- Agaricus amygdalinus, 147
- Agaricus arvensis, 98
- Agaricus CÆsareus, 97, 152
- Agaricus cÆspitosus (Lentinus), 149
- Agaricus campestris, 95
- Agaricus cylindricus, 118
- Agaricus excoriatus, 114
- Agaricus fimetarius, 118
- Agaricus frumentaceus, 148
- Agaricus gambosus, 121
- Agaricus melleus, 149
- Agaricus nebularis, 127
- Agaricus orcella, 141
- Agaricus procerus, 113
- Agaricus prunulus, 143
- Agaricus rachodes, 114
- Agaricus rubescens, 125
- Agaricus salignus, 153
- Agaricus typhoides, 118
- Agaricus villaticus, 100
- “Agaric of civilization”, 119
- American Edible Fungi, 145
- Arches, Mushroom culture in, 47
- Boletus collinitus, 149
- Boletus flavidus, 149
- Boletus flavus, 163
- Boletus luteus, 163
- Boletus satanas, 164
- Bricks, mushroom-spawn in, 25
- Brown Warty Agaric, 125
- Cantharellus cibarius, 137
- Cave-culture of mushrooms, 57
- Cellars, mushroom culture in, 51
- Champignonniste at Montrouge, 57
- Chantarelle, 137
- Clavaria, 158
- Clouded Mushroom, 127
- Common Mushrooms, 95
- Common Mushrooms, how to cook the, 102
- Coprinus comatus, 117
- Coral Mushroom, 158
- Covering for Mushroom-beds, 34
- Covering advantageous to Mushroom crop, 87
- Cucumber frames, Mushroom culture in, 56
- Fairy-ring Champignon, 108
- Fermentation of manure, how prevented, 16
- Floor of Mushroom-house, 3, 9
- Mushroom-house, shelves of cast-iron grating for, 11
- Mushroom-house, necessity of cleaning, 42
- Mushroom-house, temperature of, 33
- Mushroom-spawn, what it is, 23
- Mushroom-spawn, how obtained in the first instance, 24
- Mushroom-spawn, “natural” or “virgin”, 24
- Mushroom-spawn, how to preserve, 25
- Mushroom-spawn, in bricks, 25
- Mushroom-spawn, in bricks, recipes for making, 26
- Mushroom-spawn, mill-track, 27
- Mushroom-spawn, French, 28
- Mushroom-spawn, how to save the expense of purchasing, 29
- Mushroom-spawn, French, experiment with, 30
- Mushrooms not produced by chance, 89
- Mushrooms quantities exported from France, 64
- Nut Mushroom, 158
- Oldacre’s mushroom-house, 10
- Old mushroom-beds, treatment of, 41
- Omelette, 158
- Open-air culture of Mushrooms at Paris, 80
- Orange-milk Mushroom, 129
- Orgelle, 141
- Pastures, how to introduce Mushrooms into, 92
- Parasol Agaric, 113
- Peach-kernel Mushroom, 158
- Pink-gill Mushroom, 158
- Places in which Mushrooms may be grown, 1
- Plum Mushroom, 143
- Polyporus Berkelei, 150
- Polyporus confluens, 150
- Polyporus frondosus, 150
- Polyporus ovinus, 149
- Polyporus poripes, 149
- Polyporus sulfureus, 150
- Pratiolo, 97, 158
- Rain, injurious to mushroom-crop, 87
- Red-fleshed Mushroom, 125
- Roof of mushroom-house, 4, 5
- Russian mushroom-house, 10
- Sawdust for mushroom-beds, 19
- Scaly Mushroom, 113
- Shed, mushroom-house under, 7
- Shed, mushroom culture in, 45
- Shelves of mushroom-house, 7
- Shelves cast-iron grating for, 11
- Snowball Mushroom, 158
- Soil for earthing mushroom-beds, 37
- Spawn, how to prepare without expense, 91
- Spinaroli, 123
- Spine-bearing Mush
THE END. Transcriber’s Notes: Missing periods and quotation marks have been supplied where obviously required. All other original errors and inconsistencies have been retained, except as follows (the first line is the original text, the second the passage as currently stands): - Page 106:
or so of medium-sized, place two or so of medium-size, place two - Page 123:
the valley of Stafora, near Bobbio, the valley of Staffora, near Bobbio, - Page 138:
dressing the Cantharelle are dressing the Chantarelle are - Page 165:
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