Introduction v
1216. Coronation of King Henry III. Roger of Wendove 1
1217 The Fair of Lincoln Annals of Dunstable 2
1217. The Battle of Sandwich Histoire des Ducs 4
1217. Why Louis was unsuccessful in England Canon of Barnwell 5
1217. Charter of the Forest Statutes of the Realm 5
1223. A Wrestling-Match and Disturbances in London Annals of Dunstable 9
1224. The Coming of the Friars Monumenta Franciscana 10
1224. The Rule of St. Francis Monumenta Franciscana 13
1226. Papal Demands for Prebends Roger of Wendover 16
1227. Henry Annuls the Grants made during his Minority Roger of Wendover 18
1232. Accusations against Hubert de Burgh State Trials 19
1233. The Poitevin Invasion Roger of Wendover 21
1238. The Papal Legate at Oxford Matthew Paris 23
1240-44. Papal Exactions Matthew of Westminster 25
1242. The English in France Matthew of Westminster 27
1248. The King vexes his Subjects Matthew Paris 32
1249. A Change of Ruler in Scotland John of Fordun 34
1253. The Misdeeds of the Seneschal of Gascony John of Fordun 35
1254. Ireland granted to Edward Historical Documents (Ireland) 37
1254-57. The Sicilian Crown Matthew Paris 37
1258. Expulsion of the Poitevins Annals of Waverley 40
1258. King consents to Election of Twenty-Four Rymer's Foedera 41
1258. Provisions of Oxford Annals of Burton 42
1261. Henry repudiates the Provisions Matthew of Westminster 48
1263. Queen insulted by the Londoners William Rishanger 50
1263. The Battle of Largs Androw of Wyntoun 50
1264. The Mise of Amiens Rymer's Foedera 52
1264. The Battle of Lewes Continuation of Paris 53
1264. Views of the King and Barons concerning the Government of England The Song of Lewes 56
1264. The Miseries of Civil War Chronicon ThomÆ Wykes 59
1264. De Montfort's Scheme of Government Rymer's Foedera 60
1265. The Evesham Campaign Continuation of Paris 62
1265. Character of De Montfort Continuation of




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