| | | page | | Introduction | v | date | | | | 1216. | Coronation of King Henry III. | Roger of Wendove | 1 | 1217 | The Fair of Lincoln | Annals of Dunstable | 2 | 1217. | The Battle of Sandwich | Histoire des Ducs | 4 | 1217. | Why Louis was unsuccessful in England | Canon of Barnwell | 5 | 1217. | Charter of the Forest | Statutes of the Realm | 5 | 1223. | A Wrestling-Match and Disturbances in London | Annals of Dunstable | 9 | 1224. | The Coming of the Friars | Monumenta Franciscana | 10 | 1224. | The Rule of St. Francis | Monumenta Franciscana | 13 | 1226. | Papal Demands for Prebends | Roger of Wendover | 16 | 1227. | Henry Annuls the Grants made during his Minority | Roger of Wendover | 18 | 1232. | Accusations against Hubert de Burgh | State Trials | 19 | 1233. | The Poitevin Invasion | Roger of Wendover | 21 | 1238. | The Papal Legate at Oxford | Matthew Paris | 23 | 1240-44. Papal Exactions | Matthew of Westminster | 25 | 1242. | The English in France | Matthew of Westminster | 27 | 1248. | The King vexes his Subjects | Matthew Paris | 32 | 1249. | A Change of Ruler in Scotland | John of Fordun | 34 | 1253. | The Misdeeds of the Seneschal of Gascony | John of Fordun | 35 | 1254. | Ireland granted to Edward | Historical Documents (Ireland) | 37 | 1254-57. The Sicilian Crown | Matthew Paris | 37 | 1258. | Expulsion of the Poitevins | Annals of Waverley | 40 | 1258. | King consents to Election of Twenty-Four | Rymer's Foedera | 41 | 1258. | Provisions of Oxford | Annals of Burton | 42 | 1261. | Henry repudiates the Provisions | Matthew of Westminster | 48 | 1263. | Queen insulted by the Londoners | William Rishanger | 50 | 1263. | The Battle of Largs | Androw of Wyntoun | 50 | 1264. | The Mise of Amiens | Rymer's Foedera | 52 | 1264. | The Battle of Lewes | Continuation of Paris | 53 | 1264. | Views of the King and Barons concerning the Government of England | The Song of Lewes | 56 | 1264. | The Miseries of Civil War | Chronicon ThomÆ Wykes | 59 | 1264. | De Montfort's Scheme of Government | Rymer's Foedera | 60 | 1265. | The Evesham Campaign | Continuation of Paris | 62 | 1265. | Character of De Montfort | Continuation of THE GROWTH OF PARLIAMENT AND THE WAR WITH SCOTLAND (1216-1307)
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