, 75
- Langshan, Black, illustrated, 40, 41
- Language, capacity of birds for, 2
- Laugher Pigeon, 239
- Lavender Guinea, 203
- Lawn clippings for poultry, 76
- Laying capacity of birds, 18, 127
- Laying habits of birds, 141, 170, 195, 266
- Leaves for litter in poultry houses, 76
- Leg of bird, contraction of, in perching, 14
- Leghorn, 46;
- illustrated, 10, 11, 45, 81;
- early growth of feathers of, 11
- Legislation relating to aviculture, 309
- Lettuce for canaries, 273
- Lice, how fowls rid themselves of, 77;
- to destroy, on sitting hens, 96
- Lime in eggshells, 16
- Lincolnshire Buff, 63
- Litter in poultry houses, 76, 138
- Lizard Canary, 271
- Long Island duck farms, 146
- Losses due to bad handling of poultry produce, 282
- Lyell, James C., on origin of domestic pigeon, 240
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