Transcriber’s Notes: Punctuation has been standardised. Spelling has been retained as it appears in the original publication except as marked like this in the text. The original text appears when hovering the cursor over the marked text. A list of amendments is at the end of the text. The Country Series OF FARM, GARDEN, AND RURAL BOOKS FOR GENERAL USE, PUBLISHED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF W. ROBINSON, F.L.S., Founder of “The Garden,” “Farm and Home,” and “Gardening Illustrated;” Horticultural Editor of “The Field;” Author of “The Parks and Gardens of Paris,” “Alpine Flowers for English Gardens,” “The Wild Garden,” “Hardy Flowers,” &c. MUSHROOM CULTURE ITS EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT MOUTH OF MUSHROOM-CAVE NEAR PARIS BOTTOM OF SHAFT OF MUSHROOM-CAVE MUSHROOM CULTURE |